Why am i rejected?
I went to an LGBT party and met someone really cute, didn't talk long. I was very dressed up in make up as I went as a vampire. She had no idea what I looked like obviously but I made her laugh a ton. I can tell she has anxiety and is shy. I added her on Instagram and sebt her a cute dm she replied not long after. It was a good exchange and I gathered she wanted to also chat more. We sent 2 long texts total then she vanished for 4 days. I sent another message then the following day she opend it and theres how it goes- Me- Hey how are you doing? Not sure if you're going to get this message any time soon..I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach together sometime, take your cute little puppy ? I'd really like to get to know you better 🌹 Her- just saw your message, I don't tend to use insta that much. Where abouts are you located? :) I won't be 'free' until after the 17th Nov since I'm writing my thesis, but I'd be keen to go for a walk along the beach as friends :D So I told her ouch, interesting and not to worry about it. Why am I always rejected before I'm given a chance to get to know? I am.just gonna write a list of the qualities I look for in someone ans move on to someone who doesnt muck me around Someone who knows they're deff drawn to knowing me and makes it obvious
I'm 26f
Sh followed me back on Instagram- She liked the selfie out of all my pics where as I had a lot insta group photos... I had a Halloween mask at the party so she had no clue my face, then I followed her Instagram - she liked my pic and replied asap and then had to have dinner - She came back after like 5 mins, we exchanged few lomg texts Then vanished on me Ugh I'm.one of the more attractive ones in the LGBT meet up And that's not talking myself up either It's not hard to be morre attractive Most are either very over weight - Not fit Or dress sloppy Shes gayy Its LGBT party 2 I mean 4 weeks ago I posted a selfie She liked 5 days ago I'm thinking it's the fact I'm too skinny? I'm 5 "7" 55kgs