Who is more important?

I have a health problem, so I find myself many times in the Emergency room in hospital. Now what makes me so angry is that kids are always seen as more important. I can be in terrible pain but if a kid comes in they are immediately seen to, even though they are playing around and laughing, clearly not an emergency,
but because its a kid they get seen to first, even though there are others much more in dire need to see the doctor.Why should kids get in first, its like you are penalized just because you are an adult.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • charli.m


    Mods...you let this through a day ago already.

    OP...you posted this already...just cos you delete me doesn't mean I can't still see you.

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    • Isanlapsi

      Sorry, still getting a used social- media. Pressed the wrong butten.

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  • bananapie

    Because children whine/cry much more and the staff want to get them out faster? Haha, nah I don't know. I agree that it's stupid that kids with minor injuries get treatment before adults that are in more need for it.

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  • Hamartia

    Because children aren't old enough to be responsible for their own health and don't yet know enough about their bodies, they kind of have to be taken care of, even if their issue seems, on the face of it, less important than yours.

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  • Swan_Theif9854

    Children are the future!

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  • megadriver

    Cause kids are seen as high priority. A kid with a cough is more important than a 50-something year old with a broken leg.
    Happened when my dad had to have some tests done before heart surgery. A kid with a major cold was seen as more important. Good thing in our hospitals is, that if you pull out 5-10 Euros, the doctors take you in immediately.
    That's what we did. I know kids are important, but my dad ain't gonna wait with heart trouble, cause a kid has a runny nose!

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  • I don't know what you are talking about, I was there the other day and the nurse decided to have me go in before the children there...

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  • TheCynicalDouche

    Because kids are pure and unselfish. You are clearly a withered old cunt who is selfish. You are also British or from some british crown controlled colony, since you said, "go to hospital" instead of THE hospital or A hospital. Get over yourself.

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    • You have a serious problem, read the post properly they never said "go to hospital". You should check yourself into THE HOSPITAL, find out what's the matter with you.

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