Why are people so cruel

It happenes everywhere. People judge and belittle others for things that think are weird or abnormal or different. Or worse, they get angry with someone over having a different favorite. And they are cruel about it. They act like they are the one who gets to make the ultimate decision as to what is and is not acceptable in society but they don't seem to know what they are talking about. And people believe them. Why? What makes someone an authority in these matters? Why do people get so worked up over small differences?

Is it normal that this bothers me so much? Although I dont care if it's normal. I care that society accepts is as normal and does not hold people accountable for their actions. Why do people seem content to sit idly by and let it happen?

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74% Normal
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Comments ( 21 )
  • dappled

    Usually because they feel powerless, jealous, confused, or they've yet to understand things a certain way. Some people kick inwardly and feel self-critical and some people kick out at people around them to make themselves feel better (which doesn't work because it's not exactly the positive self-image they're aiming for).

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  • The answer is not simple.

    Lack of empathy and a strong sense of arrogant entitlement (superiority) which is increasingly evident in societies which are obsessively focused on the rights of the individual as opposed to the bonds of the community. Social dominance, power, and self-esteem maintenance are other factors. Biological factors, like low levels of serotonin and higher levels of testosterone correlates with aggressive behaviour too.

    As for people picking on differences, it comes down to an us versus them mentality. If they feel a threat to their own identity or have a particularly strong identification with their group (whatever it might be), it can increase their sense of belonging and their self-esteem to discriminate against anyone who is outside of the boundaries of the group they identify with. People who feel defensive or threatened are more likely to engage in cruel behaviour to boost their self-esteem. Although, most people know it's wrong to do it and have more self-control when it comes to taking it out on others.

    It can only be reduced by promoting a common identity and an alternative route to boosting self-esteem.

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    • dappled

      Better answer than mine. This was interesting to read.

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      • Thank you.

        Only the last line was the truly important part.

        The rest of it was an (inadequate) attempt to explain the various subconscious motives people have for aggressive behaviour in the situations the OP mentioned. But there are so many levels to it and it would have taken an essay to explain just the basics of it. It's the sort of thing which requires a couple hours time and a few jugs of beer to discuss thoroughly. ;)

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        • I agree, beer would be a good addition to a conversation about the topic.

          It was a rant. I was watching a television show and got angry with one of the chatacters who was being an ass to everyone. And people gave him respect for it. It made me wonder how someone like that ended up in a position of social power. People feared him. Where were the challengers? People may not agree, but they fear speaking out.

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          • Yay to beer + good conversation! :D

            Oh, I find people like that insufferable!

            But that's just the thing, isn't it: people tolerate them, so their nasty behaviour continues on, uncorrected. People do teach others how to treat them, but when dealing with self-righteous bullies like that, sometimes it's just easier to give them what they want to placate them. And many people can be cattle about authority of any kind. There's a price to pay for challenging jerks like that, but most people are not willing to pay it.

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    • howaminotmyself

      Oh hello, it's good to see you again.

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      • Hello. :D

        Thanks, it's good to see you too.

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  • little_freak

    It's mostly about sexual frustration.

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    Dappled said it very well, and I would add that it's in our culture now, for a variety of reasons. We don't value diversity, but I do see things changing, however slowly, as evidenced by you even asking the question. Good for you!

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  • TiffanyMichelle.<3

    As a lesbian, I've really felt the cruelty of the world. People can just be mean....and thats just part of life i guess.

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  • Etticka

    People are scum that find it amusing to torment those who may be different. They are disgusting, inhumane jerk wads. I imagine their abusive natures stem from their own burning desire to make others feel bad to make themselves feel better about their own appearances and/or egos.

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  • GreyWarden

    Ppl are by nature twisted selfish beings. But for every jerk, there's a saint. It could be much worse. But your right it is a problem.

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  • suckonthis9

    Why people believe them is mostly due to complacency and laziness.
    They do not challenge them.
    They do not do any type of research and establish the facts of the matter. They quite often accept the status quo as being the ultimate authority and sometimes superstition and ill founded beliefs prevail.
    The reasons for 'authority' are varied from society to society and often from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.


    There are also many who pretend to be an authority on certain matters, but in reality, actually know very little about the issue at hand.

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  • I think people are cruel to each other because some people just plain out deserve it. It's that simple.

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  • EccentricWeird

    "People" are cruel because "people" are ugly.
    And OP is people.

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    • First and foremost, I am a person. I may be lumped into this group known as "people" but it does not accurately describe me.

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      • EccentricWeird

        I reserve my right to be cruel and to lump you into anything, including a gay orgy.

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        • hahhahahahaha
          Me gusta.

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        • Will you be participating, or just watching?

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          • EccentricWeird

            That, detective, is the right question.

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