Why are people so hard to get along & wish me to be better?

It's hard to be attractive, but I learned to accept my morals and manliness & myself the way they are: it will never be socially acceptable, stop wasting your time. Just for doing something when and how I want it to be, which isn't a bad thing, and just for being a strong man even with gently closing the door, nobody is having a good time with it, just for using my brains people are euphemistic and insulting about it, when they should simply say "stop using your brains all your life", they non-stop attack my brain, occasionally saying "stop being such a dickhead all your life", war against being me and being identical, it's not a catastrophe, it's a shocking life, powerfully shocking, I just can't win, can't be neurotypical and can't force people to relax. Everyone's having a go at me for everything I do and still it was never corrected, I'm not changing for anyone, my virility is my persistence in optimal physical being, my possessions, money, luxury, power, sex, fame, clothes etc is my persistence in optimal material being, my dropping of religion is my optimal spiritual being and my smartness, genius, sageness and persistence even if you hate me, not trying to please you, torturing you in staying the same, consistent and authentic forever despite hatred and scaring people, is my persistence in optimal mental being, I'm a perfectionist and it's reality and you don't like it, suck it.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • dude_Jones

    Excellent, a non-religious fancy man. Keep taking that lithium.

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    • GarlicPotato

      What's with that dreary injection you obsess over?! The doctor is a rat and I want to kick him in the ass!

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      • dude_Jones

        Tell me about your doctor, Hans. I would think he is a nice man, but I might be wrong.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Competition, man -- they tryin to take your spot!

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  • dude_Jones

    But Hans. It's all about being well adjusted with all the other sheep in the flock. Optimal people can blend in. They don't need lithium to be exceptional, they need it to get cooperation from others. Awwwww, cooperation and happiness, Hans; got to feel it to know it.

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    • GarlicPotato

      Cooperation and happiness? You're so submerged in weirdness you seem to not know that I have it, I'm happy with you as much as I'm happy getting out the helicopter, and furthermore my personality merely developed over years of pursuing the old me from various years including Monday 15th February in 2021 this year of me getting out the helicopter swearing to never change/adjust/better myself/make progress or development again as after all my new years resolution was to stay this average normal man unchanged in the first place, I'm no longer seeking a better life, let alone needing lithium to cooperate and be happy and therefore I cooperated in the godforsaken helicopter and was happy getting out of there, and further down the line it's complicated because simultaneously normalcy is intricately the many things I said which all you Americans agree with if the normalcy is successful, and all the lithium does is dulls a man's thoughts, slows him down and slows is the key word because it stupifies him, and thinking at a fast pace equals a sane mind, therefore in my pursuit of normality I don't need it, only to chase my dream of rewiring my brain into neurotypicality.

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      • dude_Jones

        That was one hell of a one sentence paragraph, Hans. Very exceptional. You might enjoy browsing thru a helicopter museum sometime. It might stimulate some rapid thinking.

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        • GarlicPotato

          Helicopter museum? Ptooey! Don't tell me of that godforsaken vehicle again!

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    I'm glad you dropped religion, Hans. I'm proud of you.

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