Why are white people so racist?






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Comments ( 158 )
  • jasonapple

    It's hard to like someone if they make it obvious they hate you, but start afresh with every new person you meet, just because someone you met five years ago was mean doesn't mean the person you meet tomorrow will be just because they have the same skin colour.

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  • annada

    As a black person, i think some white people are racist, so are some asians, some black people, some hispanics. i know its easy to fall into that trap but you shouldn't let your experiences color (no pun) your views on a whole race, it is no better than when other races classify us all as gun toting gangbangers.
    Oh and btw you're complaining about racism and yet you use the term cracker?

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  • lady19

    WOOOOW You guys. I cant even believe this is STILL AN ISSUE! Who ever doesn't get that every race has racist people in it is just CRAZY! I am African American and i just cannot believe my people (and by my people I mean, my people of Earth of all colors, shapes and sizes) Still just can't say eff it, theres some racist blacks, whites, mexicans, asians, middle easterns etc. Just like how every race has its murderers, rapist, thieves, liars, fat, skinny, ugly, and pretty people! Hmm thats strange that all races have that huh? Can it be because we're all just PEOPLE?!
    Anybody who has only ever met a white racist, or a black racist have been severely sheltered and are missing ALOT because racism comes in all sorts of colors, shapes and sizes sadly. I hate that black people still use the word n***a. It just sounds ugly to me, but at the same time i understand that we only started using it as a positive when we were being mistreated...not that we should still be using it.
    On top of that i also hate it when people of other races say things like "You guys get to call us spics and crackers, but we cant say n***a!" Ummmmm, what? First of all why would not being able to use such a word bother you? Is it really that big a deal? Will it ruin your entire day? I think its wrong for ANYONE to use racial slurs PERIOD!
    What we need to be doing is banding together to get these corrupted people who are running our lives out of office. There is something so much more and so much stronger,and darker at work here and its happening right under our noses. Some of us can say "Oh yeah our government is corrupt" but nothing ever gets done about it because we all get tangled up in fighting what should have already passed and wasting our time with being the hottest, smoothest on the street with the latest gadgets. Can't you see its wasting our time with things like this thats got those corrupted fools in office sitting back and laughing at us? Theyre pulling all the stops while we sit here saying crap like "Why are all white ppl racist?" and "Most of you black ppl are aggressive n dress funny" or whining "Why can't i say n***a?" COME ON AND WAKE UP PPL! We are not each others enemies, The ppl suckin up all our money and sending our troops off to die in phony wars are the enemies!!!
    I'm not a heavily religious person, but God makes no mistakes ppl. We are all different colors because thats the way he wanted it! Now lets stop sounding ridiculous with this tit for tat thing thats going on with the name calling because all its doing is raising our blood pressures and further making us as a people of EARTH look straight stupid lol.
    Just imagine how scary it would be for our government to see us stop wasting our time on luxuries, television, and the ever so played out RACISM and start zoning in on their every move...They need to know and FEEL that WE put them up there and WE can just as easily take them down.

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    • man42

      Well said lady19, you have a good head on your shoulders and you can perceive whats really goin on in the world.

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  • Solomons_wisdom11

    Hmmm... phrases like "your people", "lazy Mexicans", "not educated", "act proper", "it's not owed", "my friend is mixed and even she hates blacks" (to that last one -- seriously!), these all come off as passing judgment. Sadly this is what most minorities hear on a daily basis -- if not directly then indirectly from the norms in our culture (and don't get me started on the media).

    I found that, based off of most of the comments made, it appears that many failed to phrase their opinion in a way that does not incite animosity.

    Therein lies the problem. Animosity -- underlying animosity for people of another race that bursts onto the scene when the topic of race pops up. This means that the screwed up morality of our world (when it comes to castes) has done a good job polluting our collective psyche.

    We all need to get real with ourselves and ask: Am I a racist; are my thoughts towards another group discriminatory? As a person thinks, so is she/he.

    Galations 5:19 says it best. In short it reads: "When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, your lives will produce these evil results: ... hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger,... divisions, the feeling that everyone is wrong except those in your own little group..."

    That last part is key, "...the feeling that everyone is wrong except those in your own little group." It's human nature to cluster with the people we like, and in the processes get the idea that it's your cluster 'against the world!' That tendency will not be stopped without the adoption of LOVE. REAL LOVE, LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER, and not the WARM FUZZY-FEELING-LOVE where affection is concerned. However most people will not do this lest they surrender the power they feel in being indignant. We feel that somehow we are in control -- sticking it to the other person -- when we stay angry.

    Anger and hate will ultimately defeat [kill, damn] the person harboring those emotions. It takes humility to forgive and to accept forgiveness. It takes a real strong individual to find strength [that sense of power we get from being angry] in being one who forgives.

    Let's be honest, some apologies need to be made! This country has a hard time admitting when it's been wrong. Own up to the past, and heal the present for a better feature.

    An open apology to all races, religions, and the sexes -- just some effort taken to own up to the tradition of discrimination and genocide enacted in the past [that some argue still continues] would be a huge start. It is human nature for to store up hate for the person who we feel has wronged us, and [for that person] avoiding it only stirs up more hate.

    I heard a wise teacher say: You can't fix what you don't face. We as a people should adopt this.

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    • Damn

      thank you dude, i havent read all teh shit on this topic, but so far your the only other person to say taht, Act decent/proper, is fucking bullshit

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  • ItalianoGirl93

    Okay,i am a white girl these comments piss me off. so for one who said something about white Jesus. Jesus is Jewish,created red, yellow, black and white, so therefore, i don't know where you were getting at with that. For two sagging you pants is not a "black people" thing. anyone, in fact lots of people including girls, whites, Asians, Hispanics, and blacks sag. NOT JUST BLACKS. For three, NOT JUST BLACKS HAVE SLANG, my mother is 58 for Christ sake and 100% pure white and has slang like no other, i'm not racist, i have friends from every race. There are GOOD & BAD in EVERY race. Not just one race "black" are the bad ones. AND to the white girl " NOT JUST WHITE PEOPLE HAVE GOOD EDUCATIONS!" Hello? where have you been do you even know how many "white" teenagers are dropping out of school these days in the SUBURBS, obviously not. SO no reason to put out the black race for education because every race has good and bad, dumb and smart, rich and poor so STFU! Yes,i'm white.... so you other "white people" think i should be sticking up for my own race? how about there is one race, the "human race" and ill stick up for whats right or wrong not whats black or white or any other ethnicity. Please to all you racist folks understand you don't know the people you are hating you should hate one whole race, maybe a certain few if you have reasons but if not your just dumb and need a REALITY CHECK. Why don't you be in this persons shoes, see their background and maybe you can understand what they have been through and you might actually feel bad for saying all the rude things you have been posting on here to them.

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  • dap

    by the way the person who asked this is racist just by using the word "cracker"

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    • Dr.GenesisWeiss

      Dap 59910 I agree with your post. As an doctor of neurology the racism that people deal with is more then a coloring of that persons skin. It is sicking how one persons brain is twisted in a way that I can't help them. Take this case of Mississippi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEyWsDNUcQI where these "White" kids who are all under the age of 21 got drunk and then went out to kill a "Nigger". The person that they killed was only getting out of his vehicle to go inside of an hotel when these kids drove up and (pardon my typing) beat his ass. This racism that was shown was threaded in these kids blood. I will let you watch the video to see the sad ending for this helpless man. And it isn't just the Caucasians who are racist, racism is found in each race of humans... the Caucasians are just more loud about it then others. From: Dr. Genesis, Weiss.

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    • historicalcontext

      Cracker is not a racist term, I suggest to all you reading this that you go and check the definition of racism. White people created racism and it is predominantly white people that are racist, that is a fact. 'reverse racism' does not exist. The person who asked this did come across as angry but they were entitled to express their frustration on this topic, please respect that.

