Who would win in a fight?

Yes, who do you think would win in a fight? The average female atomweight fighter, or the average guy?

The average male ( 5'9 ft/175 cm, 180 lb/84 kg ) 6
The average female atomweight MMA fighter ( 5'1 ft/155 cm, 100 lb/45 kg ) 15
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Comments ( 19 )
  • Vvaas

    the woman since they're trained/experienced and have trained and conditioned their bodies compared to the average guy. size isn't everything, what matters is technique and experience in knowing which areas are the most vulnerable and where to attack

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    • What if the guy was extremely muscular, say like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but he has never been in a fight before in his life?

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      • Vvaas

        then it wouldn't be the average guy if he's built like arnold schwarzenegger lol. he'd probably have more of a chance of winning then however i still think the woman also has a chance in winning, since she'd be more experienced in fighting vs a guy who's never fought before.

        he'd have the strength but she'd have the experience and knowledge over him, so honestly it could end up going either way.

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      • RoseIsabella

        ... but the average guy isn't built like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Do you mean average mma fighter as in on tv mma fighter? Because I htink on tv mma fighter woman would beat a man, but I think "oh yeah, I do a mma on Wednesday" woman fighter wouldn't win.

    100 pounds though, you know, most of the time the guy is going to come out infront if he's 80 pounds heavier, that's just such an advantage.

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    • 12345678912

      With zero fight experience he would still probably loose. If ,as i suspect , the OP is talking about an average pro mma fighter or as you said tv mma fighter.

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  • Boojum

    So in the world of MMA, atoms weigh 45 kg?

    This confirms my suspicions that a basic level of intelligence is a disqualifying factor for MMA fighters.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    More times than not a 180lb guy beats up a 100lb girl regardless of training. But there are always exceptions. It also depends on how good she is. I hate to shit on womens MMA but most of the girls that arent champion are really bad.

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    • 12345678912

      OP said average, still beats average man. The average man has never been hit full force in the face or atleast not repeatedly by an athlete. Its not hard to find the explanation online but this is the reason why an expienced fighter will generally win over an average person. Basically the first punch or kick to the head causes someone not used to it's brain to shut down momentarily. At this point the fighter can really get to work as the opponent is in a daze. This is different to a good punch to the jaw causing wobbly legs or colapse but it does render the reciever(no matter of weight) useless temporarily.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Idk if you follow womens MMA but there isnt even a 100lb womens division in the UFC because it would be too boring. but if you watch the 115lb womens weight class if you are taking a female thats not in the top 15 highest rankings shes gonna suck ass. Most of the girls can not hurt eachother. They punch like theyre underwater. A man would just fuck them up unless hes a total sissy

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        • Meowypowers

          A trained girl will choke out even the biggest untrained men if she dodges his first punch.

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        • 12345678912

          I know the female UFC weight classes. If you read my post again you may understand better. If not .... whatever, i don't care and i know what i know.

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  • notmyrealname123

    what does this have to do with IIN

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  • Meowypowers

    A trained fighter will always win vs a dumb boy

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    • Debatable in this case.

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    • LloydAsher

      I assumed average inteligence man. Average inteligence is enough to assume the advantages and disadvantages of the opponent. Definitely a question when it comes to atomweight combatant. The guy could bench her weight. Not to mention the reach advantage he has.

      I would pay to see it. Either way I win.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    What why is she underweight? Lol

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    • It's not called " atomweight " for nothing.

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  • LloydAsher

    I would want to see the win/loss ratio if it was run 100 times.

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