Who would win in a war between left and right-wing extremists?

I saw a post on here regarding a hypothetical second American civil war between the left and the right wing. This got me thinking. If such a conflict were to actually happen, which of the polar-extremes would come out as the victor?

Left-wing extremists would win ( Antifa, Feminists, etc. ) 5
Right-wing extremists would win ( Neo-Nazis, Incels, etc) 37
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Comments ( 22 )
  • bigbudchonga

    Lmao, the left-wing extremists can't even decide which bathroom to use, whilst the right-wing ones are forming armed militias.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I don't think either of the extremist sides have the mental capability to properly execute a real war with the other.

    The extreme left can be just as violent as the extreme right.

    Thus; its most likely to be random chance or luck that determines the winner.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Unless a preventable disease breaks out and all the anti-vax right-wingers start to drop like flies.

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    • SwickDinging

      Yeah. In fact, I would bet they'd get confused about who is on which side, given that their outlook is so similar.

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      • LloydAsher

        Both sides have an identifier for eachother. Black block for antifa and american flags and shit for the far right (proud boys arent that far right so I'm not including them)

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  • Mr_Fool

    Those that cause the most chaos and crimes will remain on the bad side of the general people, regardless of other factors, the side that does so is bound to lose.

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  • easygiggles

    right side is all talk bunch of pussies when the shit starts they start running. Just like Viet Nam the rich right stayed home the poor left had to go. Like I said the right are pussies and would talk a lot and run alot..

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  • branname

    actually, Nazis and the democratic party have more in common with each other than you might think. for example, in the 1930s in Nazi Germany nobody was allowed to listen to foreign radio or dress in Western clothing. Anyone who was caught doing such were fined or sent to prison. Today, the left wing of the US are basically the Nazis of mask wearing. Anyone caught not wearing one or mass gathering are threatened with punishment. In Nazi Germany Jewish shops were labeled as such with the word "Juden" and had the Star of David painted on the front. Today, democrat governors label certain businesses as "non-essential" and are threatened with punishment if they dare operate their business. Yup, these covid restrictions are straight out of the playbook of Nazi-ism.

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  • easygiggles

    The right are a bunch of wimps that talk a lot bragging is being bad to them bring on the action and they would shit their pants. The left are hard working level headed and fearless they don't have to brag about anything they just do it. Left wins.

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  • bigdickmcgee

    I don't think skinny-ass pale college students stand much a chance against armed militias

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  • Grunewald

    The far left would win over the long term because their tactics are subtle and psychological and spread the ideology as a culture, then they try to concretise the ideology into law. They are always 'low key' at war with the world at large, anyway. Like how you cook a frog in a frying pan: you heat it very, very slowly until it realises it's half-dead and can't escape. Tactics that depend on such slow, long-term movement cannot afford to stop and start.

    The far right would win if war were suddenly 'declared' between the two, because they seem more likely to go for outright physical force. But as they're not big on stealth, I reckon the authorities would soon start to intervene to stop the violence unless they won a very quick victory. If 1) war were 'declared', 2) the far right attacked repeatedly but ineffectively, 3) the far left cried 'uncle' repeatedly and 4) the authorities suppressed the violence effectively enough each time, the far left would have the time and the ammunition they needed up their game.

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    • Bazinga

      The left's efforts to disarm the right by making their weapons illegal is futile. The right percieves owning illegal weapons as a right endowed by the creator himself. In the end, firepower dictates the order of battle. To win the peace, the left must appeal to those of a moderate political mindset.

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  • BleedingPain

    Extreme right because they will nuke the lefties with their legal and illegal weapons.

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  • The extreme right is more effective but the extreme left tends to be group orientated.

    If it came down to outright war and both groups unified to combat eachother then the far-right extremists would win, no competition. It's been known for a while now that Far-Right extremists tend to be more effective with their extremist acts.

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  • ellnell

    Neither. Extremes are stupid and very often emotionally driven which both extreme feminists and incels are for example. Present facts and they'll ignore it or talk around it.

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  • justdippinginthecesspool

    The right-wingers would win because they're more violent and more likely to have weapons like guns.

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  • litelander8

    The only liberals that have guns are the country ones.

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    • LloydAsher

      Or the ones who bought them during the lockdown. I think the amount of guns is pretty much the same. Now when it comes to training I think Republicans have the clear upper hand.

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  • LloydAsher

    Depends if the political parties back them. Democrats seem to be supporting blm and antifa extremism.

    Republicans dont support rioters period. If it's a full on war the establishment will go with the democrats because they are cowards.

    There isnt going to be a civil war it's going to look more like a revolution than anything else.

    Idk how to determine the outcome since the borders and factors arent drawn up. Normal people just want criminals to be locked up.

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    • Tommythecaty

      Antifa and the like would, without question, be taken apart very quickly by your right wing extremists.

      Groups like the order, back in the 80s, exist all of over the states. They are sitting on stockpiles of weaponry and are made up of capable and dangerous people. If civil war breaks out, these groups will come out of the woodwork and fuck the left quicker than I can type this.

      Response to right wing group, “Get the fucking ATF down here now”

      Response to left wing group, “Can we just beat and tear gas these pussies now? No it’ll look bad on tv and they’ll cry about it.”

      Sad but true.

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      • LloydAsher

        That is most likely what would happen if those groups were just went to war with eachother. But there are so many other factors to war. PR, logistics, etc.

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        • Tommythecaty

          True that.

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