Why are gays accepted?

Why are there gay rights at all? I mean, why do we need them?

Just a little note gents, I would appreciate if we kept this thread clean: feel free to bring up facts or personal opinions. No need of extremists who just call each other names for being a gay animal or fucking homophobe, we've got enough of that on Youtube. Keep your IQ high, cheers.

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Comments ( 57 )
  • charli.m

    I dunno. Why do we need you?

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  • ........

    Gays need protected that's where my conservative
    views believe no matter if your Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual
    a person has rights and no ones rights should be violated.

    Just like there Black rights, White rights, Yellow rights
    Indian rights etc ..Without rights, someone could be killed
    Women have rights, Men have rights, Children have rights.

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  • _Mehhhh_

    Ummm, because gay people are demonised, condemned by religion, outlawed, disowned by their parents, bullied, harassed, murdered, still to this day executed with state sanction in some countries, erased by heteronormativity...

    ...and then at the end of it all, we have ignoramuses like you questioning what the hell we're pissed off about.

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    • Qoc

      I took the question to mean, in a larger sense, why do we have "(blank) rights" when everyone should just have the same rights.

      Going on that interpretation, I agree with the question. Violation of a person's rights is a violation regardless of why.

      There's a difference between being discriminatory and simply thinking something is weird. Of course there are a lot of straight people that don't really care about it, and wouldn't ever be mean or hurt someone because of it, but they might think it's weird because it's foreign.

      I think often that gets confused. You can't force someone to not see something as weird or odd or different, all you end up doing is giving them a negative experience to go along with them thinking it's weird - like now it's weird and they're getting hassled for simply feeling a certain way.

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      • _Mehhhh_

        It's not that serious. Your neighbour or co-worker might not understand gay people, I don't care about that.

        What I care about is when people are actively pushing back against progressive policies which benefit LGBT people (at the expense of absolutely fucking nobody) just for the sake of being a stubborn mard, or because their little medieval fairy tale book tells them their sky daddy doesn't like gays. I also don't like this fucking obnoxious "there's a gay agenda!" mentality. My "agenda" is to freely have relationships and possibly get married, and not to be attacked or fired, I don't think that's too much to ask.

        Not everyone has to "understand" or kiss the arses of LGBT people, I don't need that.

        But in response to this "why do we have "(blank) rights" when everyone should just have the same rights?" question, that's easy. You already have all your rights right in front of you, which you either don't see or you take for granted. There's no point in white people asking for the right to not be racially profiled by the police, because that doesn't happen. Some rights struggles are minority-specific and drawing attention to that is necessary to make progress. Maybe then, and only then, can we stop being "divisive" and look at rights collectively.

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        • kla631

          Its really a misconception and transference of guilt that we have been bombarded with from those yahoos behind the pulpit.

          The Bible does not say anything about gays in the secular sense. Romans, they love to quote does not mention homosexuals. The word wasn't invented until the 19th century by a psychologist. There was no such word back thousands of years ago.

          The Leviticus verse that they love to shout is out of context. Leviticus is an instructional book, on how to be a Levite priest. It instructs them on certain behaviors that are expected of them and prohibited to them. It tells them what to eat, what to drink and how to dress. Levite priests aren't around anymore.

          Temple sex prostitution male or female was frowned upon. The word abomination is used, abomination is not a bad thing necessarily, it basically means, against tradition against their belief system. Eating meat to a vegan is an abomination. Going out without makeup on is an abomination to some women.

          However the transference of their guilt comes into play when they make it out that the whole Bible preaches against homosexuality. What is mentioned quite frequently in both old and new Testaments is ADULTERY. Whey do we hear more about homosexuality from those religious camps. Because most of those guys are guilty of it. Then there are those who preach against homosexuality only to be caught in a hotel/motel room with gay escorts.

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        • fredted

          Unfortunately, giving rights and fighting discrimination for minorities has transformed into giving them privileges, such as (real case): some university from US had 2 applicants for the job of teaching engineering: a white hetero man (uuumh fucking privileged) and a black lesbian woman. The man (as we might expect) was the best for the job, and he got it. The crazy ass woman sued the uni, won, and the uni was forced to fire the man and hire the lesbian, just because she is a minority and she put that in court as the reason why she didnt get the job. See, if you give rights and social promotion to minorities, they start literally taking your food from your mouth. Which is why, I think I would be so happy in the 20th century with the patriarchy, white male hetero privilege and stuff. At least you had some order in the society. I think I was too harsh on race, should go just with hetero men.

