Why am i so unlucky in life?

im 34 years old and never had a boyfriend or friends at all.i'm ugly not smart.my sister seem to be the lucky ones!they never been without men in their lives.men throw themselves at them.and i have watch them be loved and it kills me inside to see them in relationships and i have never been in one.they rub it in my face all the time.on top of that they hate me my father hates me.each day i try not to feel sorry for myself but i cant help it;im slowly slipping into a deep depression.i hate life!

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Comments ( 14 )
  • MissClaire

    I would feel sorry for you, but I know that's not what you want, nor what you posted this for.
    How available do you make yourself? How outgoing are you.... I'm guessing you aren't due to your incredibly low self esteem. You need to meet more people - try everything you can (safely) and get yourself out there.

    Do what you've always done and you'll get what you always got.

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    • glowman

      Like those words of wisdom

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      • MissClaire

        thanks :) - I wish I could remember where I heard it from

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  • MCA

    There are no ugly women there are just amazing makeovers. Pick yourself up and go to a hair salon and speak to one of the stylist. Try to find a gay stylist or a sensitive female stylist. Explain to them that you want a makeover allow them to pick a style for your face, have them apply and show you how to apply the make-up. Then go to a department store and ask a sales person to assist you in selecting a new outfit or two that you wish to change your style. Girl... with a new hair style and an amazing outfit for you... I am certain you will look amazing.

    You need to build up your self-esteem and stop living under your families shadow. Start working out... that makes us all begin to feel better about ourselves. If possible, sign up for a class that is of interest to you. This will begin to build up your confidence because you are learning something new and you will be around people other than your family which may begin to help you feel better.

    If you live with your family, try to do as many things as possible outside of your home so that you are not around so much negativity. If you do not live with them, then take some time away from them.

    Once you build up your self-esteem you will feel secure about yourself and what they say and feel will no longer bother you.

    Remember, there are no ugly women there are just amazing makeovers. Men are attracted to confident women. Build up your self-esteem and love yourself and trust me, you will meet man.

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  • The grass is always greener on the other side.

    But in all honesty there is probably nothing wrong with you just your self depreciating attitude sacers people away. No one wants to date a sad insecure person

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  • Anime7

    Stop comparing yourself to your sisters. If you keep on comparing yourself to other people then that will only plunge you deeper into your depression. If you want a man then go out and try to meet people. Have some confidence in yourself. Life is what you make of it and you chose how you let your actions affect you.

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  • GeminixHybridz

    You were one of the fastest sperms at one point; you made it into life because your worth it, no body is ugly, focus on what you like to do, not love. true love isnt about looks anyway; someone can be the prettiest person in the world and have a nasty attitude and put other people down and that is what makes them ugly. i know your going through a hard time, and its been hard for you but listen to "in the middle" by jimmy eat world, thats one of my motivaters when im down especially cos its the truth.

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  • sqwidword33

    To begin with, I have trouble believing you are actually as old as you claim. I mean this in neither a negative nor positive way. On that note, you're diction in this passage is very consistent, and As you are trying to speak in hyperboles altogether I can tell you already have enough intelligence to solve this yourself.

    The thing is, you have more insight than you're willing to embrace and that is compromising your ability to help yourself. I does not believe for one second that you have ignorance of your life, and I don't believe at all that you have lost your consciouse interest of your life, and you have to believe in a personal advantage over where YOU put yourself. Here are guidelines, just read them please.

    Waste No time without consideration.

    Focus through your mind on your surroundings, not vice versa.

    Don't seek the mental stimulation of inadaquacy.

    Metaphorically, look both ways before crossing the street.

    Relationships aren't sturdy ground, and arent important untill you are sturdy and have an excess of life to offer.

    You aren't depressed.

    Stress comes from responsibility, you are clearly not responsible for very much right now, which means that you are stressed over feeling like its your responsibility to amount to something more, and that's total carp so you really should just forget about that as soon as you can.

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  • Emma27

    Sorry about this. I guess, try and accept the that things are and stop giving a damn about what other people think. If you want, you can always send me a message, I am not the most popular person in the world and for me, relationships of any sort are complicated.

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  • ready2rumble

    I feel sorry for you

    You are looking at the half-empty glass, and seems you are comparing yourself too much with your sisters. Take some time to seriously reflect on why do you think got you into this situation, and do something to change it. You are still pretty young and I'm sure you have plenty of reasons to feel lucky.

    Truth is, everybody has a reason to feel depressed, and if you keep blaming yourself or other people for those, you are going to get deeper into depression. Stop blaming nature, yourself or others and focus on the good things you have in life

    Hope this helped

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  • purplegirl22

    Im sorry to hear that, I hope things get better for you!

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  • glowman

    Everyone has their niche (is that the right word?) Don't let it bother u. I would say the internet isn't who u want to talk to about your feelings.

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    • RinTin

      Yeah good thing you asked if that was the right word..it might have sounded rude hehe.

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    • Shackleford96

      I don't think that's the right word. "Flaws" would work.

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