Who is more likely to use the internet instead of books?

we all know people, or are persons who are chronically isolated from others. some seem to be that way because they want to be that way and are often intellectually oriented and/or generally not social, but don't care that they don't spend much time in the company of others. some avoid and/or are avoided by others even though they wish they had more of a fulfilling social life. the question is, do you think that people who are either lonely/alone rely more on the internet or on books for mental stimulation and to pass the time?

CHOOSE to be alone read books more/LONELY use internet more 40
CHOOSE to be alone use internet more/LONELY read books more 38
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Aleks85

    What can books do for me that TV can't? Besides using my imagination I can't think of anything.

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  • justanordinarygirl

    I like to be alone when I'm reading and on the internet. When I'm on the computer, I hate it when somebody stands over my shoulder-- that's the worst. That being said, I still go out and socialize with my friends and family. It's not as if most of us are complete recluses, but everybody needs their alone time.

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  • detroitlove81

    what are books?

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  • peterr

    Do you ever look up stuff for sexual gratification?

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    That's not much of a poll.

    Some of us use the internet to read books.

    1) Some of my favorite authors have their books available online... I can download them in a DRM-free format or read them online. (and they're usually cheaper than the printed version)

    2) Fanfiction ;)

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  • cherrytomato

    you can read books online, but too much time staring at the computer its bad for your eyes, i love to read books before go to bed.

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  • Mastersash

    what an oddd question.

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    • Sorry, i dont see it as odd, as it applies to many peoples` situations...

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Should check out the nook

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