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  • rsohlich1

    This is my opinion on the matter. Growing up as a white suburban kid, I was mainly around white kids, but since I played ALOT of basketball, I was able to be around a lot of black people too. Growing up, I learned we as whites and blacks do have cultural differences, but in the end we are basically the same. We all want the same things: prosperity, friends, love, ect...so why all the hate? Well, its complicated. As I grew up and started seeing the "ghetto kids" and hanging out with some of them, I started to see some of them, and by some I mean a lot, deal drugs and act generally thuggish. I honestly didn't mind this, but many of my friends started to wonder why I hung out with them because we were different. I honestly find that just as many white kids used drugs and its really only a small minority of blacks that deal narcotics. And I found they are doing it because maybe they had a fucked up life and didn't have role models. Black people have a much tougher time in society and that IS THE TRUTH. Its a vicious cycle. My mom, as a teacher, sees it all the time. She sees the parents taken away from the children at young ages and she sees the effects later on. In the end, we all need to see the SIMILARITIES in one another and not every little stupid difference. And remember, people you don't understand always have story that usually explains a whole lot.

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  • cranberri

    there is a difference between a black person and a n!gger... and a spic and an hispanic.... and a caucasian and a cracker. You just need to know this, and when to use it.

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    • QuietNoise916

      I totally agree I'm black myself and I say that all the time. Don't hate everyone because one person is doing something stupid. I shake my head all the time because of the behavior of certain black people. Unfortunately what can you do?

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  • Dee

    I agree/disagree with you on a few things...you're right about the fact that African Americans Of TODAY are not suffering directly from slavery BUT it still has an effect on African Americans today...have you ever heard about something called "White Flight"? Well it's basically when African Americans began to move into American cities after WWII...African Americans were making their way into the middle class which would offer them good jobs, good education, basically a good lifestyle BUT because white people (during this time) had a problem with the idea of African Americans actually being successful, they decided to leave the city/urban areas and move to suburban areas...so you might be saying "whats ur point" ...well when whites moved, they basically took everything with them such as their businesses, and even education. this has carried on to today and that is why a great amount of African Americans as well as other minorities can't get the same education or do not have as much as others because its kinda hard to make something out of nothing meaning. education, in my opinion, is the key to success but when you're not given the same opportunity, what can you do??? Some people may think "well if you want a better education, move to the suburbs with the 'white' people" well think about back in the day when many black peole actually tried to move to better neighborhoods but were denied those rights (its called blockbusting...look it up)....WHEN YOU'RE NOT GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY, WHAT CAN YOU DO????...you're right about the fact that we should stop dwelling on the past BUT many if "whites stopped assuming all "blacks" were crooks, criminals and gangstas and ghetto, then maybe JUST MAYBE African Americans wouldn't be so hooked on the slavery issue. when white people "get over it" black people will "get over it"!! ...yea everyone has dealt with discrimination at some point in time but it's easier to pinpoint whose black and desciminate against them than it is to figure out whose jewish and discriminate against them (i say that because the first thing people say is "jewish people were discriminated against worse than African Americans were")...and oh yea Im African American and i'm a senior in a predominately white school and i consider myself to be a respectable and educated person. You say if you act decent then people will want to help you but sometimes that just doesn't cut it...but i agree that there are worse things in the world so EVERYONE SHOULD STOP BEING RACIST and close minded because just like i will never know what it is like to white, hispanic, asian, indian, etc, others (including you) will never know what its like to be black..I WISH THE WORLD WAS COLOR BLIND!!(*wishful thinking*)

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  • doucebag69

    I like how the whole time you accuse white people of being racist and not letting you get a job you call them crackers, you might as well go up you the manager of a store and say "hey you stupid vanilla ass minority enslaving bastard why won't you give me a job",
    and a lot of white people are backing you up when it's most likely your attitude or the fact that your a dumb hypocritical bastard thats getting in the way of you getting a job in the first place.

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  • Kelsey123123

    Fuck you crackers??!!? If you really were sincere about this topic and informed, you would realize that calling white people crackers IS RACIST! Im not saying that white people arent racist because some are. But not all white people are. I think you should take a step back and really think about what you said. Some hispanics and blacks and asians and EVERY RACE is racist! Not only white people! I see the question you posted as racist so why don't you think about that for a while. Hmm?

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    • old_blueeyez

      Most races are just on the Defense...because if each other non-caucazoid races (black, latino, asian, indian etc...) didnt defend themselves, then white people would try to exterminate every race in the world..It's sad, but true. Blacks, we have SOULS, in which we come from somewhere in the galaxy (called the black holes)
      Whites don't have souls- white people are only spirits. There only walking spirits. But its all good. I still love you. Its only the truth though.

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  • Rhoot

    Many white people are suffering from Post Traumatic Black President Disorder (PTBPD). See here: http://ptbpd.blogspot.com/2010/07/welcom.html

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  • dipu12345

    That this term 'white' and 'black' exists is so funny! I am Indian and I have Indian friends who are really really fair-skinned, or really really dark-skinned, or medium-complexioned. But never the skin-color struck me while being friends with them. Why do not you concentrate on the inner-beauty of a people rather than the outer, while interacting with someone? See how beautiful the laughter of the person is, see how beautiful his sparkle in his eyes is because of that beautiful soul he has. This might help curbing differences and loving/respecting each other more.

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    • mixItUpforMe

      What the-H?

      The Indian people that I've met in CA seem to
      be very materialistic and rather racist too.

      You're right. They come on over to California and
      the "Mexican" becomes the new lower-caste.
      Well, they've finally found a ethnicity they can look down on. Congratulations.

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  • Isetmyparentsonfire

    Another thing is Caucasians have put out so many bullsh.it stereotypes like asians can't drive Asian men are small. They've also make the stereotypes that Asian men are nerdy. They also put out that black women are ugly and white women are hot. If you remove makeup off every white woman you'll see they aren't sh.it. White people always put out that their better but they always down other races? And to someone saying oh if you talk proper English and dress properly you'll please Caucasians, like hello? no one needs to please you devils. And Obama, Michelle Obama and Oprah talk proper English and Caucasians still call them the n word so... now what? And that goes for other classy people. And another thing is why do white people constantly attack how blacks speak? I mean speaking proper english sorry but there's more important things than talking about the way someone speaks. Another thing is why say all blacks don't speak proper english? it makes no sense since you haven't met every black person. Why do white people always have to down other races, especially blacks?

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  • samp585

    the first case of hiv was from a white man so people cnt realli say blacks caused it

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  • Dalmasca

    Every person in the world is racist, some are 1% racist some are 40% some are 90% etc.
    "The problem is not being racist"
    "The real problem is people are afraid of letting go of their "Ego" "
    In this case many white people have the most trouble of letting their "EGO" disappear. Also many Asian and African people have trouble with it.

    "So as long as people are afraid of letting go their "EGO" there will be racism and difference between people."

    And also stop seeing things White or Black just look in the middle ;). There is no "Good or Bad, Winner or Loser, Higher or lower" only thinking makes it so"

    PS. I am not white nor black i am middle-eastern.

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    • mixItUpforMe

      Nicely said, by the way, some people have told
      me that I look Middle-Eastern too.

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  • Isetmyparentsonfire

    I love when caucasians say go back to Africa, it's like uhh did you forget about that you are most likely German(80% of Germans are in America). So why don't you guys go back to Europe. Oh and to people mentioning blacks do more crime, it's so weird how back in 2008, the REAL statistics showed white people had higher crime but than a year later it's like blacks have higher crime. Ha white people make me laugh so hard. Blacks have this higher risk blacks have that higher risk, white people are behind the statistics AND everyone knows white people will lie,kill, and destroy just to make themselves look better or to get themselves ahead. Racism WOULD NEVER EXIST IF IT WASN'T FOR CAUCASIANS. We wouldn't be dealing with discrimination if it wasn't for Caucasians. Most white people are just so evil, there has been many cases where the white person killed someone but they blamed it on a black person, it has happened real often. Tons of blacks in jail are innocent. Have you ever heard of a black person blaming a crime they did on someone white? EXACTLY. White people have done so much damage, stole America from Native Americans, Killed so many native Americans,they killed so many that there is only 1 percent of N.A.'s in America. Whites are definitely the worst race in the world. You guys can deny it all you want but everyone deep down knows that it's true.

