Whwt should i do about him?
So my ex stopped by today and Idk we were on my couch talking and somehow he ended up over me and he was staring into my eyes and he was like oh my God you still love me. Wich yea I suppose I do. Not like before but yea that man really grew on me.
Anyways it's obvious he still desires me and some stuff happened like biting n the like. But not like sex or anything. We had a great day though and even made plans for next week.
Part of me wants to move on from him, part of me doesn't want to let him go. Just I've never been into a human before like I am with him and it just drives me wild. Cause we broke up but are still friends and just idk. I hot one friend who says I should walk away forever. Another saying she hopes we reunite but it really hurt when he left like he did, you could all but hear the regret in his voice when we talked about it though. Just idk what to think.