Who would win in a civil war between the republicans and democrats?
A civil-war breaks out in America between the 2 parties and their supporters. Who will win?
Republicans | 22 | |
Democrats | 9 |
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A civil-war breaks out in America between the 2 parties and their supporters. Who will win?
Republicans | 22 | |
Democrats | 9 |
Democrats would get wrecked big time. The Republican side has most of the guns in America, and most of the testosterone as well.
I think that this is actually what it may come down to. The Democrats have removed republican platforms from social media saying that they’re “extremists” or spreading “false information”.
What theyre really doing is eradicating freedom of speech in the name of a vaccine.
I don't believe that the Democrats and Republicans are capable of having a civil war. An uncivil one yes...
As such, I view your question as not relevant as it presupposes a condition (civility) that I don't believe actually exists.
ITT: People think democrats don't own guns or control anything.
You guys do realize a significant amount of weapons and food in America is imported, right?
China, Russia, et al. wins as they laugh at the collapse of America.
Are you joking, you people who picked Republicans?! Don't you know that the disabled, queergender, ANTIFA, light infantry would destroy everything!
Are we talking if the army split? Its a complex thing but democrats are highly concentrated in cities and gun ownership for them is lower. Republicans are for the most part more in rural areas and have a culture of collecting guns. A lot of republicans grow up hunting and can shoot accurately and many could live in the woods easily. Republicans also have a higher rate of military experience. I dont think the democrats could win in a war. Cut off their food supply to their city and they'd surrender in a few weeks.
Republicans like to fancy themselves salt-of-the-earth redneck types with square jaws and plenty of gritty "school of hard knocks" life experience to go with the magical combat abilities that come with being a bigot. In reality, they are mostly petite bourgeois suburb-dwellers with overpriced, gas-guzzling vehicles and fancy boats. They are too convinced of their own knowledge to trust experts to any degree (examine their responses to any issue ever) and are unlikely to understand the basics behind things like logistics, supply chains, cooperation, the kind of complex science which goes into making the guns and weapons they like to stroke their miniscule weaners to whenever fancy boys like Tucker Carlson won't do the trick, etc.
Their inability to parse data properly, as well as their tendency to assume that simply having more guns is enough to win a fight is likely to result in them underutilizing strategy and consistently over or underestimating their opponents, due to their childish Hollywood-inspired fantasy that testosterone is the magic that wins wars. Considering their inability to appreciate modern medicine, such as vaccines, I would imagine that they would be sensitive to various forms of biological warfare (again, these wannabe-Rambo latent homosexuals think that stroking their guns and having a sexy jawline are all it takes to fight), and their lack of critical thought or ability to research things properly makes them vulnerable to any sort of conspiracy theory or factoid (like drinking bleach saving you from covid, which, I am told, is a hoax) that could cause them to engage in sectarian violence with one another, as well as any other sort of self-destructive behavior these overconfident, science-hating jackasses might engage in, if only to "trigger the libs!"
Right wing organizations have historically proven to be more vulnerable to left-wing infiltration than the other way around, making sectarian violence and paranoid self-sabotage more likely amongst these mongoloid yahoos who will refuse to eat their own states'/counties' soybeans during time of war due to their moronic belief that it will make them trans.
You are using too many stereotypes to explain away the legitimate strategic power of the rual areas and the republican core.
The simple study of how republicans can understand the thought process of democrats while most progressives are completely unable to understand the Republican thought process. Is enough of a blindspot that will blind you from seeing the actual picture.
"The simple study of how republicans can understand the thought process of democrats while most progressives are completely unable to understand the Republican thought process."
Most of you (including yourself, I would wager) are probably too fucking stupid to comprehend your own thought processes, let alone anyone else's. You spend your time jerking off to conspiracy theories and failing to understand basic science behind just about anything that goes against whatever your most recent gut-feeling has gotten you motivated to believe in.
I will reiterate; if you are so able to understand the progressive mind while remaining such a mystery to anyone but yourselves, why the fuck are you all so easily infiltrated while being so unable to infiltrate leftists yourselves? Your demographic homogeneity and over-reliance on eschatological fixations and hierarchical structures makes your ability to communicate information in a minimally schematic way a liability far more so than you like to imagine.
The progressives cant understand conservatives not the other way around. It's the progressives fucked up mindset that prevents them from understanding how bread and butter americans work. The progressive thinks that all homeless must be moved into vacant housing "because it's the right thing to do" without properly understanding what it means to own property. That kind of thought process the change just for change mindset will end their society since there is no actual order to the society besides the people funding the fuck ups..
"bread and butter american"
Only rural conservatives know this feeling. Only conservatives, who are more likely to be wealthy than other politcal tendencies, know what it's like to be a bread and butter american.
yes, i do think that all homeless should be moveed unto vacant housing. my uncle was homeless for most of his life because of alcoholism and mental illness, until he died of the former. my apologies, my mother says i'm beceoming like the guy ltaaatr dayt after day ind i swear to god o dont care...
to own propoertyyyy......
funding the fuckups like the rich you mean
????? have you seeen them.. the rich are pretty fucks upss if you know me. they ar pretty fucked up really, they just fuck upwards while ther esrt just keep geting stuck on the fycking bottom....
You’re forgetting that democrats have millions of undocumented illegal thugs on their side. They would win in a heartbeat, Obama would lead the pack.
Lol. Nope. The smart ones realize the dems don’t do shit for immigrants or inner city thugs.
Nah, because republicans still control almost all of food production. They could cut-off supplies to them and they'd starve to death.
Just wait until commie allies start airdropping food into big cities, you can’t underestimate the enemy.