          Note its just my opinion, please control your comunist rage and dont call me a fuckin privileged homophobe. Instead, bring up facts or personal opinions, thank you.

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    • fredted

      it is of course a philosophical issue, but I tend to think that if there is discrimination towards some minority, this discrimination has a reason, therefore stopping it would be fighting against something natural.

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      • _Mehhhh_

        I'm just glad you admit you're a bigoted piece of shit who justifies treating people unfairly.

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        • fredted

          oh well this is one of the reason SJWs annoy me, you cant just have a debate with real arguments, without calling each other names and banter: i am trying to honestly understand something right here, and if gay rights really mattered to you, you had an ideal chance to change my opinion. Yet, your gay ass brain told you that the best thing is to call me a piece of shit... and all it did was make me hate gays even more. way to go

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          • _Mehhhh_

            I actually made reasonable post after reasonable post giving you fair arguments. I did not immediately resort to name calling, because that's something I don't like myself. "Homophobe/phobic" is just a popular buzzword used to shut people down instead of educating people, and I don't like when gays do that.

            But instead of really considering what I was saying, you just decided to go back and forth with me and spew bigotry, so I repeat you are a bigoted piece of shit. And a very sad individual on top of that, considering you are far too interested in a topic that really shouldn't have anything to do with you, if you're straight.

            Anyway this is my last reply to you now, you've already taken up too much of my time. Have a nice day. Peace.

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      • GreyWulfen

        Discrimination has a reason, yes. That reason is called stupidity and ignorance. And please don't EVER use the argument about what's "natural". Diseases are natural, yet we fight them. Computer chips aren't natural, yet our entire modern society depends on them.

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        • kla631

          Lets be honest here. Discrimination isn't a bad thing. We all discriminate. It is normal and natural. I discriminate against people. Not because of the color of their skin, sexual orientation or religion but more who they are, their personalities.

          Some guys discriminate against gays because when they look at a gay male, they see someone just like them, a male, same genitals, same general make up. The difference is what is inside. They do not understand how someone like them could be attracted to someone like them and then they fear it could happen to them and that to them is a flaw. A flaw is a weakness, a weakness is not tolerable and can never be associated with.

          So they punish, they punish with words and actions, they punish until you change, if you change, they will forgive and not punish you anymore, if not they will continue until you do.

          And girls flock to us, they like hanging out with us, they want us as their GBF. To shop and hang out. They love us because we're male and they think we're just like them. Sometimes they prefer to hang out with us more than they're boyfriends and husbands, they get jealous and wonder why they would prefer the flawed weak males over them, the strong males.

          But girls discriminate worse than guys, especially if playing a drunken game. I let a girl touch my dick, in front of her boyfriend, she wanted to see if I would get hard, which I didn't. I touched her, still didn't get aroused. She told me to touch her boyfriend, I said no, but he agreed to it, I did, he got hard. She got pissed and I lost a friend and she hates me to this day. Even though it was her idea and he went along with it, it was my fault. And she even caused me to lose a job because she told them I was gay--that was a few years ago when you could get fired for being gay--I also received hate email from her for a long time. They broke up and got back together and married him and moved to another state. I changed emails and got a new number. I stay away from girls who want me as their GBF because I never want this to happen again, unless they're single.

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          • fredted

            I feel your pain bro, I so much appreciate reasonable gays! Why aren't all the gays like you, normal people on the outside, do whatever you want at home in your bedroom... And yes, women sometimes are bitches. I think on this matter you are lucky to be gay cause you won't have to spend your whole life with a female :) I honestly hope you find another reasonable gay like you and have gay sex with and a gay family (no banter, I am serious)

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        • fredted

          I was talking about natural behaviour, not science. And stupidity is not a reason for discrimination. At least, my point of view was that the reason for dicrimination comes from the discriminated one: and it might be as savage as it sounds, for being yourself. But if yourself is not approved by the majority, discrimination is the thing to follow up. Until some crazy loud women and gays come along and start fighting against this natural behaviour.

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          • GreyWulfen

            Even though you simplify, you are right for the most part. Though what you give is an explanation, not a justification. Saying that the reason for discrimination comes from the discriminated one is like saying that it's my fault for getting robbed because I have a lot of money. It may correlate, but it doesn't excuse the deed.

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            • fredted

              I like your reply, but I have an answer too. The reason for being robbed isn't for having too much money: the reason you got robbed is that you took those money out of your pocket, went on the street and started waving them around showing it to people who dont have money and robbers, shoving the money up their faces (equivalent to gay marriage, media promotion and minority privileges). And this is when you get robbed. I agree it was harsh back in the time. But if gays wouldntve behaved so camp, a woman like behaviour, and wouldnt try to turn straight men to the gay side, maybe nothing wouldntve happened. Anyway, you waved your money at people, now you are getting robbed.

