Who would win in a battle?

Who would win in a battle to the death?

3 People with kitchen knives 10
1 Person with a longsword wearing a knife-proof vest 20
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Comments ( 13 )
  • RoyyRogers

    Depends are any trained in combat. Are any of them naturally good fighters. Are any of them naturally athletic. How old is each person. How am I suppose to answer this when you give no detail? If you asking us to choose which knife is better or that we would prefer that's a different story

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  • The safer bet is on the three people. A knife vest might help for a gentlemanly duel, but in a fight for survival you wouldn't gently push against Kevlar, not when the neck and legs are available

    On top of that, if the three are cunning enough, they'll tire the longswordsman out with simple cardio exercises. After that it's a simple game of cat and mouse, get him to make a move that will make him vulnerable for a few seconds and any number of the three could easily land a few fatal blows

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    It depends on the surroundings. Whether or not the guy with the sword has room to move. Whether or not the ppl with knives are athletic. Theres alot of factors. But I think with equal training 3 knives wins.

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  • olderdude-xx

    The person who is best trained and can hold themselves together.

    Any trained single swordsman would make mincemeat out of 3 untrained people with Knives in short order.

    Any single trained knife fighter will take down an untrained swordsman rather quickly. The other two just add a distraction.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    That depends who's more scared. Are any of the combatants trained in the art of fighting with a blade? If so probably the sword. If not the knives.

    If the group works togother and accepts someone is going to get hurt they could finish the sword very quickly

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  • LloydAsher

    3 would win. A knife proof vest is just a vest. Dont forget the other areas where you can die if you get a knife stab or cut.

    A longsword? What are we talking about here a 6ft Zweihänder or just a sword that was made for two handed use? Neither really make a difference as a three person rush would gurentee the death of the sword weilder as long as those three people attacked from 3 different positions and have basic eye coordination.

    Heck the main strategy would to tackle him to the ground and then start to stab him to death. He could feasibly only kill a single person if done within a coordinated time. A long sword would be pretty useless in the range of where knives would be the most threat.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Me with a gun. 🤠👍🏻

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    I'd pay money to watch a cage match between Merrick Garland & Betty White.
    My money would be on Betty.

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    • I looked up Merrick Garland but all I saw were pictures of Dumbo

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  • Somenormie

    I would like to think the 1 person with a longsword wearing a knife-proof vest would win.

    Assuming the knife-proof vest is a kevlar type the 3 people with kitchen knives could aim for the neck ( which could be the outcome )

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    • What if that person didn't wear a vest at all? Would he still win?

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      • LloydAsher

        My plan would just to tackle him. A long sword is too long to parry 3 knives.

        A short sword and sheild would be a better matchup in those circumstances.

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      • Somenormie

        Well in that case most likely not.

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