Who's life would you rather save?

Me and this guy have gotten into an arguement on youtube, as the scenario is: "There is a fat man who is an executive next to a train track and 5 illegal immigrants stuck on the track. The train is out of control and can not be stopped. Pushing the fat man onto the track would stop the train and save their lives but kill the fat man". Who would life would you rather save...The fat man's, who adds value to the economy or the illegal immigrants who add no value? I say save the fat man but he thinks indifferently.

The fat man 49
The five people 65
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Comments ( 73 )
  • anti-hero

    "...illegal immigrants who add no value..."

    Yeah, perhaps you should take a class in economics before you start talking out of your ass.

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    • VioletTrees

      Yeah, my racism sense is tingling.

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      • But they could be Polish or Romanian immigrants. They dont have to be Mexican or Chinese.

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        • Shroot

          why are you being racist?

          My grandad was Polish and took a back full of shrapnell for his country in the war, he and a friend escaped from a concerntration camp in Russia, he moved to England and worked as a plumber, he worked extremeley long and hard, payed taxes, payed bills, raised a family, put money into a trust fund for myself, and spent whatever little money he had left on guiness.

          So how fucking dare you, say immigrants have no value. you filthy bastard.

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          • VioletTrees


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          • squeallikeasacofpigs


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          • Oh come on... People are looking way too deeply into this. The other people thought that I was being a white supremacist or something, so I just randomly chose a country where white immigrants would be most likely to come from to prove race isn't a factor but rather the legality of their citizenship (and no, Im not saying Poles are illegal immigrants)

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            • Erik963

              don't worry buddy. You were correct. Poles are illegal dumb drunken vodka fuckers. They are nothing more just gypsies with a white skin. They are rude, heartless and selfish, ignoring every culture and appropriate everything they can. They are worthless immigrant. Of course not all of them. The guy above you is just stupid idiot who needs some attention. Obviously if his grandpa was as good as he says, he would not fight over him like a pussy. I believe that actions he made would be enough of an evidence to believe he is a good person, but I don't think he believes that, otherwise he would not fight and call people bastards.

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        • VioletTrees

          Are you American?

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          • JustDave

            No, he or she is an Asshole.

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          • No. I am not.

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        • VioletTrees

          That's still racist, though.

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          • I never even mentioned race. You guys just assumed that because they are aliens, they have to be of a non-white race.

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            • VioletTrees

              "Racist" might not be the right word. But this post is ridiculously classist. The idea that the life of an executive is worth more than those of five undocumented workers is disgusting.

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    • davesumba

      maybe you should do some research before you talk out YOUR ass. i can't talk for other countries, but I've done a couple research projects on illegal immigrants in the United States, and they cost the country more than they contribute.

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      • anti-hero

        Maybe you should think outside of your little USA box from time to time.

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  • DarkBlue

    Wait..I get the main idea behind the story (the illegal immigrants or the executive) but there's something very uncomfortable about it..You said the fat man is standing next to the track, he was not going to die anyway, right? Wouldn't pushing him be a murder? If you're strong or big enough, you can throw yourself unto the track and push away the immigrants..There you go you saved both the immigrants and the fat man, and you would have a clear conscience :P

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  • Isabella80s

    How I see it is - save one human or five humans...

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  • bananaface

    I'm not sure. If we're keeping it as an imaginary scenario, and just answering based on what we believe, then the fat man gets it. I'd save the five immigrants.

    However, if I'm trying to imagine this as a real event, assuming I even had the strength to push the man onto the track and that I knew that pushing the executive would save the immigrants, I don't think I could actually do it. It seems like my action would have to be quick, almost a reflex, and I can't imagine that I'd ever push someone onto a train track. I know that hypothetically, more people end up dead. I'm not sure what I'd do. I think what I'd want to happen, and what would actually happen, would end up being two different things.

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  • VioletTrees

    It seems highly unlikely that a man could be fat enough to stop a train.

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  • AssBurgers

    I'd kill the fat man and enslave the 5 immigrants.

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    • SeverusFan23

      That's not very nice.

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      • AssBurgers

        Hey, I just saved their lives, the least they can do is serve me eternally.

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        • SeverusFan23

          Murder is wrong and so is enslavement. -_-

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          • AssBurgers

            I know, that's why I like it.