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    • lasianiga

      I completley agree with you..sorry to say it..not to mention that they took the africas sold them....they way they treated them for hundreds of years makes me sick even now..its hurts me to say it but its true considering i am actually mixed race and i have a white parent !!!

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    • jenpow

      Did you ever stop to think if there were no BLACK people there'd be no racism?

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  • LuffHearts

    Is this a joke?

    No seriously...

    You're saying racist things about white people too ): Racism is wrong wheter its a white person being racist about a black person or vice versa. Can't we all just except our differences?

    Because it's low. It's very low.

    Now, listen, from what you said the white people are not being racist. I'm white and when I walk into a store people follow me. The workers do it to everybody, not because they're worried about theft, but because they just want to know if the customer needs any help. Like when in Walmart, a clerk usually offers assistance every five seconds.

    And, as a matter of fact, when you hire somebody in a store, it is based on how good they will be at the job. Not their skin colour. Unless they're a really racist store. Like a store me and my friend went into when we were on holiday in America and the people actually told us to 'Fuck off' because my friend is black.

    I know; white people can be very, very racist, but it's equally as bad when black people are racist. Although it doesn't seem that way, because there aren't many racist black people.

    Which is why you should sign up for a job at a normal store, where there is no racism. Which is pretty easy to find. The same friend I mentioned earlier who is black got a job in New look that I interviewed for aswell and I didn't get it. This is because she is better for the job and has more skills than I do. And if I had the proper skills and was more talented than her then I would've gotten the job.

    But you are racist. Towards white people.

    You called them 'Crackers' 3 times in what you wrote. You also wrote:
    You asked what is 'wrong' with us being racist, yet just asking that you managed to be racist yourself. It is very low. And before you cyber yell at me I would like to state something:

    I know there are many white people who can be very, very racist, but that does not make it okay for you to be racist. Because that is showing that you are just a shallow as the white people being racist.

    I hope you consider the fact that your being shallow and racist as well. And if you're going to comment something back that is racist towards me, I will just ignore it. But if you actually give me a reasonable reply, then I won't ignore it. Thank you.

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  • Relliksod

    if anybody is reading this, i want you to read carefully. i am a philosopher as well as recording artist.
    I turn on the tv, someone white.
    vote for a president, someone white.
    mainly in my area, someone white
    talk to myfriends, mainly white.

    the us belonged to the natives, and they are even now called natives, when really they are americans real americans. whites destroyed their race and heritage. towelhead, ni**er, spic, etc. white peoplehave created a name for everything. I am not being bias. Black people walk around callin eachother ni**ERS but blacks have died defending this country just like whites. now whites are racist against mexican. notice how whites can get along with asians n other white skin related races but when it comes to darkerskin even mixed people, they are racist. blacks where brought and enslaved, only 100 years ago. i heard someone white say, " blacks need to go back where they came." is that stupid or what. WE WERE BROUGHT HERE AGAINST OUR WILL. white people hate adolf hitler. dnt get me wrong i do too, but it was millions of black people he killed. if it was, it wouldnt hav been as big of a deal. One person here said, and i hope he is reading this, "WE werent slaves" guess what,YOU werent born at the times of slavery, so why are you racist, cause of your prick parents will good. AMERICA WILL BURN. you can mark my words. This hatred better stop or we will fall. BUSH can make nuclear trades with iraq but obama cant pass a law, WOW RACIST WHORES WOW. look at yourselves you should be ashamed. but u have no pride so white people walk around with their heads high like nothing happened. you have something wrong with your brain if you look at someone, n think differently just because of their skin. We are all humans, appreciate the dfferent races. it is a privelege to know someone different exists in this world. whites should be ashamed of what they have down to two races. blacks should be ashamed to stand for it, and continue to call eachother words that you grandparents down. think about it. wanna talk to me my email is [email protected]

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    • Damn

      I just think its funny how white people would even be so bold as to hate other white people that are inferior to them....anyways, there are no stopping white people. I hate what the early Europeons did....they fucked the world up, right up. This is what the world is like now, thanks to those folks. and were just dealing with it that all..."were" not being blacks or whites or any other ethnicity...i mean everyone on this planet, this earth is dealing with it. Personally i hate the english language more than any thing on this planet...It is the language of the ones reasponsible for a lot of the shit that this day and age has to deal with...I didnt ask you to come to any of my foreign countries and build us schools, we didnt ask to learn your shitty language. but you did (keep in mind "you" in this comment remains ambiguous) some accepted it, and were glad to have foreign friedns allys or whatever, other didnt...whatever get over it. i can understand why a lot of things went the way they did. Unifying the world is a great idea. it really is, but other had faster and quiker ways to unify us...give us problems, while in the meantime giving us solutions...whatever im obviously missing alot and unifying deff wasnt the goal, its just a nice ideal...it was all about money...money has been around since the age of Cane and Abel, if you believe the bible and that stuff. i find that hard to believe because the true indigenous people, had a bartering system and traded things...Im assuming that the world was conquered in order to spread the good word of the all mighty dollar, and thats all....i dont care none of this is based of fact, but if you can follow my sentances than this should be kind of an interesting thing to read

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    • mixItUpforMe

      Blacks were brought here against their will, and
      now Blacks are discriminating against the Mexicans, (ha,ha).

      Funny thing is, I'm not Mexican, I just look
      like one. It's often the case of mistaken identity.

      When I was in New York, black people often mistook me
      for "Puerto Rican".., but I'm not Puerto Rican.
      I discovered in some weird way that some Blacks don't
      like Puerto Ricans.

      Wen I was in Florida, this Haitian dude kept
      picking on me in school. He thought that I was
      white, and because Haitians hate whites, -- their viewpoint
      is that "whites are oppressors",.... To him, I looked white.

      ... but I'm not white either.

      ... I'm a mixed race, (I look middle-Eastern).

      ;) Yes, I get around the nation. I see the

      Later on I moved back to California,
      oh, don't get me started about the stupid people in
      California, where "Whites" ride skateboards and talk like the "Beach Boys" in their high-twang accents, and "Mexicans" jump out of little red trucks and push lawn mowers for hours. And blacks jump out of old white cars, beat you down onto the sidewalk in some wanna-be gang initiation.
      Some of this stuff is true and some of it is just sarcasm. The part of about some blacks
      beating me up was true.

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  • i don't like the word n*****...

    -The Nidaime

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  • whitegirl!!!134

    All right everybody black white, asian whatever race ya is!! Ok listen up !!! Im just about sick of hearing cracker, ni***r , and other rude comments! Didnt yall hear martin luther king jr.?? Did yall?? Well I guess yall didnt?? Not all white people are racist!! And Im white and go to basically an all black school !! And i love it I love all races black, white, mexican, or even asian! Skin color should not matter! God made us perfectly black or white or whateva color so stick with it !! Be proud to be black or white!!Dont judge other people if they wanna be racist just let it go "take the high road" Be biggest than those idiots!! :DD and this comes from a teenager!!

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  • Letsnotberetarded

    First off I'm going to say it truly amazes me at how dumb and feeble minded ALL races can be not just Caucasians not just African- Americans but EVERYONE .

    Now to the misinformed white people on here saying " Oh, blacks don't try and do anything for this country or themselves"

    SHUT THE HELL UP is all I can really say to you.

    First thing is you can't sit here and try and logic with us on our mind set because 5 times out of 10 NONE of you have experienced the hatred or persecution we have to go through on a daily bases! You have no idea how it feels to walk into a job interview and see a white women sitting waiting for the same position and right there your hopes drop because you know that shes going to get the job even if she is less qualified then you JUST because she is white.

