Why are black people so much more often religious?

I know there are plenty of black people out there who aren't religious whatsoever, but the percentage of irreligiosity seems to be much lower among blacks than among other populations. Blacks almost always believe in one God or another. Why exactly is this? And is it normal to be wondering about this?

(Btw, I'm NO racist. Just curious).

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Comments ( 23 )
  • NoraBaker

    I believe also that church and going to church, singing, celebrating and getting together with the brothers and sisters has a lot to do with the fact that it's not only a religious activity, but a social activity as well. ~ 2 cents ~

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    • NoraBaker

      It's a place where they, as a group that had been discriminated for so long, could/can get together and have that sense of belonging and acceptance that every human being looks for and needs. Therefore they tend to hold on to their religious traditions and be more vocal about it than other ethnicities. ~ let's make it 5 cents ~ Anyways, it's just my guess :)

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      • I dont know, I dont have a need to belong or be accepted at all. Most of those black people that are massively religious are also massive hypocrites as well. I think religion for alot of them is an escape from whatever harse realities that have in life. Like, sure my life kinda sucks, but my rewards in the kingdom of heaven will be great.

        There is no kingdom of heaven, there is no hell. There isnt anything, its just like sleep, without dreams. Forever.

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        • BluntsRolled

          I agree with this.^

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        • *harsh

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      Yes, but why wouldn't that apply to other groups as well?

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  • m.a.s97

    Religion has been passed down generation to generation amongst black people because it was the only thing they had during slavery.

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    • BluntsRolled

      This. That and them having grown up in typically more poverty stricken hoods and possibly having lower I.Q.s Less room for critical thinking.

      For the record. I'm black as well, if that matters, so don't think I'm racist.

      Also grew up in a Christian home, and came out Atheist.
      I mentioned on a previous post my disgust for religion.

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    • ChocolateBlunder

      That's what I was gonna say

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  • RosesAndRavens158

    you are correct.I am a black and I see this all of the time and no you are not being racist. For the record I am wiccan :)

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  • Avant-Garde

    The relatives on my mother's side are extremely religious. I remember when I said I was becoming a Buddhist. There was a huge flip out! At some point I was playing video games and they kicked open the door in angry tones. They told it would be "okay" only if I still believed in their "gods" (Christ, god,etc?) The way I answered should've told them that I didn't believe in them, but In their stupidity they didn't see it. They kept screaming and asking me about it until I snapped and told off. They basically stopped talking.

    They have a mentality that everything is "god" and anything that's not "Christian" is against god. They have extreme hatred towards: atheists, agnostics, Jews, catholics, gays,etc. I don't get it. I've found that it's better to avoid people like that.

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  • guacadoggie

    I think it is a cultural thing and the opportunities afforded to the black society. Statistically, black children are raised in a much poorer community than the rest of the races, at least in the US. This, consequently, eliminates the opportunity (and desire) for school children to pursue higher education. Higher education is accompanied by more thought and thus leading to less and less deistic beliefs.

    When someone grows up and stays in the poor community into adulthood, they will follow the same cultural lifestyles as their families and friends.

    This isn't just black people, but any group of people who live in a poor community who don't go onto higher education, let alone finish high school.

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  • thetruthhrts

    lower IQ, they cant help it so don't give them a hard time.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    uh well it really is a "slavery" thing.

    besides black people certainly are not the most religious. I've found that other (smaller) christian nations are way more hardcore-christian than any christian-black-white-green person in this country.

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  • Wambo37

    yup your a racist

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      You're a Muslim I read on your profile. Well, Islam has racist tendencies too.


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  • boogie592

    There are alot of other religions that are "Hardcore" for God in the sense. It's hard to say if black people are more religious then others or not, it's what you perceive things to apply in your personal life. I'm a christian but I still go through tendencies & habits just like any one else. The difference is that I have a better understanding of what lies ahead if I choose to continue the path of the world. If there is no Heaven or Hell, then why does man die? Why is there death, violence & destruction? Why aren't we able to alter the lives of others? These questions belong to the one that created us, in his image

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    • BluntsRolled

      "If there is no Heaven or Hell, then why does man die?"

      Is this the best fanatics can come up with today?

      > Living being goes trough life cycle and dies.
      > God MUST exist huh?

      "Why is there death, violence & destruction?"

      How about because life is not all sugar and rainbows?
      Are you saying because we don't know the exact reason why we fight and kill each other, that when we die God will have an answer waiting for us at the heavenly gates?
      Don't animals in nature kill each other all the time? They don't even have the amount of consciousness to conjure up an IDEA of god, let alone worship one, do they go to Heaven/Hell? What moral stigmas do they have to follow outside of trying to survive, and procreate?

      The only difference between us, and other animals is that we stand upright, have thumbs, and over billions of years we've reached a level to host a high enough amount of contentiousness in order to develop languages in which we communicate with, which isn't even really necessary for survival, so say words never came to fruition, God wouldn't even exist in said world!

      God didn't create US, WE created God.
      True story.

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      • Jan_Zondernaam

        "God didn't create US, WE created God."

        I think so too.

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      "I have a better understanding"

      That's pretty arrogant I must say.

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      • boogie592

        Not really arrogant, you're decovering yourself that's all!

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        • Jan_Zondernaam

          I'm really sick of you Christians always taking the moral high ground. You simply have NO right to it, because Christianity is a DEEPLY flawed religion. Check out this site if you disagree.


          "If there is no Heaven or Hell, then why does man die? Why is there death, violence & destruction? Why aren't we able to alter the lives of others?"

          Have you ever considered the possibility there may be no why? Anyhow, Christianity CERTAINLY hasn't got the answers, that's for sure.

          "These questions belong to the one that created us, in his image"

          If we're created in God's image, then what does that tell you about God? There are some fucked up people out there.

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  • staybeautiful

    Maybe they use god as a sign of hope agents racism and to tell themselves they r normal. In general I think for hope

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