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            • SeverusFan23


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  • NotStrangeBird

    The brakes on this train are inoperative because the executive cut the maintenance budget and hired illegal immigrants to do the work.

    He then gave himself a raise.

    I would happily shove the fatass executive into the path of the train, Immigrants or not.

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    • SeverusFan23

      You're cruel. No one should have to die like that. Not even the overweight. I'd be more concerned for the fat guy than the immigrants.

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      • NotStrangeBird

        All hail our corporate masters.

        Don't worry about the immigrants. They'll be cleaning up the mess afterwards.

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        • SeverusFan23


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  • DaemonWolf

    This is a moral and ethics question. The first stage is to say you're the train driver and the breaks are not working. The track divides in front of you and you have the decision to go left which has 5 people working on the track and kill them all or to the right where there is only 1 person working on the track. Which route do you take?
    Most people agree that it is ethically correct to go down the right route and kill 1 man.

    The same dilemna can be formulated as the OP did. But in this case you have to act in pushing one man onto the track and saving 5 others.
    Less people think it is ethically correct to push the 1 man and save the others. It's interesting to consider why one is more ethically correct than the other, when basically its the same dilemna.

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    • Legion

      yeah, i agree, the fact that they just pushed someone in the path of a train would haunt them with guilt, and possibly a jail sentence, even if it saved the lives of 5 others.

      I doubt the courts would see that you pushing the fat man on the tracks saved 5 others. they may acknowledge it, but to the law, its murder.

      now, if the fat man had a gun, with the intent to shoot you, then its self defense.

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  • kelili

    If I have to choose between five strangers and an acquaintance I would choose the person I know. I'm only human

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  • This poll and comments is the funniest thing ive read on here in a while.

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  • kr24

    For those saying he is racist, you all reacted to quickly to this story. He isn't pointing at any race, let alone he is hating on them. Wherever OP is from, he would probably consider that illegal emigrants of his country are also unproductive.

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  • x1frosty16

    The 5 men. Not because the fat man is fat but because you would save 5 lives instead of 1.

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  • myownopinions

    This is a psychology question that I've seen before. When asked if you would rather save 5 people or 1 person, most choose the 5 people. When asked to kill one person to save 5 people, most choose not to kill the 1 person.

    The immigrants and executive part are just additives that go along with other moral questions about saving "good" or "bad" people.

    Either way, I'd choose not to kill. I'm not 'saving' the fat man. I'm just not being a murderer.

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  • Retard73

    No one will die if u push the fatty on the tracks stupid!

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    • But he would. Him stopping the train means his demise.

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      • Retard73

        I dont think that he would, his fat would stop the damage of organs

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        • kelili


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        • SeverusFan23

          No it wouldn't. He would die horribly. That is cruel to say that.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I would let them die. If the only way to save them was to murder an innocent bystander. I wouldn't do anything. The economy has nothing to do with it.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    I think everyone here is missing the point that they're ILLEGAL immigrants. Everyone just sees the word immigrant and goes into OMG moral high ground im a good person 21st Century PC rant. Like chill out. He's right, illegal immigrants can only take from society. Pay taxes? No. Pay National insurance? No. Drain on society.

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    • Thank you. Everyone's going on a massive tangent about how racist I am and what a white supremacist I am, when I never even mentioned race, but rather legality status. At least one person gets it.

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  • SeverusFan23

    I would save the fat man. I don't really care about illegal immigrants.

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  • kelili

    The five immigrants would push the fat man on the track.

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    • bananaface

      I'm not entirely sure why, but this comment is hilarious. It's making me laugh quite a lot:P. Poor fat man!

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  • Lolaa

    Why push some random person against his will? He should decide if he wants to save those people... Not us... That would be concidered as murder.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    the five people considering that the man is so fat he can slow a train and will mostly like die pretty soon of high blood pressure.

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    • SeverusFan23

      No he couldn't slow a train down.

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      • kelili

        Considering that he could...

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        • SeverusFan23

          No he couldn't. He'd be sliced in half like a big onion under a razor sharp butcher knife. You take a dummy to the railtracks and you see how easy it is for a person (big or small) to be sliced apart and killed almost instantly. -_-

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  • Erik963

    5 lives over one, but if immigrants were stupid enough to actualy sit on the tracks and wait till they die then be it. Why would someone who has family and life kill himself to save 5 trouble makers ?