    You act as if we where giving the chance to succeed and as if racism and discrimination doesn't exist still! It makes me laugh that you guys act like slavery ended when it is still happening just in a different form!

    Coming from a black sista with a white husband you have no idea how hard it is for a Black Man Or Black women to make something out of there self in a WHITE country! Point,Blank,Period. The percentage of Caucasian out number the percentage of minority so if the the Majority of your race is RACIST and the Majority of your RACE is The country .... you do the math.

    Now this don't make me hate white people because I know many of them who are the most loving respectable people! on the other hand I don't sugar coat the truth to make them feel better about the bad things they have done just like I don't sugar coat what BLACK people do! Fighting fire with fire aint never helped nobody before and it want now. People need to learn to love and learn to look deeper then whats on the outside and that goes for all people of all cultures and races.

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    • mixItUpforMe

      Hey, I'm just as depressed about (the job situation)
      as you are.

      No one want to hire an old 40ish, half-breed like me
      anyways. You won't believe how many years I've been unemployed.

      There are both white managers and black managers that
      won't hire me when I apply.

      I think they perceive me to be a foreign or something,
      or maybe they just don't want me because I'm so old.

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  • QwertyBlack

    To the damn jerk that said that Black people denouncing racism have an inferiority complex: go to hell!!! You are not Black so you do not know how it is to know that you are constantly being discriminated because of the color of your skin. I also think it is EXTREMELY stupid when some White people complain about being the victims of racism: if many Black people do not like you, it is because they are tired of your racism that makes life much more difficul for them. Until there is equality, it is totally normal for Blacks to hate Whites. Believe me, I tried to say that not all White people are racist but with life experience (personal or through observations) I have found out that it is not the case. Anyway, I do not even understand why you always want to deny your racism: you should assume how you think and/or act.

    We do not ask for you to like us: we ask for respect and equality.

    Finally, I think that anyone claming that slavery is over is a total ignorant: the very strong racism that still exists in our societies is the continuation of racism. Period.

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    • mixItUpforMe

      So, ... Am I White or am I Latino?

      Do you take turns deciding which race I am.
      So that when you're in the mood for picking on
      Whites, well, there I am, I'm white.

      And, when you're in the mood for picking on Latinos,
      well, by all means, there I am too.

      I'm mixed, by the way, both Latino-and-White.

      You Said.
      "Finally, I think that anyone claming that slavery is over is a total ignorant: the very strong racism that still exists in our societies is the continuation of racism. Period. "

      Fine. Okay Then. Slavery continues.

      So does my unemployment, so we're even. Ha.

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  • lolita1982

    White people scare me, and I'm half white...I look white or Italian so I've had friends say racist stuff around me and it's shocking and sad.

    But for the most part I think that the majority of white people in America are not racist, prejudist yes, racist no.

    Its hard for people everywhere to accept that other people around the world who look different from them are valid human beings deserving of respect.

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  • kelly77

    i am frm south africa and the white ppl here are so racist its gross, they think they are just so good wen thats nt true... they hav no feelings for any1 bt them and i dnt like that i hw they treat ppl

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  • TheBigWanker

    I am not a racist. We are ALL a shade of brown. Some lighter, some darker.

    I expect to have ANY person regardless of what shade they may be to treat me with the same respect that they would wish to be treated with themselves.

    I find it offensive that a portion of the black community perpetuates the use of the word "nigger".

    I find it offensive that they themselves perpetuate racist hate in some of their music.

    I find it offensive and ridiculous that many of the black community feel that they are "owed" something, i.e. "reparations". THEY were never slaves. MY ancestors were never slave owners and weren't even in this country when slavery was legal!! Slavery is a thing of the past. GET OVER IT.

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    • rocketgirl35

      The white man was so lazy...... He needed someone too work for him...... BLACK PEOPLE RING A BELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    • alana

      its not about slavery ok acept it white people are still racist even till today
      and remember when you see a white racist person he is racist and mad because he does not want equality he wants to be above the rest,but you will never see a black person upset if they give them equality black people are racist agenst white people because they fell that they dont have equality.
      and thats the diffrents between
      black people being racist: want equality
      white people racist: wants to be superior

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      • mixItUpforMe


        black people being racist: not wanting to relate to others.

        white people racist: wants to be superior (stays the same.)

        Taken from a mixed person's point of view.
        I find that lots of Blacks are also prejudiced against poor Latinos. Let's face it. I've met many blacks that only want to relate to Blacks or Whites,
        and they cringe being around Latino-looking guys.

        I see how it is too. Yeah, right, you'll get your
        equality with the "white man" and then you won't give
        the latino a job. I see how it is in 'America'.

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    • mixItUpforMe

      Yeah, get over it.

      And by the way, the fact that many of my ancestors
      enslaved many Irish and Danish peoples should also
      be forgotten.

      Oh, those Danish lads! I enjoyed enslaving them.

      I also enslaved The Beatles, but when I found out
      how well they sang, I decided to let them go.

      { All this from a guy fond of the 60's. )

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  • PrettyGurl10


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    • mixItUpforMe

      I don't care what you look like.
      I only care what's in your heart.

      Some beautiful people are evil too, so it does
      not go by looks.

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  • scotty24

    @ andy123

    You sound really fucking stupid; telling us to clean up our ghettos. What about the white people who live in ghettos, do drugs, kill people, don't go to school, etc.. But wait everyone always oversees that. I mean it's 2011, grow up, face the fact that were different. White people always complain about how we talk & act.Part of the reason African Americans talk that way is that we weren't given a PROPER EDUCATION!! You made African Americans act the way they do. All this shit you have done to us and you still can't except us for who we are!
    As i mentioned already it's 2011, it's time to grow up.

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    • mixItUpforMe

      I don't care how Black people talk,
      I care more about attitude.

      I've met Black people in upper-class neighborhood that
      are real snobs, and this bothers me even more than
      meeting some poor guy from a tough part of town.

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  • racistcunt

    its natural for white people to be racist,they all fear the unknown and they are the most vicious creatures known to man.they ruined the world to feed their supremacy .

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    • mixItUpforMe

      Hey, hey, watch it.

      Louis Farrakhan is pretty extreme too, and is probably so racist he'd even hate someone even if they were half-white.

      So, if you'd be half-white and half-black,
      or half-white and half-latino, ...
      then Mr. Farrakhan would call you "devil's child".

      Now, while I do have some supernatural powers in the black arts, .... I only use them sparingly against my

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  • Brokestatusmk2

    Qwerty, you're just as ignorant. Black people hate white people they've never met because of a couple racist people?! That is pure ignorance. Let me tell you something. When I go into a predominantly black school to go and fix something, and I have a bunch of black kids cussing at me, spitting on me, throwing things at me because I'm a honkie or a cracker in their school, how the fuck do you think I feel? Do I say anything back? No, I finish my fucking job, suck it up, and move on. This whole deal about saying how hard it is being black, slavery this blah blah blah, get over it. I doubt you were close to anyone affected by it. You want to see equality? You want to see racism start to fade around you? Change your attitude, quit griping on blogs like these when some one actually posts a valid or noteworthy statement, drop your fucking ignorance and move on. People with a views like you keep fueling the fires that racism rage on.

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    • User-name

      Strong words, stronger message. Keep it up. I personally don't think we as people will ever truly be equal, but I do think the only way racism will stop being such a hot issue is if everyone just shuts up about skin color.

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  • mixedbxtch(:

    im lik 1/4th white, nd 1/2 black. Not all white ppl are racist most dnt really care about race..only white crackers who do are tha dumb ass that commentinq shit sayin "becus yu belonq in africa." Wake the HELL UP! its 2 thousand Fuckinq 10 BLACK PPL ARE HERE!, so qet tha fuck ovr it and stop beinq so damn racist cuz yur makein yyurself look stupid wen yur President has sum Black in him has alot mor control than yu Do(;

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    • wowtofunny

      =D lol completely agree!!

