Why are some dark skinned girls so mean to us mixed girls

my whole life ever since i was a child i have had problems with dark skinned girls. from elementary school, to middle school, to high school. dark skinned girls have always stared at me giving me the evil eye. growing up i did not know there was a problem within the black race with skin colors of "light skinned and dark skinned." i did not learn about all of this until a about two years ago. i know it sounds like i have been living in a box but when you're mixed growing up in a home where everyone else is mixed or "white passing" (white passing means you look so mixed that you can almost pass for looking white) no one really discusses colorism. that is what it is colorism. dark skinned girls would always bully me growing up. they saw me as a passive person. i noticed that dark skinned girls target light skinned and mixed women a lot. they think that we are all weak and will let them walk all over us. i hate that i have to act extra tough and mean to keep dark skinned girls away from me or trying to fight me. at the school i go to most of the dark skinned girls are really loud and frequently start altercations. dark skinned girls are very beautiful i will admit that. they have beautiful features and hair but their attitudes, self hate, and jealously makes them so ugly. it does not make since to be so beautiful but to direct your hatred for the white girl onto us mixed girls, and light skinned girls. we are not white. again i say those of us that are mixed with black and white are not white, even if we are pale, or have straight or super fine hair, or look white, we are not white we are mixed. i get so tired of dark skinned girls on youtube saying "mixed and light skinned girls will take the side of the white man and are bed wenches" i am not a bed wench. but the thing is dark skinned girls, some of us mixed girls do not experience all of the harsh racism and discrimination in the world back to back. and we cannot pretend like we understand what you are going through. i wish dark skinned girls would be nicer to me because i just do not like them anymore. they make me feel very uncomfortable now even though the dark skinned girls of today are not the ones that bullied me. i do not fear dark skinned girls i just really am at my breaking point with them giving me dirty looks and constantly trying to try me with aggressive behavior to see how i will react. it is interesting how on youtube a lot of dark skinned girls constantly complain about society is wanting to look like them without being black, or how black men now prefer to date white or mixed women, have you ever thought maybe it's the attitude? i will not lie TV does not help you dark skinned girls because the media makes you look like you are aggressive, have bad attitudes, and are loud all the time. the thing is most dark skinned girls at my school have these traits. dark skinned girls you are not ugly to the world because of your skin you are ugly because of your envy towards those who are not dark skinned. if i counted all of the stares i get from dark skinned girls and grown women a day i would lose track. what are you staring at? why are you frowning? are you shocked that there are interracial couples and the babies come out sometimes looking like me? are you offended by me because you know i am the result of a white man marrying a black woman, or a black man marrying a white woman? does this make you "feel some type of way" and another thing is to all the dark skinned women who can't stand me and frown but interracial date your baby will most likely look like me. you did not know that? it's like how can you hate or have such aggressive views towards the people your kids will most likely look like when you interracial date? i noticed a lot of dark skinned girls that pick with me put up pictures of babies that looked like me when i was a baby. pick a side dark skinned girls. you are either going to hate us mixed girls or love us. you can't love your mixed child then hate the mixed girl who is not related to you. this is all so silly to me. for me to constantly be mistreated my dark skinned women. i am called bedwench, coon, massa's daughter, it's really dumb to me. oh another example. yesterday my sister and i went to walmart. there was a dark skinned girl ringing us up. she kept tapping her foot and having an attitude while she rung up my sister's groceries. she would stare at us quickly looking from my sister to me looking angry. so i kind of frowned at her too giving her that "what is your problem look" to those saying "maybe she was tired of working that day." she had no customers in her line and she was not about to close. the look she gave my sister is the same look dark skinned girls give me. it was actually pretty funny to watch. my sister cannot help that she is mixed and beautiful with long hair. that's the way God made her. i'm to the point where i don't even feel bad for dark skinned girls anymore and how society treats them. i am tired of you girls mistreating light skinned and mixed women. when society shows you as being masculine and not feminine i no longer feel bad, because the way you have treated me growing up and still continue to treat me and my other family members sucks. maybe this is your karma i don't know. but good luck with your futuristic problems of colorisim, self hate, and dark skinned female masculinity. because i am done caring.

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Comments ( 31 )
  • Cedric_Diggory

    They are jealous because light skinned girls come across as softer on the eye and more attractive and feminine than dark skinned ones.
    They are also jealous because they have little burnt stick hair.

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    • liamouse3

      i agree with everything but the burnt stick hair because i know a lot of dark skinned girls actually have very nice hair. sometimes their hair curls more than mine when wet. some just have extremely terrible attitudes. it's a big turn off to society to have to deal with such attitudes.