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  • Goomats

    Gay people are alive just like other people. Granted, if you are talking in the strict Darwinian sense, then gay sex does not make more people, but is life really just one big pyramid scheme? Then celibate people and infertile people would not be "needed" as well.

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    • fredted

      Yes, but a lot of mentally ill people are removed from the society, they aren't called ,,different'' they aren't granted rights and PRIVILEGES and they are not backed up by the media to think that what they are doing is normal. Then why do gays have these privileges?

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      • KeddersPrincess

        I dunno. Last I checked we didn't remove autistic, bipolar, schizophrenic, or people with depressive disorders from society. All of these things are listed as mental illnesses as well. It seems to me, the only time we remove someone from society is when they are a threat to others or themselves. So if someone's mental illness leads them to, say, go on a murder spree then, sure, we remove them from society. But the number of people who have murdered in the name of wanting to marry and have sexual relations with someone of the same gender is fairly low if at all. Just like you're not going to remove from society an autistic person, who hasn't hurt anyone, just for being autistic you're not going to remove a gay person from society when he hasn't hurt anyone regardless of if you think homosexuality is a mental illness or not.

        Now whether you think it is a mental illness or not is up to you I don't really care. It was removed from the DSM back in the 70's so I don't consider it a mental illness, but please understand that removing someone from society just because they don't fit into your idea of what people should be is outright ridiculous.

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        • fredted

          Well by removing from society I did not mean lock up in a hospital or prison. Autistic people are removed from the society by default because they never go alone anywhere, need special care and treatment and are not promoted by media at every single step. Also, they are not being told ,,Being autist is normal, there is no difference between you and a sane person, you are great, more people should be autistic." Tbh, if illuminati wanted to lower the population of the Earth, I think they are doing it now with the crazy ass feminists, sjws, and gay promotion (please note I said promotion)

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          • KeddersPrincess

            Depends on the level of autism. I was diagnosed with Asperger's which is on the autism spectrum and I function very well in to society. Many other autistic people would say the same thing. The other people who seem to be promoting the idea that "more people should be gay," are these radical SJW's, I do not see it as a societal thing and, if you do, please direct me to where. I think you and I can both agree that line of thought is crazy, however, I don't think there is anything wrong with being homosexual either. It's not hurting anyone. It's how someone is. What's wrong with that?

            There are 7 billion people on this planet, and over 300,000 babies born each day. The majority of those people are heterosexual and a very much reproducing, and it will always be that way. There are places where there's people can't even be fed because there is simply not enough food supply. ON the side of that, too many people is detrimental to our planet due to human being's ways of life. If homosexuality is anything, it's a good thing for keeping the population at bay. It is completely illogical to believe that the human species is someone how in trouble, if anything, we are over populated. Don't believe me? Try driving through Dallas at 6pm.

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            • fredted

              Unlike autism, there is no ,,a little bit gay" and ,,very gay". And the problem (tbh, you might think its my problem and i give you full credits to that) is that i simply find gayness and gay PDA disgusting. Like poop, you see? Unpleasant. And I dont want to see this each time I open snapchat, youtube, or even disney films (not yet, but they are thinking of doing this)

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  • OhIsee

    Because some people are preoccupied with genitals?

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  • mysistersshadow

    Becos without laws against it ignorant ppl would discriminate against them.

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  • RBG250

    People need rights when their liberties need to be protected. We set up laws for rights to make sure they are protected. Gays are generally pretty fucked by society and don't have the same rights that heteros have in many areas.
    That's why we need to make sure that they are not being taken advantage of by society or mistreated.

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    • fredted

      I think its alright for gays not having the same variety of opportunities, as straights, because there are other areas where they have more opportunities: fashion, acting, showbiz, yellow press. And there are other serious areas where you need normal people: politics, engineering etc.

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      • RBG250

        Gay people need basic rights that they're being denied I didn't mean that every field should be completely equal to every single kind of person that's ridiculous. Some industries have a demand for people of a certain type because they're characterized with certain qualities that they excel at.

        How does being hetero make you a better engineer or politician??? I'm not advocating that we should give people a job just to promote diversity but I'm sure there is already an abundance of heterosexual individuals in these careers and that it wouldn't hurt to have some gay people in them.