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    • mixItUpforMe

      What's your other 1/4th ?

      (We're missing a fourth here.)

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  • Battle

    Dude i know the feeling i can't even walk down the street w/o getting called a nigga by some white trash. Then i end up fighting.Half the time those that say it over the internet is really scared to say it irl.

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  • llove

    I belive most white people are racist to certain degree. However, they chose to either not see it or not acknowledge it. I am a black middle class citizen who decided to move my family from the city to the suburbs.First off let me say neither myself nor my family are loud, lazy, disrespectful, thievs, and any other lable whites would like to give us. We are a strong, educated God fearing family.
    My initial view of white people was pretty much what a lot of you are posting. (Not all whites are racist) That benefit of the doubt quickly changed within the first few days of us moving to the suburbs. Almost everyone on our block either refused to speak to us, allow thier children to play with ours, treated us like we wanted to steal from them.
    I have had neighbors click the lock on thier car door the minute they laid eyes on us. I remember once as my family was returning home my next door neighbor drove by us, made a u turn in the middle of the block and raced down the street, jump out the car and check thier front door just to make sure it was locked. Not only does my family expierence this on our own block with our own neighbors, we see this constantly at the mall, eateries, and even the movies. White people believe they have something so precious in the cars, that we would want to steal it in broad daylight with our children and spouses along with us. White people, we are not trying to steal what's in your raggedy cars. Please know every black person is not a thief. To all my black sisters and brothers, I challenge you to pay a little closer attention the next time you cross paths with a white person getting out of thier car. The moment they see your dark skin, you instantly remind them to lock thier doors. Now most of them will try to tell you they lock thier doors regardless. But just pay a little attention to how many times they lock thier car door when they see people thier color versus when they see you.

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  • oTARKUSo

    I think most people miss the bigger picture: That all people are recist. The very fact that we would even notice and achknowledge race puts some emphasis on race... I personally am also a hairest, as I prefer women with long hair... Hmm. I guess that makes me sexist as well.

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  • DaddYCaT4MommaCaT18to30

    I support you 100 percent and i am white
    I know your feelings and their called white trash or more like honkys ha haha!!

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  • RooBee

    "Hoffman: They Were White and They Were Slaves"

    Rich, White plantation owners joined with the negroes in insulting White slaves and poor White people, referring to them as "poor-white
    earthscratching scum," "crackers", "redshanks" , "redlegs"(forerunner of the "redneck" racial insult current nowadays), "Hill Billys" and "Scotland
    Johnnies". p 110

    FYI Racists come in all colors not just white. Before throwing a comment about how people hate you because of your skin maybe you should take a look at yourself and see why you throw racist comments and names.

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  • shyboyone

    Just stay were your roots are then we don't have a race problem. Fuck your own women and don't inter breed. Simple

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  • slackjawedyokel

    most racists are jealous and fearful of the idea of the big black penis.They feel small and impotent and they then lash out at the source of their inferior feelings.

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  • MysteriousChick92

    Well, OP, when you talk like that, people are going to dislike you. Not all whites are racist. There are plenty of blacks, asians, hispanics, etc that are racist. Stop being a bitch about. If someone does not like you because of the color of your skin, they're not worth knowing anyway.

    But, you can't act like this and start calling people names, like cracker, spic, or nigger. It's distateful and just makes you look like an asshole. You just need to change your outlook on it. If you're a nice person, people will like you regardless of your skin color. Yeah, there might be racists pricks, but they're irrelevant. They don't matter. Ignore them.

    Just do your thing and just be you. The right people will surround you and like you for you, nothing more. Hope this helps :)

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  • ilyosm

    Don't say it's not true cause it is. Just curious as to how come it's okay for blacks to call whites crackers but when it happens the other way around we got Al Sharpton on a megaphone crying about racism? i mean like seriously. did you ever stop to think maybe its your attitude. you need to change your perspective and the way you look at things because your looking at them all wrong. you cant just call someone a white cracker because you didnt get a job. i mean im white and sometimes i also get followed around in a store but thats okay because im doing nothing wrong so it doesnt bother me and it shouldnt bother you either if your doing nothing wrong. just go about your business and pretend they arent there. simple as that.

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  • GingerJess

    OMG i'm white and am not raicst at all. I have friends from all ethnic backgrounds, yes there are some racist white people just like there are racist black people etc.

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    I was watching a TV show about a year ago where they staged a fake airplane flight with actors and some real-life people who didnt know they were on a TV show. All the real-life people were of different races. They sat white, hispanics, asians and black people in many different seating configurations. The producers sat a black person between 2 white people and no one really complained or showed any real sign of insecurity. However, when they sat a white person between two black people the black people were obviously upset that a white person was sitting with them.
    Point is, there is alot of racist black people whether they deny it or not. Sometimes, they try to call it something else disguising their resentments but some are just outright racist and use their history as a defense.
    A good friend of mine is a white kid who grew up with around black people and the majority of his friends are black. If you told him that white people were more racist than black people he would tell that you are an idiot.
    The funny thing is black people embrace their own stereotypes when they're in the media. Often producers tell black people to act "More black" giving them more money while letting them exploit themselves. Until recently I didnt see too many positive black role models in the media. It seems that in the mid to late 90's the positive black role model disappeared (outside of sports). There were some positive artists in music but they were not showcased like the "thugs" and the "gangstaz". I remember Charles Barkley saying that when hey talks to black children they tell him they just want to be athletes or work in the music entertainment industry. He was disappointed that black kids didnt say they wanted to be doctors, politicians, entrepreneurs, etc. So I do think that the black community has mentally limited their opportunities compared to other races. Black people cant blame everything on the system or neglected neighborhoods, schools, etc. Understand that PEOPLE GENERALLY LEARN ON THE BASIS OF FEAR AND INTEREST. In our education systems in the US we have veered away from the FEAR part of learning. For example, in schools kids arent beaten by their teachers into learning but I cant say the fear aspect is totally eliminated from the school systems. Positive role models provide the interest which opens a door way for young kids to learn.
    To respond to the question. The reason why a white person or anyone wont hire you might be due to many reasons. It could be race. Theres alot of jobs that will most of the time only hire a specific race (I.E. landscapers, fruit pickers, mexican food, etc.).It could be your demeanor, body language, personality, qualifications, hygiene, etc. BUT I GUARANTEE THAT IF YOU GO TO ANY PROFESSIONAL WORKPLACE TALKING LIKE YOU THE WAY YOU WRITE... NO ONE WILL HIRE YOU. I think everyone can agree with that.

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    • mixItUpforMe

      ha,ha, I can neither get the "white-acting" blacks nor
      the "black-acting" blacks to be my friends.

      Seems that the well-off blacks in my neighborhood look
      down on me, acting all stuffy and pretentious.
      They'd gladly say, " Hey, look at the homeless guy over there, what a loser! ". They don't care about the poor.

      Add to that, I can't get the "mexican-acting" Mexicans
      to be my friends, and I can't get the "white-acting" whites to be my friends.

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  • alextheguy

    maybe it's because you have gold teeth and wear saggy pants and a tall tee and basically look like ppl that steal. get a polo shirt and some nice jeans and they won't think you're gonna steal shit...not rocket science

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    • rocketgirl35

      that is so ignorant............... white people steal too.........

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      • mixItUpforMe

        I don't care if white people steal, I need them to
        give me a job.

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        • mixItUpforMe

          If white people want to plan a heist, then let me in on it, I'm been broke too many years, I don't care about the law or which 'race' steals; I need a piece of the action.

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    • you are stupid...

      -The Nidaime

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    • mixItUpforMe

      Yeah, it's not rocket science.

      Fact is, when I dress up, it makes people angry.
      because Whites don't want to see 'wetbacks' dressed up.

      Hey, guess what, I'm dressed up right now.

      No one cares.

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  • larcombe1234

    I and white but i am not racist my niece asked me the same question and i just told her it was ignorance.

