Why are people slobs in public bathrooms?

Is it abnormal that if I'm in a public restroom, I feel it is like good karma, and my civic duty to keep the damn bathroom tidy and relatively clean? Hygiene, yeah.

Yet, omfg, the rest of the ungodly slobs out there!!!! They miss the toilet. How? It's a giant bowl, you idiots! How the hell can you miss the center,ladies!?!!?! Flush please! How difficult is it to press the button? They seem incapable of cleaning up after themselves, wtf?!?!?! What the hell is going on in this world? Where has basic etiquette gone? These people toss toilet paper all over the place! They leave water all over the sinks! I just want to grab these idiots by the ear, drag them back to the bathroom, and force them to wash their friggin' hands. Seriously! STUPID! People!

Yes, this pisses me off!
Is this just an American issue? I never saw this kind of crap when I lived in Europe (France, Germany). Japan was the cleanest place I ever lived!

I'm about to officially create the hygiene police.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • xfg75

    Speaking from personal experience, the shit smears on the wall are because the stall ran out of toilet paper and you're forced to wipe with your hand and then get as much of it off your hand as possible on the wall.

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  • SgtRock

    I cringe when I have to use the public toilet. After washing my hands, I use my paper towel to open the door because some ppl don't wash their hands. If there is no trash receptacle by the door to discard paper towel, and if I can't toss it to said receptacle after opening door, I'll throw it on the floor but feel bad. But, they should place a container by the door because of this.

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    • JellyBeanBandit

      You could pull your hand back up into your sleeve and then open the door with it. Most bathroom doors are easy to open without even using your hands, I just kinda elbow it open.

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  • charli.m

    Because some people are disgusting slobs.

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  • Hossburn

    I found this shit hilarious cause in canada i have yet to see this

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  • Iszzy123

    one time a sharted all over a tolit at school felt bad and pray to God to bless who ever had to clean it

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  • itsamistake

    Yeah a LOT of people are disgusting creeps. I think a lot of the mentality comes from these fuckwits thinking that THEY don't have to clean up the revolting mess and someone else has to do it.

    I had a friend who worked in the hospitality business, working as a cleaner for a large hotel chain in Qld, Australia.

    She once had to clean up a disgusting mess in a public bathroom associated with the hotel, where some obscene slob not only shat outside the toilet, they then proceeded to smear shit all over the walls like a 2 year old. Not content with that, they then proceeded to smear shit all over the shower walls in the adjacent room and then as a finishing touch, laid a huge turd in the spa next to the shower stalls.

    I could NOT be paid enough money to clean that up for sure.

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    • SmokeEverything

      That's nasty, they should've shit in a plastic bag and cut the corner off os they could write on the walls like cake icing. That way you don't get any on your hands and its way funnier

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    My brother used to be a Cart Attendant at Target.(Cart attendants round up the carts and clean.) Every week there was always shit in the urinals and he got stuck cleaning them. Then there's the Walmarts I've shopped at. I've seen shit and menstrual smeared all over the toilets, walls, mirrors, etc. It smelled so horrible. I wish I knew what compels people to do these things.

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  • Bythetontony

    Bathrooms are the same, if you used yours like 100 times a day it will get just like that if you don't clean
    Now I will tell you something
    Some places I seen the womans bath desgusting with wet papers dirty tampons, and man we defenetly need longer pineses or extesions to pre In side lol

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  • Nickvey

    in France the men still stop the car and piss on the roadside. now the county smells like a toilet. the presidents wife says she goes out in public but the real truth is they are under martial law until november this year when they will just be in a state of emergency. pay no attention about other countries, none of it is true. In india 75 percent do not use a toilet of any kind. in the USA our toilets look used. wash water and paper scattered about. big deal i say. you could be french

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  • The men’s room isn’t much better, some, but not much. Ppl feel entitled to act like animals because it’s not their property and they are an anonymous face in the crowd.
    BTW Japan is clean because what started out as a cultural thing became a survival thing due to overpopulation in city centers. They understand that unsanitary conditions could eventually kill people they probably know. People in the USA think they are immune from E Coli and Strep, both are everywhere and can be equally deadly.

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  • Boojum

    Hands-down, the most revolting public toilet I have ever seen in my entire life was in in one of the main public squares in central Nuremberg, Germany.

    The bowl was full to overflowing with toilet paper, shit and piss, the floor was awash with piss, and shit was smeared on the walls.

    I have no idea how it got to such a state, but it looked like it had vanished off the maintenance and cleaning schedules a few months before my visit.

    My experience of public toilets in Europe and the UK is generally neutral or positive, but I don't hang out in bars or really grotty places. I've never seen any evidence of men deliberately pissing all over the place, but guys do occasionally miss when they first let fly. Public toilets in Italy can get a little smelly in the summer, but that's understandable in the heat and humidity.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Gas stations, and dive bars are the worst.

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