Who wins world war iii?
USA | 250 | |
European Union | 141 | |
Russia | 73 | |
South-East Asia (Japan/China) | 161 | |
Arab countries (Iraq/Iran) | 33 | |
Oceania (Australia/New-zealnd) | 43 |
Ask Your Question today
USA | 250 | |
European Union | 141 | |
Russia | 73 | |
South-East Asia (Japan/China) | 161 | |
Arab countries (Iraq/Iran) | 33 | |
Oceania (Australia/New-zealnd) | 43 |
Japan and China.Because they are smart and will have perfect giant mechas by then.They will be powered by angst ridden teens.
The Earth wins as humans finally wipe themselves out and nature can get back into balance.
Except that in order to wipe ourselves out during a world war we'd probably have to wipe out most other living things. In which case nature as we know it would be demolished along with us.
This idea that there was this perfect balance in nature before humanity is crap, by the way. Before we evolved to where we are today there was never equilibrium. There was a constant but mostly gradual change. A change marked by evolution, by altering climates and shifting tectonic plates. Species that failed to adapt or overcome adversity died out - even down to the trees, down to the grass, down to the bacteria. The only constant is change, and that change continues and will continue after humanity disappears.
NOBODY "WINS" a war they just stop fighting. i can tell you who loses...those that gave up there life for one of these unwinnable government fucks
Are people actually serious when they vote for Oceania? :S Good luck on that front ;) I'd say that whilst I think nobody would actually survive a WWIII simply because of nuclear weapons and WMDs and what not, if I had to choose I would probably go with either the European Union or the US. The EU because of its sheer size, however the fact that there are cultural differences between the countries means that there are cracks in its foundation and that would probably all fall through in the event of a WWIII, so I guess my bet would be with the US...it makes the most sense, they're the world's superpower, their economy makes up 25% of the world's GDP, their military capacity is 10 times larger than that of China's which comes in second place...so the US for sure :)
but like ~L~ said...do NOT underestimate NORTH KOREA!...
Are any of you aware that the Communist Chinese Army owns two of the largest shipping companies on this planet?
They need no money from the government and are completely financially autonomous.
However Japan & China have always been mortal enemies so the two will never team up.
The US hasn't even won a police action since WWII, so there's not much chance that they would do well at all. The Muslims are too fragmented to achieve anything more than terror.
The EU still has no stomach for war after two world wars on their soil.
Oceania (Australia/New-zealnd) couldn't muster enough soldiers to capture a small city anywhere, so forget THAT one completely.
Russia couldn't afford to go to war and their corruption would cause any effort to implode.
So put your money on Red China and learn Mandarin soon!
The european union cant go to war as a whole, half its members are neutral! You mean european countries like England, Germany, France or Italy and in what world war have they ever been allies? But yes the european union was made to stop things like world wars so maybe they would work together. But its not gonna happen anyway
Guess what, no one wins because if we actually have a WWIII we all die. Someone, whoever it is will pull the trigger to use nuclear bombs and kill the planet. No one, will survive.
well no shit it hasn't happened. this is just seeing who you think will win it.
The European union has the most land, my bet would be on them. They have the likes of the British and Russian army, plus all the other European countries on top of that.
First of all, the Triton nuclear submarine floating off the coast of china would make it very hard for the Yellow Peril to launch any nukes. And if any of their nukes did survive the blistering onslaught of nuclear fire that descends upon them, they will be largely ineffective.
So that rules china out.
As for Russia, what do we have to fear from them? M.A.D.? Maybe. But again, a re-emptive assault on Russian nuclear silos negates the major threat from Russia. The only countries that should be even a tad afraid of Russia are those that are in immediate contact. Tanks, tanks, tanks. The Reds do love tanks.
So Russia can be ruled out.
The Muslims? LOL I say unto you.
Australia? Maybe, MAYBE if we annihilate each other with nukes they might pick up the pieces. But I'll be goddamned if I ever say barby.
As for a WWIII without nukes, America all the way. While it's tru that no nation has ever won a war on two fronts, there is a caveat with it: the war would never reach the continental united states. This nation can send a cruise missile into a foxhole 3000 miles away. So I really don't think any Russian/Chinese/Arab/Australian(lol) boats or planes make it to the US. We would bomb the shit out of every single military installation in Asia.
So, I guess America is my answer.
And it's almost cute how ignorant you are. We may be pretty messed up with the warring in the Middle East, but if WW3 does come, at very least our homeland will be completely invincible, meaning that even if all of the EU, Middle East, and Asia team up, they won't be able to get us by the air, that is absolutely for sure, and you can't deny it. Nobody can! We got the title of superpower of the world for a reason, and we won't let a nuke or two (thousand, even) take that away.
We aren't as stupid as the rest of the world makes us out to be. All of this said, it is completely undeniable that we have problems (govt. is out of money, obesity, poor war decisions in the Middle East, etc), but when war comes, we pull together to make an unstoppable force. If you send a nuke our way, we can blast it out of the sky, either with counter-nukes/missles, or cutting-edge laser technology(yes, for those who don't know it, the technology to destroy a missle with a laser indeed does exist in reality). That means we can also take out any planes that come our way, which in turn means that anyone that wants us dead needs to come in by sea, or travel through Canada or Mexico.