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  • Brokestatusmk2

    Read your post...reflect on it...then reconsider your thoughts towards "crackers." Unless you give them a reason to be suspicious of you, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. But by the sound of your post, you probably walk into those stores with a scowl on your face and a guilty conscience, waiting for one person to make a "racist" gesture by keeping an eye on you. It doesn't matter what race the person is, you walk into any place with a chip on your shoulder and an antisocial aura about you, you're going to get negative attention everywhere you go. Crying racism and calling white people crackers is not going to get you anywhere dude, so grow up, and realize that racism is a two way street.

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  • benjiebob98

    maybe if you werent so angry and didnt take it so seriously that someone might think you will steal something at a shop you might make some friends. im white and people are always making me show them the insides of my pockets when im at the shops. im 14 and people dont hire me either so it isnt a racist thing :P

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  • TheJudge

    Blacks have a crime rate that is five times the white crime rate. Store clerks watch you because many other blacks have robbed from the store.

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    • Truth191

      White people steal as well (they just call it embezzlement). By the way, the societal damage caused by white collar crime (embezzlement) has a far greater impact on society than stealing a pair of sneakers. In addition, blacks have been stereotyped as being the offenders of certain types of crime in society such as drugs, theft, and burglary. Lets address majority white crimes such as molestation, rape (sexual offenses to minors). After you check the statistics then we can discuss which crime rate has a greater affect on society.

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  • Confirmpassword

    White people are racist because some blacks make it very difficult to like/accept blacks.

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    • wowtofunny

      That does not give you the right to be racist!

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    • ashleyboo

      Wow you couldn't of said that anybetter haha.

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  • JanIAm

    I think what may be following you around is not so much the white folks as it is your attitude. I'm a white woman, and I've been watched in some of the stores where I've shopped, too, particularly when I come in carrying a large bag. Shopkeepers are wary these days -- deal with it and don't take it so personally.

    And if your attitude carries forward in your interviews, you're not likely to meet with much success. I view employment as a privilege, not a right. You have to earn the right to have a job, and if you don't want it, there are plenty of people in line who will take it for you. Go after employment like you're really hungry for it, not like somebody owes it to you, and see it that doesn't bring you better results.

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  • Jen118584

    This entire post is so deliciously hypocritical. People like you are the reason that so many white people are still wary of blacks. And don't think for one minute that it doesn't go both ways. Every African American I've ever known has made no attempt to be at all tactful in their observations, thoughts, opinions, etc. about white people. I went to class one day with mosquito bites because I'd been camping and a girl made a very loud comment about how white people have fucked up skin. No one I know has EVER made a comment like that about black people. Why don't you take some ownership and make a change in your own attitude if you're expecting one in the attitudes of others.

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    • Thank you, I thought at first you were going to slam me for something but I though I wrote appropriate for this situation.

      I couldn't agree with you more, I am sick of the double standard. It is okay for Blacks in general to hate 'whitie' but if I say the 'N' word I am damned for it. For society to truly be free and against racial and intollerance, we in general must let go of all the racial thinking and comments from ALL ends, not just the white persons point of view to this debate.

      As long as we as a nation strive on ignorance and acceptible that it is okay to just not know instead of spending countless hours learning to become better, this will always be a problem. We must change ourselves inside instead of blaming others for our problems.


      However, I am still sick of all those lazy god damn mexicans coming to the United States and forcing us to learn their langage while the rest of the world such as China and Japan is learning ours for a better societal future. It is counter productive as no where, including Spain, has an extremely successful society by speaking Spanish.

      If your in the United States, learn our god damn langage and leave the spick talk at your home; the shithole of a nation you came from.

      (Had to end on a bad note, it is best to not always be the know-it-all.

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      • Iamhonest

        First of all MEXICANS ARE NOT LAZY most of them work 2 jobs so they dont have time to learn english . Second spanish was,brought to north america before english was and mexicans were here before europeans .Last but not least it is wrong to be racist against any race .YOU ARE A SORRY EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING.REPLY TO THAT.

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      • raceman

        You should know your history. back in England. White people were cave dweller. hence drawing on the walls of caves. My wife is white. god help us leave the mexican.
        they did not dwell in caves. if you check your history out you will find that your just a paddy. yes a fucking irish man. a so it go.

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  • hazed

    I know, they are racist and will always be that way. It's taught to them from birth by their closed-minded guardians. There's nothing you can do to change this mindset, just deal with it unless you choose to surround yourself with all non-white people (sadly this is impossible). Even then, you'll have brainwashed non-white people who will hate you just because of your appearance. Like you chose to be born the way you are. If everyone could choose to be born a certain way, everyone would be rich and look great.

    Anyway, just vent all you want because that's basically all one can do in this situation. They own everything so there's nothing one can really do. Fighting back, protesting, will just get you placed in their jails, or killed. Such a sad existence to lead.

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    • WetBrownStain

      That is one of the more idiotic things that I have read on this site and I've written ALOT of idiotic things. It's talk like that which continues to perpetuate the hate and mistrust between the races. Alot of people aren't raised as racists but develope it as they witness bullshit such as your comment or some of the others on here grouping all people of a race together then bashing for something they themselves as an INDIVIDUAL havn't done.

      This in turn makes that person angry and could cause them to develope a hatred for the race of the person who made the comment. Basically, it causes a loop. Luckily the loop can be closed - it's just going to be hard.

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      • PoisonFlowers


        C'mon people, racism's dumb. I'm disappointed at the distinct lack of love I encounter everywhere, not just racism, but a whole crapload of idiocy.

        And Hazed, how do you know that everyone would be rich and look great if they could choose? The only criteria I would have is - healthy, not bad in the looks department, average income in the family, perhaps a twin and most importantly, I would have superpowers of my choosing.

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  • infidel1234

    What I don't understand is why only white people are accused of being racist. I cant live a day without being called "white boy" or "cracker", but if I use some racial term for a black person they get pissed and call me racist! I think part of the reason black people aren't considered racist is because their ancestors used to be slaves, therefore it makes it ok for them to be racist...Theres also the NAACP,United Negro Collage Fund, and Black Entertainment Televison. If there were organizations only for white people it would be consided unconstitutional, so why do black people get to have these programs? Im not a racist person, Im just upset because once again, White People are the "Bad Guys".

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  • Nublet

    People are racist because you African Americans keep calling us "White" people names.

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  • Sircastor

    Why should we? I am in high school right now in a big city. Yes I am white scream racist see if I care but the blacks they are the ones always getting in trouble.Most of them use n***** towards each other call me cracker and honkie. While they call us these if we say the n word we will get suspended and the dont. Half the blacks I see act the persona of ghetto and so do alot of white thinking its cool to be "black" aka wiggers. I have a few black friends who aren't like that and most of them agree with me and its disguesting how alot of people act in our school. But you gotta love how the black women terrarize the men into submisson kinda funny in a sadistic way

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  • AdamDuh

    Some people look creepy
    white or black

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  • the_regular

    these comments opened my mind. i really guess the internet is useful. all I can say is:

    to all who are in the USA, you are the most iconic nation in the world, the world looks to you when it needs a hero or a villian. the slaves and the slaveowners, built your great country.

    racism = WHY, WHY, WHY?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

    PS: THIS WAS A FIRST RESULT IN GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • ashleyboo

    Im white,& im not racist. It bugs me that most white people (mainly men) are racist or they act like their better. Im a young women btw, plus one thing that gets me. Alot of white people aren't racist, but as I read these comments I'm realizing it looks like blacks are hating on whites too. I mean honestly I don't think its because their black just because their differant like white people are competetive or something. if you know what i mean, i know that its wrong and i disagree with it. but everyone is differant, and some people will be racist the thing is you have to be the good person and not let them get to you. be proud for who you are and dont let them tare you down. I even have black in my family, I could see myself with a black person someday if they made me happy. But otherwise everyone should just grow up and stop argueing about this, this is so old and stupid.