        Gay people aren't a joke. To say that they don't belong in serious professions is retarded.

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        • fredted

          We are both biassed in this argument. But when it comes to jobs where one has to take decisions which have a direct impact on the life and wellbeing of the whole of the population, you want the category of people who both represent the majority and are best qualified for this job and who have the best characteristics and qualities they excel at. Which is why you don't have women, because most women tend to take impulsive decisions based on emotions, not logic, which is usually a bad thing in such jobs, you have mostly whites and jews because they are a majority and throughout the history this was the race that has developed scientifically and economically the most, Christians because they are a majority, and heterosexuals because they are majority and because most of the homosexuals day to day behaviour does not inspire abilities in logical decision taking and critical thinking: when you see a camp guy dressed like a woman and walking like he'd be on a catwalk, you tend to highly doubt his decision taking abilities. Therefore, this is how we end up with White, Christian, Heterosexual Males ruling the world.

          This is entirely my opinion, please do not get aggressive if you want me to take your opinion into account. Cheers :)

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          • RBG250

            Nah. There are definitely people who can make good decisions from every variety of race and gender. Being a male doesn't make you more qualified to lead.

            To say every x of a population is unfit to lead is pretty ridiculous. Not everyone fits a cookie cutter mold. Being born a male doesn't make you any more fit to be a leader than a body builder. Not everyone is replica of the characteristic of their sex.

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            • fredted

              I didn't say every male is better than every female etc, but MOST males are better than MOST the others. And it is impossible for each individual to be treated based on his sole abilities and characteristics because we just DO NOT have enough time and memory to store so much data about each individual, which is why stereotyping is a lot easier and logical.

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  • agoodlovejoy

    Accept others just as God has accepted you. There is no heaven nor hell that man can cast you in.

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  • CreamPuffs

    Because there's no reason to not accept them.

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    • fredted

      they are gross sometimes too loud and proud

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      • Legion

        Just because some gays are assholes who shove their way of life in their face does not mean all of them are bad, that would be like condemning all Christians or conservatives because of a few bigoted assholes like yourself who shove it in others faces.

        I don't care if you are gay, a Christian, a gay Christian, conservative, liberal, whatever. If you shove your agenda in my face, whether I agree or not, I will get annoyed with you.

        Funny thing is the behavior you condemn in the gay people is the very thing you are doing in pushing your anti-gay agenda.

        I'm a conservative myself, yet if gays really want to get married, that's fine. Just don't try to force me into it. If I wanted to do it with another guy, I would do it of my own accord.

        I'm not gonna condemn or condone something because of a few pushy assholes.

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        • fredted

          Look mate I am PHYSICALLY disgusted by them, just as I am disgusted by poop

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          • Legion

            If you disagree with the act, that is fine, but to call for harm to everyone who practices the act is uncalled for. It's not my thing, and not my business.

            That would be like me wishing death on those who like Japanese Import tuners. I hate the rice rockets, but it's not my thing and I'm not harmed by their practice anymore than someone is harmed by a gay person.

            I hate people for being pushy assholes, not for the thing they are trying to preach.

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            • fredted

              was i calling for hatred or just asking why the fuss and bothering about gays and gay promotion?

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  • maney16

    do you need crocodiles?? what an idiot and asshole you are! i pity you asked such a question!!

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    • fredted

      theyre important to the ecosystem. What are gays important for?

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  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno, why are you accepted?

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    • fredted

      cause im normal

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      • RoseIsabella

        Maybe you're a latent homosexual? I mean why do you care so much about this? When people are overly homophobic it makes them look like they're closet gays.

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        • fredted

          I care about it because i am sick of media shoving them in my face, nd seeing them everywhere with this camp behaviour. In the gay category i include transgenders and all this messed up shit as well

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        • fredted

          ye this is the argument you use to shut up homophobes, trust me, i tried it, iam so straighter than a line

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      • maney16

        and who says so? did god tell you that?

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        • fredted

          no. normal is what the majority is

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  • anonY123

    Gays are accepted because they are born that way

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    • fredted

      Homophobes are born homophobes too

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      • anonY123

        I do not think so. I think once people realize that people are born homosexual and that homosexuality is not a deviant act that heterosexual people do then they become more accepting. That is how I see it anyway

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        • fredted

          You might be as well right, I think this is where subjective opinions can not come together into an objective fact.

          P.S.: I am glad at least somebody can debate on this subject without being on the ,,gays are animals'' extreme or ,,you are a fucking privileged white male homophobe'' extreme. Thats how i like it, a normal debate. Respect Sir/Lady

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