Why are we so open with medical problems?

I just started a new job three days ago. Already I know which of my co workers thinks they have diabetes and asking me about how to treat it and what their medical results were, which one uses medicinal Marijuana, which one had meningitis, which one who's husband has cancer, which one gets an injection called Stelera.

Three days. I keep most, if not all, of my medical conditions to myself. And i have a lot of serious ones.

Is it normal to be this open about medical issues?

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78% Normal
Based on 9 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • jackstormwater

    Most people don’t have much of any embarrassment talking about medical problems unless those medical problems have to do with a few specific parts of the body. So yeah, normal.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    I'm open because I have to be. I have two major health disorders that like to compound on each other. Even though I'm 26, sometimes I have to walk with a cane. If I do not have my cane and I don't mention it I probably won't look disabled to anyone.

    One of them is epilepsy and I can literally forget people I met only a couple days before. I literally have to meet people multiple times to remember them. I feel *really* bad about this! So I just tell people, "If I seem like I don't remember you, just remind me we have met before."

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  • LloydAsher

    Cant speak for your co workers but honestly I spout my medical BS because it's a couping mechanism to eventually get over it. To remind myself I have it.

    It's not cancer but i am effectively castrated so yeah. I think I have the right to pout it. I dont care if they dont care. I'm trying to not care.

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  • kikilizzo

    Some people love attention and use anything they got to get it. It's only necessary to know about ones medical condition if it can affect their abilities at work. It certainly isn't necessary to talk about it any chance they get though. That is obnoxious.

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    • LloydAsher

      Plus it's a good conversation starter when you run out of shit to say. "I cant have gluten I have blah blah"

      I mean it's kinda cool that you know if your coworker gets stung by a hornet they'll die.

      Random personal stuff. Good springboard into other conversations.

      My archenemy is highly allergic to eggs. I'll make him eat an egg and then shoot him.

      You know random shit.

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  • profanity

    Sounds alright to me.

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