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    • raceman

      Like your comments. a young white girl with sense. A white woman is not usually prejudice.it is normally those ugly white men that you have to look into their eyes like your dad. its seem that your lucky. good I have white in my family too. my wife is white and fucking racist too. it in the genes of the father girl it is deep shit way beyond your mind

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  • Not_racist

    Most white people actually respect black people. As long as they know how to talk like fucking retards. like you. You're the reason that there is a stereotype against black people. Congrats

    Go drink some grape soda and eat some fried chicken and stop accepting unemployment benefits. Slavery ended like 150 yrs ago. Its time for you to start pulling your own fucking weight.

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    • Um-uh

      Many white people are beyond arrogant and ignorant and they have a habit of belittling all people they view as different to them.

      It's like a lot of non-whites first language is not English of course and they somehow expect them to speak 100% English, as well as show correct grammar and the rest. But when many of these white people travel to foreign lands they do not even attempt to use the countries language. They just expect everyone to cater to their English.

      Would some of these white people be able to speak any Chinese language and be able to do any of the Chinese characters all correctly. I think not. Yet they expect everyone to be like them, when those that they are always calling out about their use of the English language, those non-whites English is far better than say their i.e Spanish, Cantonese or Portuguese etc. I mean white people cannot even mention the names of people who are not white correctly. It cracks me up to see a white person trying to pronounce a name which is like two syllables and still get it so wrong. I mean why are they oblivious!

      The thing about many white people they are unforgiving, lack genuine kindness, tolerance, understanding, compassion, the ability to relate and humility, these traits have eluded much of the whites for centuries.

      They love to pick holes in many peoples traditions, so what if blk ppl like chicken, white ppl like pork and mayonnaise, Chinese like rice etc. But how many blk people/Chinese ppl will go on their vids on YouTube and ridicule them for it. White people are the most racist and have caused so many atrocities, even today look at Shell, BP and Nestle. But they love to turn a blind eye to their wrong doings and deem it as being ahead in the evolutionary chain, when really it's just being mean, greedy, heartless and compassionless.

      P.s They also think just because other countries cater to them they believe they somehow view them as brilliant when in fact those races are just more wise and more kinder and will not say what they usually really think of them and would rather see the good but white people take advantage of other people's souls.

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      • mixItUpforMe

        Ummh, I gather from your long statement there that you're not "white".

        Wouldn't want to be you. Glad I'm not.

        I'm happy to be half-white, which is good
        enough for me. ;)

        Who cares about your long, long diatribe of
        generalizations against "white" people.

        Mexicans and Blacks are super-annoying too,
        so get over it.
        Let's move you into Mexico and make you stay there.

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  • Commonsenseman

    Can anyone of you racist sobs tell me any other race other than white Americans that have stepped up spent billions and actualy changed the laws of their own country to try to help other races that won't help themselves even after tolerating year of abuse and destruction from the very that they've done it for? Tell me can you answer that without twisting the truth?!?!?!?

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    • raceman

      Are you sure you know what your talking about.my brother why do you people dnt like the truth. Darwin help you guys an awful lot. perhaps was your jesus.

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  • nicelongone

    at least we can spell

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    • PrettyGurl10


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      • PrettyGurl10


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    • wowtofunny

      WOW ne quiet please!! I'm girl and i Can spell!! This just shows how ignorant you are sweetie.

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  • TheJudge

    If you want to make a better impression on white people learn about proper spelling and grammar. Also, do not project anger like you do. Most white people do not feel guilty about the plight of poor blacks.

    If you perform adequately, and behave decently, whites will accept you. Otherwise they will not.

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    • blackdroid

      Why would we wanna make a impression on u.. ur a nobody

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      • hjs;l

        hi i am white and i care for you if anyone trys to hurt you you just gotta remember your better than them xx

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    • SlickRick1017

      dont blame the grammar on african americans...
      if anything we have poor grammar because we were rejected a PROPER education for a very long while and we are still adjusting to the proper lingo and normal language. But to be truthful.... wes dont be speakin right becus we dont feels like speakin any utha wayz

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      • TheWhiteInformedGirl

        Okay, sorry you have had a bad life. Oh wait, you haven't you can get a good education like the rest of us. I am not racist but you should understand one thing that was your ancestors. You are not them, so all of you stop using a lame excuse that your families where treated badly years ago, that you have never had a good education. Lets get over it and realize every race has gone through some trial and tribulation. Everyones ancestors have been victims to slavery. Big deal, I'm not now and we have learned to pick ourselves up and make a better life for ourselves. Maybe everyone: white, black, hispanic should grow up and start acting like you have had it worse than any other person. Life sucks sometimes but it is what you make of it that shows the kind of person you are. Lets all work on being better people and maybe the "whites" will get over it and realize "blacks" are not bad people... but they can only think that is you start acting decent and not that you are the victim. There are worse things in the world so STOP THIS PETTY BULL $H!T!!!! and give a crap about someone besides yourself. If we all did that I believe the world would be a better place. But you have to act decent so people will want to help you.

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        • simtanya

          hi, I'm a black girl living in England and i have just turned 18, i to a school were most of the population there is white. I agree with whatyour saying, the slavery bull shit has got to stop. It happend centuries ago. But i agree with the other gentle man when he talked about black people experiencing racism. You have to accept that white people feel as though black people are beneath, and though black people may have the same opportunities as white people most tend to be left behind because of the colour of their skin. I was reading an article some years back and an african-caribbean man had applied for a job, he had to have a phone interview. The first interview he spoke to the employer with an african-caribbean accent and he didn't get the job, he then re-applied for the job but this time he used a british accent and he got the job. So this just shows that though people like to think that its the 21st century and racism doesn't exist it still does, and more and more ethnic minority people are trying to be westerners and loosing their own beliefs and values.

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          • mixItUpforMe

            Sadly, your point is true.

            I speak English nicely, and with an American accent. When I speak on the phone, the manager is very polite to me, but when people see me in person, they are shocked to see that I'm actually
            rather tan looking.

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    • hjs;l


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  • king20223

    another thing to bring up-this is just an example, the black person that made this post didn't use correct grammar/proper english. just for an example.......

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    • Daecjt89

      another thing to bring up-this is just an example, the black person that made this post didn't use correct grammar/proper english. just for an example.......

      It is supposed to be:

      Another thing to bring up, just an example: the black people that made their post did not use correct grammar or proper English. Just for an example...

      Boy, ignorance is contagous!

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      • Daecjt89

        Just a response to king20223 post

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  • white_guy610

    your racist too aand white people get hired over ypu because u think everyones racisty when so r u and because u thu nk ur being followed in stores when its ur imagination

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    • mixItUpforMe

      You so quickly use the terms,
      "you're racist too", but you've to to realize that
      people are not racist towards their friends. If you could make any attempt to be this person's friend instead of the quick retort "you're racist too" then that would be better.
      I, (mixed-race, latin-anglo) have mostly white friends, partly due to the fact that I only speak English, and also due to the fact that my close relatives are Anglo too, and I live in a white neighborhood. And though I don't really look white, I can't speak Spanish; so, what's a guy to do?

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  • BoredGuy

    statistics is your real enemy here.

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  • ashleyboo

    & one more thing if you ask me the dude who wrote that sounds a lil racist.. haha. They should just grow up and be a man.

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  • ItalianoGirl93

    i agree with isetmyparentsonfire LOL

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  • Juanita023

    Wooo boy! There's a lot of pissed off people on this post, haha. I didn't even take the op seriously. Actually I read this post. Then I read it again using Chef's (South Park) voice.

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  • mrz.new-new

    i kno more black people that work at walmart then white do so i dont even think that the case you think that becuz you didnt get hired at a job you wanted and the people that interviewing you was white and you didnt get the job did you think it might of been you and not the interviewer

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  • king20223

    well, the main reason that there are black people(negros) in the USA, is because they were brought over in the bottom of boats from Africa in the 1700's and 1800's. White people just get a little tense when they see someone that is "different". Also black people have more advance legs, because its mainly what there race came from, running a lot. just saying a lot of white people probably hate black people cuz there just differnt looking and mite act stupid to them....

