Who well do you connect with people

I never connect with people. Most people ive met in my life has eventually abandoned me with the famous words "we are too different". I am bad at sharing with people. I dont tell them my thoughts and feelings because I am scared of jugdment. I am different so my experiences in life are complicated and different. They wouldnt get it and because of that they would judge and abandon me but the problem is they still do because they say I am too closed or quiet and I only ever share neutral things with them. They dont know me even if a long time passes. So my tactic fails everytime. I am considering doing the opposite from now on. I tell people whats on my mind and I risk sounding silly by declaring my emotions for people in my life, like if I like them a lot or if im very upset with them, and I share everything about my life and i'll see if that works better. If it doesnt I just dont know what I do. It seems my problem is being secretive hence even appearing judgmental. Because I am so careful with being percieved properly they think I hold everyone to the same standard. Truth is I only care how I am percieved, though if someone acts obnoxious in public I prefer to not be associated with that person for my own sake but from a personal point of view I dont care.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Somenormie

    No one at the moment.

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  • Irizu3748392746483938


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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    I don't and that's exactly how I like it.

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  • It sounds like from what I am reading you have met the wrong people.

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  • LornaMae

    I connect really well but with a very particular 'class of people'.

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