Why are so many whites uncomfortable about talking about race?

I'm white. I've never understood why so many white people are uncomfortable talking about race with blacks.
I don't give a shit, for me, it's just discussion.

I don't know. 2
They feel guilty. 5
They feel like they'll be scrutinized. 7
I don;t know, but I'm white and it doesn't bother me at all. 10
They're afraid they'll look racist. 13
They feel they must tread carefully in this politically correct era. 14
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Comments ( 25 )
  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I don't know, I think maybe a lot of people I've noticed who are like that are also the kind of people who try so hard not to be racist that they end up being patronising and , ironically, racist , oblivious that they're treating someone different because of their race

    I've spent hours talking about race relations with a wide range of people of all ethnicities and when it's all people who genuinely don't give a shit about the colour of someone's skin I find it fascinating,

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    • Crusades___

      Race IS an issue and discussing about it should be a primordial matter. Blacks, latinos and middle easterners are usually less intelligent and more prone to being violent. There's nothing wrong with pointing that out. So many tragedies could be prevented if more people would remove their politically correct blinders and see things for what they are.

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      • Ms.Dempsy

        So your saying whites don't kill? Or your saying the color of the skin makes someone better? Yeah it not like white police shoots black people daily for no reason. Or a man running for president want to deport all the migos and shit if elected. Which race is less intelligent? This isn't the 1800s I'm black and white. And I don't think one is better than the other. But when people say stuff like what you said it pathetic and uncalled for. Skin color doesn't matter. It the actions of the person wearing it. Then again I'm just 20 years old. Maybe I could be mistaken.

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        • Crusades___

          "So your saying whites don't kill?" Blacks commit overwhelmingly more crimes than whites in proportion to the population. They only make up 13% of the population in the US and yet they commit 51% of all crimes. Check FBI stats.

          "Yeah it not like white police shoots black people daily for no reason." Police shoot and kill more whites than blacks on average.

          "Or a man running for president want to deport all the migos and shit if elected."
          What's wrong with someone who wants to deport millions of illegals who exploit the welfare system, overburdening the economy, at the expense of the hard working tax payer?

          "I'm black and white. And I don't think one is better than the other. "
          You are speaking from a biased perspective. Facts are more important than your personal opinion.

          "Skin color doesn't matter." Yes it does. Skin color is correlated to race most of the time and each race expresses distinct behavioral patterns which are determined by their biological structure.

          "Then again I'm just 20 years old. Maybe I could be mistaken."

          You are mistaken and you are showing your age.

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          • Ms.Dempsy

            Bite me

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          • xoxokatelyn

            Okay dumbass, listen up. I'm quoting this out of Harvard Magazine so you can keep your inbred mouth shut while I light you up with some facts about race:

            "Anthropologists, biologists and geneticists have increasingly found that, biologically speaking; there is no such thing as "race." Modern science is decoding the genetic puzzle of DNA and human variation - and finding that skin color really is only skin deep."

            "Every person on Earth shares 99.9% of the same genetic code; only 0.1% of our genetic makeup differs."

            And this beautiful link right here:


            is the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History's website explaining to you unintelligent motherfucker how skin color came to be. (I'll give you a secret... It's not based on intelligence).

            Race is a socially contructed label that we have been trained to live by. You want to know why violence is so high among the black community? Let me enlighten you.


            The link above explains that poverty (not race) is the real reason why crime rates are higher among the black community, and how our society is set up for them to fail. ("less intelligent and therefore prone to violence"... boy sit your stupid ass down).

            Now before you pull the race card (like a racist bitch nazi such as yourself would), I am a white and upper class female. I am almost as privileged as they come (aside from the genitals I was born with). YES, white privilege is actually a problem. A big problem, and a problem that needs to be addressed.

            So how about you take your head out of your ass and pay attention to what is ACTUALLY happening in this god forsaken country.

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        • RoseIsabella

          There's nothing wrong with deporting illegals.

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  • mysistersshadow

    I don't think most whites are uncomfortable talking about race until some one not white comes in the room.

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  • I don't feel guilt for loving my own. But I love others too. For eg Little Mister Big. Woof

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  • wigz

    Uncomfortable how?

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's the white guilt.
    I love white people, especially tall blond men!

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    • thegypsysailor

      What have white people in the US who aren't bigots or racists got to feel guilty about? Not a single one of us was alive when there was slavery, and I doubt that many of us on IIN are responsible for the troubles in the black communities.
      My relatives weren't even in the US at the time when slavery was legal, so what the hell do I have to feel guilty about? I'm not responsible for oppressing anyone.
      As a matter of plain fact, with the mortality rates from colonization, wars, famine, disease and genocide in Africa over the last 200 odd years, it is highly unlikely that even one in one hundred thousand blacks alive in the USA today would ever have been born, had their relatives not been taken from Africa.
      Guilt, for what?

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      • wigz

        Hmm. I find it quite curious that of all the comments I have made to you THIS is the one you ignore. The serious reply asking for your personal experiences during a time you should certainly remember and could be very helpful to everyone on this topic had you actually been witness to it. MLK Jr assasinated in '68 when you were supposedly 21?? No comment?

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      • RoseIsabella

        I don't personally feel guilty for anything. Some white people do feel guilty for whatever, but I sure as Hell don't, and I never will.

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      • wigz

        Serious question here. If you are 69, you were born in 1947? Right? You should have been old enough at the time to have a decent grasp on segregation and desegregation. Your comment about slavery is a bit weird as it indicates that as soon as slavery was outlawed, blacks had it just as good as whites (obviously not true) and secondly, that all people who acted with bigotry did so from sheer hate and not the more logical reason being that they were brainwashed. Case in point, my grandma. Tiniest, nicest, sweetest lady ever but she grew up being told that blacks were practically a different species and you'd get the cooties if you touched anything a black person touched. She wasn't being mean, she'd never hurt a fly, but this stuff that she was fed affected how she treated blacks and she never realized it was harmful. Anyway she died in 1988 but you can't act like racism doesn't still exist even among post-slavery-and segregation people. Then remember those people had kids and many passed on their 'knowledge' to their children who are now the people running shit. A lot of confirmation bias going on here too.

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      • I'm not trying to sound accusatory (maybe I was coming across that way to you), I basically agree with what you're saying.
        I'm just trying to have a conversation, as this subject is pertinent to modern affairs.

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        • thegypsysailor

          I certainly didn't take it that way, but over the years a few blacks have pulled out the 'whites should make amends' card on me and I don't cotton to that very much. So, if I sounded defensive, I'm sorry. I'm a bit brusk at times.

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          • "I don't cotton to that"
            Quite an interesting expression, I take it you're from the southern United States?

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            • thegypsysailor

              Cotton certainly is.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Cotton... mwhahaha!

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          • I was reading into it too much. Rereading your post, it's clear you were simply being frank about your opinion (which, in general, is the best way to go). Cheers mate.

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    • Do you think people feel white guilt for valid reasons?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Nope, because no Caucasian person alive today had anything to do with what happened in the past. I'm proud of my western European heritage, and I don't owe anyone anything.

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