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      • Cedric_Diggory

        Why do they even have those disgusting attitudes? That's their biggest flaw. They are always so defensive for no reason and take offence so easily.

        It won't help us to talk about them though. They already hassle you too much so why bring them into your safe place? :)

        Let's talk more about you. What do you like about yourself and, also, what do you dislike about yourself?

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        • liamouse3

          what i like about me is that i am sweet. i like that i can get along with almost anybody. i like that i can make anyone smile. i dislike how critical i am about my looks and body. i dislike how i am a perfectionist and if something doesn't look perfect i justbhave to fix it. i dislike having ocd. it effects my life drastically.

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          • Cedric_Diggory

            The things you like about yourself are amazing. The things you dislike are not necessarily bad things though. It's good that you are critical about your looks and your body. It shows that you are always looking to better yourself. Do you know how many women just let themselves go nowadays? It's ridiculous. Even this whole fad where obese people "love their body, shape and form". It's just an excuse to not want to go the extra mile.
            Do you wanna know my secret pet peeve? I hate that women theae days don't have nice legs anymore. I specifically refer to shape and calves. Women don't have definition in their legs anymore.

            I like that you have ocd and I understand how crippling it can be but there are ways to use it in a positive way :)

            You have a lot to be proud of. You sound open minded, smart and you value yourself. All of those things, essentially, makes you a very good person.

            Now if only THAT was contagious.

            Just think how this world could change for the better.

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            • liamouse3

              do you like meaty calves? i have very meaty calves but they look good when i wear dresses and heels. but i have juicy thighs but i have to or it won't line up with my but then my but will look fake. you know how a lot of women get but injections and their thighs are smaller than their but, so their fake but kind of just hangs? ya i can't have that lol. that is why i don't use the waist trainers that all the other women are using because if i used one my body would most definitely look fake. now i do need to tone up more. but i probably won't swim this summer unless i go to the beach because last summer swimming in the lake was awkward because all people did was stare at my but. i really don't like when people stare at me. i try to go to secluded areas with my friends when we go places. they either staring at my body, or trying figure out "what the hell is that from the back? i see big kinky jet black hair but pale legs?" they probably think i'm a alien. lol.

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  • Murun

    In America I presume? Everybody seems to need to be categorised as some race or other over there. It causes lots of problems.

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    • liamouse3

      yes this is unfortunately america.

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  • Rihyae

    You should love yourself in spite of them. I sometimes feel bad for being pale and I have an aunt who gets mad worried when I tan slightly in the summer. It's crazy. I also remember a girl who tried to fight me in middle school because my lips are naturally pink, and when she asked what lip color I was wearing I said none.

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    • liamouse3

      this dark skinned girl asked me at my job once " if your mom is brown why are you so light?" i was like "i don't know" i mean of course i know why but it's just like why does that matter so much? i saw a story where a white couple gave birth to a white twin and a black twin.

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  • felixy

    Didn't read most of that, but darker-skinned girls are just jealous of lighter-skinned ones. The latter tend to have more feminine-looking features, and therefore attract guys of all races more.

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    • liamouse3

      that has to be true. because my other light skinned and mixed friends have been through the same thing. my one friend who is mixed she had a dark skinned girl harass her at her job at taco bell and got her put off the schedule for a few days for not adding extra meat. it's really annoying. it's really old now too. i am sick of it.

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  • xfg40

    They probably bully you because you don't use paragraphs. They just want to help a classmate succeed.

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    • liamouse3

      interesting that this website is almost like a grammar check. i did not know that on is it normal . com that we had to write in essay format to please others. in fact does it bother you that i did not indent either? i'm currently eating sweet potatoes. what are you doing right now? since you have time.

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      • _Mehhhh_

        You don't HAVE to, but it does make things a lot easier to read and digest.

        Anyways I think it's down to beauty standards. Dark skinned girls are often (unfairly) told they are ugly, or "pretty... for a dark skinned girl". I think with some of them it leads to some resentment of women of other races and mixed women.

        It doesn't justify them treating you as an individual unfairly, but if it's a question of "why?" then that would probably be it.

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      • xfg40

        I'm currently touching myself. How were the sweet potatoes?

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  • gwxnn

    Unfortunately, people will find a way to separate and hate on each other over any difference at all

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  • Newnormal22

    As a light skinned black female, there's major colorism issues in the black community. In a way, you have to feel sorry for those dark skinned black females because society doesn't uplift them. They're not feeling loved. They're feeling rejected and they resent you. They wish they were you. They're not going to take their frustrations out on white females because white people are their oppressors. There's a fear there. However, since you're part black it's easier for them to pick on you. As for those names such as, "bedwench." They're mad because they do not have the options like you or the desirability. But this is brainwashing because any woman can be beautiful. Your skin color does not dictate your beauty. I would just try to take the higher road and show them love, but still stand up to someone if they cross you. They are extremely insecure and sad. They're hurting. Black women are a neglected group. It's normal for you to feel traumatized because it keeps happening.

