Why are picket fences white in people's dreams?

Why are picket fences always white when people dream of a beautiful life? I do long for a picket fence in my life but I don't want it to be white, just regular wood color. It's a crime to cover up such beautiful raw material!

Because. 15
Don't know. 9
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Boojum

    It's an American cliché because back when picket fences were first popular, whitewash was the cheapest paint you could get for exterior use that made things look spic and span.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Because Tom Sawyer hustled his friends to paint them that way. American hustle son.

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  • megadriver

    It's a cliche. Personally I don't like white fences. I prefer a half-stone, half-wood fence, where the wood is just lacquered for a richer color and protection.

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  • IrishPotato

    I don't even like picket fences.

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  • leggs91200

    This "American dream" has cliche elements.

    The white picket fence is just part of the image. Kind of like having 2.3 kids, an SUV, taking the brats to little league, the family dog, all that bullshit.

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  • SmokeEverything

    Because the whole white picket fence thing is based off everybody wanting the same thing out of life. White picket fences are for places with civic associations telling them how many flags they can hang on their house.

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  • Unknown10i

    Because white is pure, unlike black and brown.

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  • ApplePine

    hmm...never thought about this before...

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  • BlindSpot

    I like white picket fences and I plan to have them around my house, but now I'm actually thinking, what if I've sold myself unknowingly to the shallowness of the so-called American Dream. There's gotta be more to life than white picket fences.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno, but I'm not into it. Here in Dover, Delaware a lot of the houses have short, little, white picket fences, and I can't stand it! I grew up in the Houston, Texas area, and most places have big six foot privacy fences. I also spent fifteen years living in Las Vegas, and most of the houses there had cinder block brick walls. If there's one thing I love it's my privacy, and picket fences don't really provide privacy. I like the old saying, "good fences make good neighbors". I never want to go outside since I moved here. I'm definitely NOT an East Coast, or Northern person. I feel like I am more of a Southerner, and a Texan. I don't hate it here, but I don't especially like it here either. The only thing I really like is the snow in the winter.

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  • Azarseth

    I guess that white is supose to be pure so we see beautiful white things but I personally don't care if anyone have it an other color.

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