Why are cats so hated?

I get so pissed when cats are portrayed as evil. I'm definately not a crazy cat lady and I like cats and dogs equally, but it really bugs me that cats are so hated. Just because they are more independent. When I was young my cat would come when I cried and snuggle with me. Cats aren't mean and I hate when people badmouth them. Is it normal that this bothers me?

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Comments ( 37 )
  • xstarbugyx

    I love my cat

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  • Aurelia25

    Cats can be amazing pets. They are sweet, calm, easy to take care of and can be incredibly affectionate and loving. Watching a cat is a real treat. Their ways are so facinating. I love dogs too! There is of course a degree of loyalty with a dog that a cat cannot always offer but you can't knock a creature for being what they are. If you have the patience and curiosity to spend time observing a cat you will see just how neat they really are. I love animals- such special little souls. I don't think the original post was meant to spark a "dogs are better than cats" debate but honestly what a ridiculous way to spend your time. Go do some good for the animal you are defending instead. :-)

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Cats are awesome. If cats bother you then there's something wrong with you, not the cat.

    * tosses hairballs at anyone who dares disagree *

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  • rayst

    Hey thornapple; the guardian of hell is a cerberus, a three headed dog. Cats are the guardian of the world of the dead in ancient egypt, bast was a cat headed goddess.

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    • penguin1

      That's funny. I named my cat Cerberus! (Cerby for short.) I love him to pieces though. And yes, he's a black cat. I don't associate him or any cat with witches, the devil, or hell though. I just like Greek mythology and thought the name would suit him.

      Anyhow, I'd say that cats aren't as hated as dogs. No offence to any dog lover, but I personally cannot stand dogs! Eww!!!! My family just has too many in our house that aren't trained.

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  • flavorofmadness

    Actually thebigdogg, you are really wrong. 1, did you even read my post? My cat used to come to me when I cried. 2, there have been numerous reports when cats wake their owners when there is a fire or a natural disaster is looming.

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    • Thebigdogg

      So, a dying bird once crawled up to my snake after it had been attacked by a cat and my snake formed a coil around the bird to protect it until it finally died, does that mean snakes and birds are best buddies?

      No, it just means that all animals have a soul and know to do the right thing.

      Yes, even cats.

      Doesn't mean that a dog isn't ten thousand times better though, because really, it's no contest. I've had many cats a long time ago in the past before I ever had a dog and missed them after they've gone. But they never brought even close to the same enjoyment into my live that dogs have.

      Great Danes or Kitty Cats... tough choice.

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  • flavorofmadness

    Thebigdogg, actually there are more cat owners than dog owners. Probably because cats are easier to have in apartments.

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  • TheGasManCometh

    Cats can see ghosts - which is pretty handy, an explains why witches keep a cat or two about. That, and the mice.

    Actually, I disagree that cats are so hated - reading through the stories on IIN, the majority vote seems to go in favour of cats - hooray!

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  • Dogs have owners.

    Cats have staff.

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  • jensapa

    I agree with the first comment. It's not the cats that the problem, it's the people who get them an don't look after them.

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  • pitterpatter

    Everyone has their opinion on cats. I don't mind them, I just mind the careless owners who don't properly take care of them, as in neutering, or other things. There are always so many cats at rescues, and such.

    And, at least in my area, feral cats run wild in the backyards of people's homes. I tend not to be a big fan of that, because I have bird feeders up.

    But, I wouldn't call cats "evil". There are just too many of them. :(

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  • Sara0303

    I hate cats with a passion, l enjoy watching them kiled by dogs on YouTube

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  • That's so true.Movies like harry-porter the smarf and other movies that i cant remember the names for do characterize cats as evil. To be honest i don't like dogs i also haven't seen mean movies about dogs tho dogs are always heroes on movies. Unlike poor cats

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  • Wow thornapple, have you never read ANYTHING on Greek mythology? The guardian of the gates of hell is ceberus, a black hell hound, he has 3 heads, a angry one a happy one and a scared one, the happy is in the middle, the angry controls the body most of the time, the scared when it scolded by hades and the happy is kinda just there

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  • flavorofmadness

    Yes, I grew up with 3 dogs. All were smart, sweet and funny. I am not freaking denying that. I am saying cats are just as good as dogs. Your unwillingness to accept other opinions disturbs me.

