Whwt is your weekly or food budget and what do you get?

Hey so I'm just going over my finances trying to tighten up wherever I can and it occurred to me I spend alot on groceries each month. So im curious what do you spend and what all do you get for it?

I spend about 80-100 a week it seems. I get milk, bread, cheese and sandwich meat. Sometimes cereal sometimes bacon and eggs but I always get fruit. Lately it's been about 2 or 3 bags of cherries a week. Thinking about ways to cheapen it up. Id like no more than 50 a week.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • Vvaas

    i usually spend $150 aud every 2 weeks on food. i get mainly meat, vegetables and fruits but i get a few extra things like yoghurt, eggs and bread.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I spend anywhere from 75-125 on food a week. Most of that depends on whether or not I'm buying guilty pleasure food or the essentials. A lot of my diet consists of fish though.

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    I go out for most of my meals, perks of being a single guy, who kept it wrapped. Anyways, I spend around $600 a week at restaurants. Sundays I order a pizza, which is another $40, including tip.

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      That sounds miserable and is completely idiotic.

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      • ZREBELX

        You must struggle to find money for a dollar menu. Work hard, and you'll get to enjoy life's finer things as well. Before anyone says "A family" is one of life's finer things, then go chase having one. I prefer not being stuck with tiny dumb people. Most parents I see are miserable, and struggling. I'm one of the last people in my social circle that can do whatever I want, whenever I want. Also, majority of what I spend at restaurants are on drinks, and tips. Not the food. If you like Scotch, you'll understand.

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        • Lusty-Argonian

          I make plenty of money but I have ambition for a better life. A better life requires specialized schools wich requires money so spending 600 a week to someone who focus on the future is frankly straight up retarded. The majority of that should be getting invested or put aside not spent on tips and scotch that would be cheaper at home. Shoot just build a bar in your living room or something

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          • ZREBELX

            I own a business, and have investments in stocks(Among other investments). $600, hell, $1,000 a week won't make, or break me. I also have three degrees, so, my future is set. I'm not saying I'm rich, as I'm not. But I have over seven figures in my checkings, alone. Even more in my savings(Still in the seven figure range, closer to $2mil). All self earned. Not even 30 yet(Will be soon, I'm 29 until October). It is more worth going out, to me, than staying in. Plus I get to support local businesses. Not a franchise.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Well cherries are one of the most expensive fruit so id say cut down from 3 bags to 1 bag and replace it with a cheaper fruit like bananas and apples

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      Never. It's cherry season, you gotta enjoy that shit while you can.

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      • Curiouskitten444

        Okie doke

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I spend about 20-80 a week. It usually varies since I'm not always buying the same type of thing every week because some sales are better than others. It's mostly things like eggs, bread, multiple containers of milk, meat, cheese, cereal, and things I can pack in a lunch bag for work like mac and cheese, tuna, chicken salad, nature valley bars, snack cakes, yogurt, granola, and bottled water. I get my groceries from Target since I get an employee discount. I also combine it with coupons, the deals on the Target app, and my Redcard debit card to get more of a discount. XD

    Damn, looking at this makes me realise that I need more vegetables. XD

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  • Sanara

    About 700-800 NOK (arund 80-90 USD) according to valuta calculator. I buy fruits, vegetables, meat, bread, butter, milk, coffee and ice cream about every week. If youre trying to save money, I suggest cut out condiments first of all (and if you buy them, choose the ones that last like spices), and then cut snacking food. Cook with fewer ingredients or even just one at a time. Prioritize meat or fish (canned fish tend to be cheap), either fruits or veggies (dont need to be a large quantity, but preferably daily) and some fat, along with starches that have a good kg-price. Of course bread if you use that for lunch but I think that's less needed nutritionally and in order to feel well.

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  • Somenormie

    I spend like 5-10 on food I need.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    For 3 people in my household we usually spend about 250 on food per week.

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