Who is god ?
Since everyone has his own opinion, I wanted to see who most of the people think is God. If none of the above please comment...
Allah | 7 | |
Jesus | 13 | |
There isn't a God | 90 | |
jesus is the son of God | 52 | |
The founders of IIN | 17 |
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Since everyone has his own opinion, I wanted to see who most of the people think is God. If none of the above please comment...
Allah | 7 | |
Jesus | 13 | |
There isn't a God | 90 | |
jesus is the son of God | 52 | |
The founders of IIN | 17 |
Personally, I believe Jesus was the Son of God.
Even if you don't believe in his Divinity, you have to respect the way Christ routed his enemies and made complete Fools out of them.
And regardless he was a loving man, who did nothing but Good for the people.
In the Gospel of Mark he does encourage people to come with the sword to fight their brethren. So I would say he encouraged civil war.
Also if Jesus is God and the God from the Old Testament actually says he does evil as well as good. So therefore if you believe in the Bible then Jesus as God must have done evil because God himself says he does evil and creates darkness in the old testament.
The harm he did is that he started a new cult within Judaism. The proof is the Bible itself. Research the Torah.
The fact that you said Jesus did evil... Are you insane?
I've been a Christian my whole life so I think I'd know by now if what you're saying was possible, but as far as I know Jesus was the son of god, he did more good than you'll ever know and he did die on the cross to save our sins, but yet pretty much everyone on this planet still sins.
I can tell you're an Atheist which is fine, but don't start making things up to do with religion when you have no justifiable evidence.
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anything that's been said here, but I hate it when people say 'Well I've been a so and so all my life and if I haven't heard about it, then no one has.' Have you really studied all the relevant literature on christianity? It sure must have taken a long time. I heard that there are sections of the bible that were removed that contained passages about Jesus as a young boy. He did some very naughty things as a boy. Bad boy!
No, I'm not insane. No, I am not an Atheist. Jesus told people that he was the " son of yahweh", and some weak-minded people actually believed him. If I told you, that I was the son of a supernatural creature, would you believe me?
You stated that, "Jesus did more good than I'll ever know." Please tell me what these 'good' things are, as I am always willing to learn new things.
You are correct that Jesus died on a cross. This was a horrible form of Capital Punishment used during the time when Jesus lived.
Mark the Evangelist (author of the Gospel of Mark) also died a horrible death. The PEOPLE in Alexandria (modern-day Egypt), put a rope around his neck and dragged him through the streets, until he was dead. Ask yourself a question. Do people in civilized societies execute good people?
The fallacy of the Western system of beliefs, that one can have only one concrete set of beliefs.
I prefer to think of God as the Taoists describe. Everything, the energy of the world, ineffable.
If you really think deep about it. God is not down with religion. Religion is just a way to have a spritual bond with God. But you really don't need to be a part of one to be one with God. God is all around us. We take God in every time we breathe. If we don't get God for 3 minutes, the first thing we lose is conciousnes. So it's like we depend on God for survival. God doesn't speak english, spanish, french, italian, etc. God doesn't answer to prayers of the poeple. God listens to the groans and beats of our hearts. It's just you and God.
The great unknown.
Not many options. What, are there only 2 religions in the world? Why is "I don't know" not an answer?
im unconvinced, i frankly dont know if there is a god at all, but cannot say for sure that there isnt. but im thinking that if there was a god its complexity would escape any chance of understanding from human minds. and i also dont think he would be the biblical sexist, homophobic, vengefull god.
What we call "God" is inside us, that voice u hear when u pray is you... God is a coping mechinism that we turn to when were excited or sad, when we wanna show an outpour of emotion or an apreciation of lifes experinces religious people turn to "God" not knowing they are talking to them selfs... We are god in the sence that we have the abilty to dictate what we do in our lifes and the way we feel about the world around us...
God is who ever you want it to be. God can be anything and everything. But the real God is science.
I'm not sure but can You guess where I like to rest my ball-sack at night? You can't?
Why I'm starting to Think it went over your head.
You are very rude. You purport to understand 'good', but what I see is ignorance and ill manners.
you are a douche. as long people don't let their ideologies interfere with other lives, do whatever you want. The best bet to disprove christianity, is the original story of horus the son god. which the christians simply just copied. Jesus easily could of been a real person, and if that's true, he was a prophet. the search for god won't be found in our life time. Being alive is simply scary without an answer, it's a weird existence. psychedelics are probably the best bet we have, right now. rupert sheldrake found a field called a morphigenetic field that can trace back our inheretence to a collective subconscious. We still don't know anything. why don't you stop being an annoying asshole.
The most votes are "there isnt a god" I think I have regained some hope for the world
I believe that God is the creator of Heaven&Earth as well as the Creator of the Universe ;) Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God is Anything&Everything that He/She/It Created...AMEN to this!!! :D
Silly human beings you are all god being played out as a hologram. Your ego is as much of a illusion as your concept of god and the devil. You are a void in which all things are inhabited. I (you) are god and so are your creations and the things that created you. You have no problems. Since you are everything you are responsible for everything. Lovin it.
I have no idea truthfully. I would like to think that he watches us from above but there is no proof. All I know is that I exist and I just rely on myself on life. If he really exists well, I guess he would be happy I exist. I do more of what's right than wrong in this world and I'm not going to change it.
Nobody will ever force me to go to church and believe in a God that may exist and nobody will ever force me to not believe in him either.
i excpected a shit ton of its me or i ams but you guys did pretty serius bout this
There may or may not be a god who can tell noone really even science dont seem to deny the possibility...
I don't know, but I believe in a higher power/s. I think "Gods" appearance reflects what we are most comfortable with. I don't believe he's a he or a she or white or black or Oriental or w/e.