Why are people slobs in public bathrooms?
Is it abnormal that if I'm in a public restroom, I feel it is like good karma, and my civic duty to keep the damn bathroom tidy and relatively clean? Hygiene, yeah.
Yet, omfg, the rest of the ungodly slobs out there!!!! They miss the toilet. How? It's a giant bowl, you idiots! How the hell can you miss the center,ladies!?!!?! Flush please! How difficult is it to press the button? They seem incapable of cleaning up after themselves, wtf?!?!?! What the hell is going on in this world? Where has basic etiquette gone? These people toss toilet paper all over the place! They leave water all over the sinks! I just want to grab these idiots by the ear, drag them back to the bathroom, and force them to wash their friggin' hands. Seriously! STUPID! People!
Yes, this pisses me off!
Is this just an American issue? I never saw this kind of crap when I lived in Europe (France, Germany). Japan was the cleanest place I ever lived!
I'm about to officially create the hygiene police.