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  • flavorofmadness

    I love dogs, but I love cats just as much. Cats, much like dogs, have different personalities (surprise!) Obviously some cats are lazy assholes, but so are some dogs. Cats just take longer to bond. I disagree with Shrunk about dogs doing anything for a treat. I'm in no way saying cats are superior. I am trying to say cats are just as good as dogs.

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  • Thebigdogg

    Cats are hated because society sees their owners are mentally retarded and refuse to see the deficiencies in the supposed pets they own.

    Let's face it, cat owners are in the minority. If given the choice, most people don't hesitate to take a dog instead of a cat if given the option.

    Dogs are versatile, loved and excellent at being loyal while being independent if needed. They work, they play and they love unconditionally, something a lowly cat is entirely incapable of.

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  • alv1592

    they're not always portrayed as evil..lots of people have cats as pets. i have 4 lovely cats. there are many differences between dogs and cats, but i love both.

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  • dappled

    People seem to forge a link between cats and the devil (and the witches with black cats thing). I can kind of understand why. When a cat looks at you in a certain way, it's hard not to think they're seeing right through to your soul.

    I think it's difficult to anthropomorphise cats too, because they're very much their own thing and they are steadfastly unapologetic in their felinity.

    It's occasionally amazing to me that they share their lives with humans but I'm really glad they do. Much as I love dogs, cats absolutely fascinate me. They are beautiful in a way that goes beyond the normal level for accepted beauty.

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  • TehPurpleOne

    Well, I love cats, but our cat has been a nuisance lately. She keeps misbehaving by running out of the house, and she annoys everyone when she goes into heat. We definitely need to get her to a vet for a check up, to have her front paws de-clawed, and have her spaded. I still love this cat alot, though. <3

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    • Ellenna

      It's hardly the cat's fault if it behaves naturally when it's on heat - overdue to be SPEYED not spaded unless you're actually planning on having her put down & buried, in which case I wouldn't bother about doing anything with her claws.

      Running out of the house isn't misbehaving, it's natural behavior - you may love her a lot but I think you need to do a bit of research into cat behaviour and not assume normal behaviour is her being a "nuisance" or "misbehaving" - she's just being a cat!

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  • Shrunk

    yes, the people who are mean to cats are just too impatient to put the time in to creating a true bond that cats have with their owner, would rather settle for a dog because it will mindlessly cling to a person as soon as it sees they have food... and it's annoying in movies how the only sound effect they use for cats is that awful screetching sound and then everyone believes that's all they do is get angry and attack all the time...

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    • Celltrex

      Woo yeah. Hachiko must've loved food a lot.

      What about Greyfriars Bobby? Was he waiting for his dead master to give him food near his graveyard?

      What about that mine detecting dog that died from a stroke two months ago, because his master died in a firefight? Have you ever heard a cat dying of sadness like this dog did? Have you ever heard about a cat guarding the grave of his master like Greyfriars Bobby did? Have you ever heard about a cat, waiting at the same spot, every day at the same hour for TEN YEARS like Hachiko did, acutally until he DIED? He even DIED at that spot. He probably would've waited a thousand if his lifespan wasn't so short.

      And you hate them because they take a dump, and out of their ancestor's habits, the wolves? And not even all of them do this, and they can be trained out of it. Unlike cats who do not give a single CRAP about you. And their litterboxes smell worse than an outhouse.

      Get a clue, sir. You have got no idea what you are talking about.

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    • Thebigdogg

      Shrunk being delusional again, trying to talk about dogs like it has actually ever actually been around or owned a dog. Well, definitely not owned, mental midgets like Skunk don't have a high enough IQ to be able to own a dog.

      Sorry, cats do not form a bond with anything other than their litter box. They really couldn't give two shits whether you're there or not. Sorry to break your ignorant heart.