We have border patrols, and they might not be that good (yes, once again, we have problems), but if anyone tries to invade, they won't get far. So yes, go ahead and call us stupid naive pricks that sit around eating all day, but know this: Stereotyping a person or country can- and most likely will- get you killed.
I really have to say, though, I don't think that WW3 would be as bad as the other comments say, because the nukes would (mostly) be launched towards other warring countries, and most of the countries have missle defense systems, and the nukes would just create more "no-fly" zones. As for ground troops, that's another story altogether. While I agree with Enizzle about how the Middle East would fail, the Russians are not to be underestimated because of how they prefer tanks. The EU is extremely powerful, too, but here's how I see it:
WW3 starts
UN is all fighting as one, Russia tries to attack America with cruise missles/nukes launched over the Pacific. America is distracted on the entire West side, and the rest of Asia and the Middle East(maybe) try to hit the Atlantic coast. Everyone hates America, I know. The countries in the UN in Europe take out those nukes, and any helicopters/planes are taken out at the coast. The UN and EU call truce if they didn't already, and go have a barby in Austrailia.
This is just how I see it happening. If you have another story, please don't go trolling on me. If you think I'm one of those America>everything people, you're wrong. Check my account for proof.
Those of us hidden in our corners of the world, growing our own food, living in harmony with the land.....we will win because we will be alive.
Those living in dissonance with the land are being forced off the planet by every element imaginable. Just take a peek at the news.
What you call WWIII is already happening. Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, oil spills, explosions.....each day the "losers" are dying. Which side are you on?
Are you a creator or a destroyer? A good guy, or a bad guy? You might want to give it some thought. It isn't "God" you have to fear it is Mother Nature herself.
I swear on the life of sweet baby Jesus that the Jews will kick everyones asses in WWIII. NO doubt about it!
There will be no WWIII because Obama has fixed everything he said he would! I just got my flying pig in the mail today! You'll get yours soon he promised we'd all get one tax free!! Yipee!
GOD'S people will win. The people left will get a one world government, with the anticrist as the leader. He will get a temple 'the tribulation temple' built for him on the temple mount 'where solomens temple was, israel'.
Mexico of course! alone agaisnt the world! haha just jokking! no man, nobody would win, Its being said that if the 3rd ww ever happen 85% of the global population would die. not just because of being shelled or guns but also cause of the shortages of food, water, etc and radiation.
eventhough I don't wish it to happen I'm plenty sure it will occur soon later..
i am american and picked asia i think america is too easy on people and we could beat anyone if we wanted to but are too worried about the rules
Clearly the Americans using no intelligence and just voting for their country, in-fact Russia is more deadly than America so Europe all the way
no, we'll be in the middle of world war three when aliens come, but scientist aren't paying attention because of WWIII so they will come and not like us because we are verry violent and kill us all, and take our planet and fix it from the mess we left it in :)
Russia and China will team up and over power the rest of us by their numbers.
We, the people will lose.
That's for sure, like it has always been, that's the only thing we should care about for once.
Which country shouldn't matter, when victory only means sacrificing less people over a dispute caused by people who don't care about who lives or dies.
I'd be routing for the USA, but I voted Russia because they have a shitton of nukes.
Nobody! Everyone would lose after the americans and the russians fire the nukes!
Dude, Japan is in North-East Asia and China is in East and Northeast Asia. Southeast Asia is like Thailand, Indonesia, etc.
Oceania because they'll probably have nothing to do with it! Pacifist here and don't believe war is the answer. It disgusts me. There is so much wrong with the entire concept and as supposedly evolved human beings, we should be ashamed. Not to mention the reasons why wars start....
Where is china? I was going to vote that. I have no faith in the other countries at this point. I am not from china either. Considering all the debt everyone has gone into lately.
I chose China/Japan. I am from the U.S and *clears throat* we aren't winning shit!
pan-eurasian interest sphere.
In other words:
European Union, Russia, China.
Both Russia and China are entangling more and more with the EU economically and politically. And they all have sufficient military power to heavily contribute. Then again, the US is probably too decadent to lose and would unleash their nuclear arsenal, in a "If we can't win, nobody can"-move.
So the true winners would be Polynesia for probably being one of the only countries untouched by nuclear holocaust.
I love the way USA convinced everyone to disarm from nuclear weapons, so every country gave away some shitty puny ones and secretly kept a few bigger ones :)
Think about it, a single country from Europe could fight every nation in the world for 4 f*cking years, that was germany,.....now imagine this whole rich continent.......
Who honestly knows, perhaps everyone will get killed by nukes. Or perhaps, hopefully, WWIII won't happen.
Everyone will win. Everyone will die.
People who survive are going to be radiation poisoned, future children will be shortlived, sick, and deformed.
Most of the life as we know it on this planet will just die.
Humans would die off completely.
does any1 give a shit whos wins no1 actully gets a trophy and i actully want to go on facebook now and then instead of listening to nukes going off
No one. Fallout and Nuclear Winter will kill off most of mankind. Civilization will be down the toilet.