Who would win?

Who would win a fight in an octagon with MMA rules? Mike Tyson in his prime or Bruce Lee in his prime?

I imagine most people would say Bruce Lee, due to his kicks and grappling abilities, but you can't underestimate Tyson's power and speed. I think if he could dodge Lee's side kick he could possibly get in quick enough to land one of his famous uppercuts or hooks and that would be game over.

What do yous think?

Bruce Lee 10
Mike Tyson 14
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Comments ( 9 )
  • TerriAngel

    I dont know, but it would sell tickets, and make millions on PPV.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Mike Tyson was like 5 times his size and had more experience in competition. Bruce Lee had some karate point fighting experience but through size and power id say Tyson would win in like 15 seconds.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno who would win, I hope it would be Bruce Lee.

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  • LloydAsher

    Mike Tyson no doubt. In both their primes tyson out weighs bruce Lee by 100 lbs. Size isnt everything but it's something to contend with especially if you are expected to get punched.

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    • I can imagine them both pouncing at the same time, Lee fakes a jab and throws a side kick, while Tyson launches in with the lead uppercut. I think whoever wins that exchange would have the advantage.

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      • LloydAsher

        Mike tyson has more experience in fights than bruce Lee. Fakes are just something one can try to use. Though I think mike would be able to see through a fake.

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  • --

    Tyson. Then he would rape a teenager.

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  • Meowypowers

    Bruce lee was tiny and an overrated holywood karate nothing. Mike tyson would kill him with one hit. Either way, any well trained mma fighter would destroy them both in an octogon.

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    • You say any well trained mma fighter, so wouldn't that give Lee a chance against Tyson? His whole philosophy was basically to never limit yourself to one style and be able to adapt to any situation. I also think Tyson would definitely stand a chance against modern mma fighters, before he was a boxer he was an extremely dangerous street fighter. He used to mug grown men at age 11 without a weapon.

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