    Either ways in real life speculations, fat man wouldnt stop the train by jumping and immigrant would obviously not sit on the tracks, therefor arguing over such a thing is pointless.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    Executives... add value? Bfff.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

    Oh, you weren't joking you say?

    =_= You seriously believe that one fat executive is worth more than five hard working immigrants? What country do you live in, again?

    If it's the USA, this country was BUILT by immigrants, so up your's bitch.

    No, this isn't about race. Hell, we're ALL immigrants, or at least the DESCENDANTS of them. The only one's who aren't are the fucking Native Americans, and we decided it was okay to kill most of those guys.

    "You're looking into this too much." "You're being too serious." And you, my frenemy, are a terrible troll.

    Sit on a stick and rotate for a while, will you? ^_~

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    • Yes, I guess measuring the value of a life by monetary value wasnt the best way to go about it. I live in the UK, so Im not really an immigrant, although I can be considered because my ancestors settled as invading tribes from Norway, Germany and Russia hundreds of years ago.

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  • PapzBSlim

    Your thought process is not the same. You will find out soon that you will be the minority in this argument. You will lose because you seem pretty biased on the thought.

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  • Sog

    Let the fat man decide for himself if he wants to jump onto the track to save the other men. Pushing him in is murder.

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    • Retard73

      Then so be it.

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  • howaminotmyself

    What kind of executive?

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    • A CEO of Shell or anyother huge conglomeration.

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      • howaminotmyself

        Well now I want to push him onto the track.

        Seriously, I couldn't do the pushing. If all were stuck, then I would opt for the one, and not the group. That is, if I were driving the train and there were two tracks.

        If I just had to watch it happen, the option of pushing another individual into the situation would not cross my mind. I'm not sure how I would learn the strangers social standings in such a split second decision.

        Is the fat man's car nearby?

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  • dom180

    I've heard of this scenario before, or something similar. The fat man should obviously the the one who dies. I'd rather no-one has to die, but one man is always worth less than 5 men.

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    • NoraBaker

      I was surprised to see you answer that. I would have imagined you, for some preconceived notion I may have of you, thinking along the lines of "what has the fat man got to do with it in the first place?" But that's actually my take on it. Why were those 5 men stuck there to begin with? Ah, I can never answer these! But I agree with the base reasoning of your argument - losing 1 is better than losing 5. I would just find it really upsetting to *be* that fat man, I guess. "Fuck, I had nothing to do with this! I was just waiting for the damn train, then some asshole pushed me!"

      So it wouldn't really be a matter of "saving" him, but killing him to save the other five.

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      • dom180

        Yah, I think you've got to presume that the five men aren't really at fault for anything and they they just happen to tied to the tracks for reasons that are disconnected from the fact they are immigrants who don't contribute financially to society. My problem with the OP was that they were trying to measure the worth of someone's life by how much money they are contributing to society, which is just fraught with problems.

        It's all tied up in the fact that people feel more responsible for the death of the fat man than the death of the five men, because the fat man would have died from their (the observer's) action whereas the five men would only have died from the observer's lack of action. People always seem to feel more guilty if something bad happens because they did something as opposed to something bad happening because they didn't do something.

        Obviously you'd be pretty pissed if you were the fat man, but you be pissed if you were either of the five men as well, I guess :/ Hey, here's a thought... maybe it was the fat man who tied the 5 men to the tracks! :O

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        • MissyLeyneous

          "My problem with the OP was that they were trying to measure the worth of someone's life by how much money they are contributing to society, which is just fraught with problems."


          In the real world, people do not contribute "money" to society. People contribute "value" to society, and receive "payment/money" to themselves. Generally, executives do very little real work and get paid a lot, while the blue collar and no collar workers get paid in table scraps. (I say "generally" because maybe there are some good exec's out there, who knows...)

          Let's redefine our terms to better understand this:

          "Currency" = Paper/metal that represents "money".
          "Money" = Something of tangible value. Precious metals is a good example.
          "Value" = How much one form of money can trade for another form of money. For example, how much it costs to buy a loaf of bread with "currency" that represents "money".

          (Unfortunately, we are currently under the "fiat" currency system. In this system the currency has been detached from the value of real money (aka gold/silver)... with detrimental consequences. But this is another story entirely...)

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