      Dogs only form a bond if food is involved? Haha, you're just trying too hard now.

      Hey, Shrunk! When is the last time a stupid mindless cat pulled a drowning child or baby from a pool like dogs do on a regular basis? When's the last time a cat sniffed out narcotics or a bomb?

      That's what I thought. Face it, cats are pathetic.

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      • Shrunk

        Yes, actually I never disliked dogs until I had to take care of one... it shits every where, eats the shit, vomits, eats the vomit-shit. I am sorry I can not want anything that disgusting to come near me. and I don't give a shit if you are supposed to train them (it's not my dog), you don't have to train cats, they know better.

        I've never seen a dog do anything nice like you mention unless there was a treat involved... that's why they are used for those jobs because they will do anything you say. now that is pathetic...

        I have heard of plenty of cats who do their best to help save lives, but of course they are smaller than dogs so it's kind of hard for them to do what you say that dogs do. it'd be like wondering why a baby doesn't pull you out of a pool. just because it can't doesn't mean you can't love it. but i guess you wouldn't understand that since you are probably the typical owner who loves dogs better than your own kind...

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        • penguin1

          I SOOOO could not agree with you more!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I FU*CKING HATE DOGS! No offence dog lovers. :)

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        • Thebigdogg

          You're funny Shrunk, sure you're not an actual cat yourself? First, you're 1st paragraph is either wrong or you were 'supposedly', note the quotations, looking after a very sick dog. Or a cat disguised as a dog.

          Dogs do not 'shit everywhere' nor do normal dogs eat bodily extract. Interesting that every Great Dane (that's a dog, by the way since you're a little slow) I've owned has never been interested in coming close to their crap or their vomit - like most dogs. So there goes that theory. Maybe the dog was just smart enough to know how to piss you off. Oh, and yes, I've seen many a cat chuck up furballs and then proceed to eat them.

          Since you clearly know nothing about dogs, I'll explain it to you once again. Dogs do the things they do, regularly without any incentive or reward (read: treats) because they genuinely enjoy doing so. See, dogs live to experience life and work with humans in unconditional relationships because they're extremely smart animals who have forged that bond with humans for hundreds of years. Every single dog has a different personality.

          Cats, on the other hand, sleep all day and really are oblivious to whats happening in the world outside their litter box. They only do something if there is incentive to do it, like catnip... and you think cats are smart! Size shouldn't be an issue either, you're the one who told that tall tale of your kitty fighting off an imaginary Mastiff. So what is it?

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          • Shrunk

            heh, you remember that... it just proves that dogs are pathetic!! my cat didn't hurt that dog at all he just scared the stupid thing!! you are funny... but you are wrong and you obviously never gave cats a chance so how can you say this crap? btw I don't hate dogs it's just that I think they are the worst pets based on my experience. I'll admit they are cute and I pet them, but I would not want one for a pet and I don't see what the big deal is.

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            • Thebigdogg

              Nope, it proves that dogs just don't want to waste their time with things that they couldn't care less about. They're too smart to drop down to a cats intelligence level.

              By the way, I grew up with cats. Did you ever grow up with a dog?

              Remember, dog is spelled god backwards. That alone makes them better than a cat.

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  • thornapple137

    Cuz theyre supposed to gaurd the gates of hell and be all sneaky and scary like that

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    • Thebigdogg

      They also haunt my dreams.

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  • Thatguy777

    Fuck cats. I'm so allergic around them, that I feel SICK everytime I'm near one. Get them the fuck out of my sight.

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  • i fucking hate cats the vile bastard things shitting on other peoples property check my profile about my nextdoors cat the fuckface

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  • i put a cat in a wheely bin once :P :) got on tv and everything :)

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  • InsertBlankHere

    Cats are mercurial. They love you one minute; the next they're trying to claw and/or bite your arm off.
    They crap in a box, then walk all over your kitchen counter.
    They don't learn commands, as dogs do. They do whatever they please and you can hardly do anything about it.
    They smell almost as bad as ferrets.

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  • SweetSherry

    I ran over a cat with my car deliberately

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