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  • John__Cena

    They are just mad because they are naaaaaasty

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  • here2help

    One thing that will never change is dark skinned or "black" people will always be violent. black people make up 6% of the US population but commit 50% of the crime. for some reason nobody seems to bring up that statistic at black lives matter.

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    • liamouse3

      i don't like black lives matter anyways. it's hypocrisy. black people kill each other more than white people kill them.

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      • here2help

        yet they dont admit that because they want an excuse to vandalize and steal.

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    • Adopt-a-thot

      I don't support black lives matter since it was taken over by black extremists on level with the kkk. Black people are twice as likely to be prosecuted for a crime than people of other races though. So that greatly influences the statistics. I won't deny that a lot of (mostly American) dark skinned people (usually men) are violent, but when the world seems anti-black and you are the poster child, it can cause psychological damage.

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      • here2help

        A lot of what you say is true and valid, but we need to look at the why. Why are blacks twice as likely? Is it because they are black or because of the individual circumstances involving their cases? The hardest thing to deal with in an investigation as a prosecutor is the lack of cooperation with witnesses. There was a murder of an 8 year old in broad daylight for the whole world to see and not one witness came forward to help in the investigation.

        Ultimately, if blacks want to stop being the poster children for violence then they ought to admit their communities have problems and encourage becoming educated instead of teaching them to act stupid.

        But there are so many factors like where they live that we have to take into consideration. Blacks usually live in impoverished areas and therefore are subject to more drug exposure which leads to more violence and crime etc.

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        • Adopt-a-thot

          I believe that it's a combination, and I admit it. It's up to the majority to admit it and come together as a people to rectify all of the damage. It's very hard to undo such a cycle. There are black organizations and businesses (which are great), but not nearly enough platforms or resources.

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          • here2help

            well said. lets hope they change things eventually.

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  • MethSmokingSatanist

    The thing is, in my experience, many black people are extremely racist to the point of even being racist against one another. You're not "really black" if you're mixed and therefore don't feel the effects of white racism that much, just like if you don't act "black enough" you're just trying to please white people. People were pissed that obama wasn't black enough to be a black president.

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    • liamouse3

      i agree with your comment so much. black people are extremely racist. and very discriminatory. they too have told me i am a bed wench and white man lover because i don't act "black enough" but how can you act black?

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  • Adopt-a-thot

    I've seen this too many times so I just found an article with some really good comments and chose one, although you've mentioned colorism:

    "Colorism is real, and there is data to support that. But this list seems to conflate the privilege of relatively light skin with the privilege that comes with actually looking European. As a tan African American woman with wooly hair, thick lips and, yes, hips, I can assure you that I will never be mistaken for white or Latina. I’ve had enough experiences to know that to be true. White people have called me threatening so much that it’s become automatic for me to constantly smile at work, although I’m not a smiley person. Salespeople follow me around in stores. Latin people call me morena. So, yes, light skin privilege is real, but it is granted by degrees of proximity to a European standard. That’s how ridiculous white supremacy is."

    To answer your question, the dark skinned girls (or guys, I've seen how mean some dark skinned guys can be to the light brothas) who are rude to light skinned girls probably bitter from rejection (I know there are people with dark skin getting married, I'm just using an example), have been influenced by family, or a combination along being called ugly and feeling ugly just for having a more visible protection from the sun. There are people who will hate you just for being dark because it makes them uncomfortable. Even if you're nice. Appearance matters.

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    • liamouse3

      i understand this. i have heard the morena termn to. doesn't morena means "not black black"? it's used a lot of northern parts of spain. yes i know. colorism exisit what i am saying is not all mixed and light skinned girls are pro white and go with the right is white life. a lot of dark skinned girls on youtube make it seem like us mixed girls do not care about colorism or even know about it. but the thing is when you're faced with such aggressiveness from the same people who want your sympathy it's hard to act like i feel bad for dark skinned girls or black girls who do not look racial ambiguous when it seems like a lot of them target mixed and light skinned girls.

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      • User-name

        Light skinned or dark skinned, black people will find a reason to hate on each other. I grew up knowing about the division and for the most part ignored it, but OC you can't deny that light skinned blacks get treated far better than tan or darker ones- simply due to the complexion of their skin. (Or maybe they are less negative since you all seem to almost always be smiling and bringing spirits up.) I'm unsure, but for whatever reason don't let petty words get to you. It's jealousy plain and simple.

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