Why am i so jealous of everyody about everything?
I am ALWAYS jealous - of everyone and everything at all times. I am always comparing myself and if there is someone out there, amongst my friends, who does have it better or appears to have it better, I get sooo jealous of them. I cant be happy for anyone...really, it's impossible. Deep inside i whish for them to fail.
Everytime someone has something (a new job, a little more money, a boyfiend or even if they buy a new blouse...) I AM JEALOUS. And i dont know why. I have no reason to be like this. I am going to an Ivy League school, I got a great job (that could pay a bit more but still), I am pretty...I am not fat or ugly or anything...I got the best clothes, best connections....but still....I am always comparing and cant stand it when someone is or might be slightly better. - be it for serious things or just everyday mundane things...like a pair of shoes or something. There is no rule.
What i hate is that i cant be happy for anyone...i cant be happy for my class mate having had a baby, cause i dont have one, and i cant be happy for my friend getting a great job...cause i am still looking for mine...i cant even stand it when someone moves to my town of LA while i am here at the east coast enduring the cold weather. I always feel like they are better or happier or more accomplished but i know that they arent always. It is almost like i am standing beside myself wondering why I am jealous, knowing deep inside that i got exactly the same, if not something better actually!!! But i cant help it. It is like ll consuming. All day, every day...I compare myself...from how i look, how my hair looks to what job and friends and income and salary and appliances and life i have, with that of others.
The worst part is not being able to be happy for anyone and deep down wishing them bad things when they get what they want :( I feel horrible but it overcomes me and i cant help it.
I already know this is not normal, or is it? Is it competition? I mean i cant even imagine feeling happy for anyone...i cant imagine how that must feel like cause i NEVER feel happy for anyone. Never have. I am not even acquainted with that feeling...all that happens is that i just feel miserable i dont have what they have - even if objectively what they have is not that much better or better at all...