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  • shazzan

    Blacks are racist because they are trained that way.

    at the end of slavery when the KKK and racism was normal racist whites infiltrated black groups. like Margret Sanger "founder of planed parenthood" and many others approached black leaders and taught them bad habits like not talking and getting mad and saying that's racist!

    This approach is positively reinforced by it working and blacks winning with that argument. They don't see or know the truth because people evade blacks to avoid the argument and its never discussed.

    Some blacks figure it out but because racism seems affective and its easy they keep using it as a group and then its further reinforced and justified.

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  • paty_cool

    You'll find a racist in every race. I have been discriminated against because I'm white. Too bad there are bad eggs that ruin it for everyone. :( ..By the way I found a website that give you prizes for your opinions and 4 play games here is the topic about Racism:

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    • raceman

      not every one is racist. it a frame the white people live its is call inferiority complex. your a human that hate your self. every thing you curse black people for is what you do. the sun is my favourite. you are always trying to get close to my attributes and yet you want me to be like you. can I hate my self. please get your self a eduction. we sent you to live in the caves so may u paid us back

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  • Commonsenseman

    If whites are so racist why are they always ending up in court over stupid affirmative bulls$/t when reverse discrimination suites are extremely rare? I'll answer it for you. It because whites usually laugh and walk away while black go into violent rages and start screaming racism because they want to be chickens eating off yhe ground what ever the gov will allow controlled by the gov like a slavebybyour own people (Obama).this does not apply to hard workng blacks that respect Americans and don't blame whites because the others that have failed to evolve civilly.it's amazing that in history almost every country people have been slave yet they have overcome those oppression, but even the black leaders still try to relive this stupid crap grow up spit the baby bottle out and get some real food.

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  • Equality

    The last comment sounds like somthing someone in the KKK would say. Another thng thats funny to me how half of the poeple that commented on what this guy said is rasist and you are just as bad as what that guy said so i dont no what your so angry about yo Rasist to

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  • okami

    Not all whites are racist. blacks are just as racist. It's not a sterotype if its true. If you dress like a "gangsta" and talk ghetto you will never get a decent job and you'll attract extra attention every where you go because your image sugguests that you have no respect for rules. The reason people don't like you has nothing to do with the color of yous skin, it's the way you talk and act. Nobody is born a racist. Racism bread from experience. Most people have bad experiences with blacks. I mean people move here from other countries that have never even seen a black person and it doesn't take long for black to become their least favorite race. Stop using your race as an excuse for every thing bad that happens to you. Take responsibility for life and your actions. Their are many programs and companies out ther who will give away an education and a good job just because you're black. It's actually easier being a minority because you are given ideal condtions to help you succeed. When you're white you have to earn it.

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    • rocketgirl35

      What world are you living in................. Everyday I go somewhere and people let me know I'm black...... I try too be nice too all ethnic backgrounds. I don't discrimate against people......... God wants you too love everyone, but some people make that very difficult. Too understand black people you would actually have too be black....... If you have never been black don't claim too know what we go through. White people assume all black people steal,act ghetto, wear sagging pants, uneducated, get welfare etc....... READ YOUR STATISTICS: And you might be surprised.

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      • dap

        not all but a large majority T_T

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    • ashleyboo

      Thats so true, im not racist or anything. But most blacks do bring it upon their selves by going around with no respect for anyone. But thats not all blacks, theres blacks out there thats alright.

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      • rocketgirl35

        you have too show respect too get respect.

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    • raceman

      listen. if you were an educated person, or human being you could not speak like this. what you must understand you white people cannot do fuck all you can fuck, you cannot run matter of fact the only thing you are good at is fucking up the planet.The white know it her sub concious but she like the king "the money" We have to dress like this to protect ourselves from you little creature. ex cave dwellers. you will always not gives us jobs. everything else we have is better. i am not playing a game. you are the weakest type of human that because you came from us. stop trying to use 2010 bullshit to fool young people. too many of generation fell onto this trap. go to liverpool and others places to find your self you inbreaded idiot. take the makeup off your face and the shit out your fucking eyes and you might see before you die

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  • ahta

    yeah i think england is the most racial country going althogh an evil bloke wants to burn a holy book which muslims read. How racist can you get? why are white people so racist? i mean yeah im brown and im proud. i think some people am racist cause they just dont like multi culture. people need to get over themselves and get a life and ont think so narrow minded.

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    • mixItUpforMe

      Wanting to destroy the Muslim Holy Book has nothing to do with Racism.

      I'm brown, and even I am scared of Muslims.
      I'm scared of Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad getting
      nukes, aren't you?

      By the way, I've never been to England.
      Frankly, I think Americans are more racist than the English (in England).

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  • malkien

    I am sick and tired of all racist people in general. I am half hispanic and half white, but I look mostly white. When i was younger the school i went to was mostly hispanic (mexicans), and since I looked white i was treated poorly at first when i went there. I was called derogatory terms for a white person such as people calling me a gringo (technically meaning foreigner, but usually used as a derogatory term for white people). I am also fluent in spanish, and it was even my first language, and as i would talk in spanish they would start accepting me more. This shows that its not just minorities being racist and it honestly does go both ways, although there are obviously racist white people there are obviously racist hispanics also.

    when i went to high school my family moved into the middle of the states and I went to a school with about 60% white people. There was pretty much every race here, and i observed some of the nicest most accepting people here, and some of the most racist. Although many racist people were white. Many of the racist people were of other races. Peop,le that weren't as used to hispanics could tell i was somewhat different. And even if they couldn't tell i was part hispanic, once they learned i was i would be called a spic by many people black/white and even others. So it's not necessarily a race issue it's a personal issue and how someone was brought up.

    Last but not least being a minority does in fact have it's advantages. When applying for college it was much easier to get in due to being half hispanic. Also although my family is somewhat well off (more than some) i was offered multiple minority scholarships for simply being a "minority". Although there are smarter completely white people that aren't as good off as me I would be offered more scholarships. Also if you are a minority it can actually be easier to get a job, in my experiences if you are equally qualified for a position many employers will often chose the minority to increase their "diversity" and seem like a business that isn't racist.

    So simply it's a 2 way street, but being angry about things will not get you anywhere. If there is bigotry effecting you I am sorry but it happens both ways, just do what you can in order to better the situation you are in.

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    • malkien

      in the first section i meant this shows that not only some white people are racist, but also minorities.

      And by the way not all white people are racist. Just as not all people of any race are racist.

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  • andy123

    African Americans clean up your ghettos stop hiding behind fucking guns learn to be peaceful like dalai lama and for god sakes somebody teach hoodmanz to stop fight over and killing eachother over these 2 dollar street hoes find yourselves real decent college or university girls not street hoodrat garbage.

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  • xoxoxo1234

    its because your people have a very well-earned reputation.

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    • nationofislam

      And your people dont?I beg to differ look at your son of sams btk killers cannibals and craiglist killers.whites are more safe around us blacks then there own people.

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  • goldtoofs

    dey hired me at a white store b4. u must b too ghetto foo

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  • one2one

    Have you not got the message yet nobody want you. Your back. You think cus you fuck the White trash we don't want it mite rub off shot even you have kids with White trash they as still half black not half White

    Fuck off back to ur roots and take Ur trash with ya oh and stay out of my fucking shop.

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  • smsbigred

    awwww you got chase by the kkk your lying though your damn teeth sambo

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  • smsbigred

    no we didn't all come Out of Africa that book is fiction
    Not Out of Africa has sparked widespread debate over the teaching of revisionist history in schools and colleges. Was Socrates black? Did Aristotle steal his ideas from the library in Alexandria? Do we owe the underlying tenets of our democratic civilizaiton to the Africans? Mary Lefkowitz explains why politically motivated histories of the ancient world are being written and shows how Afrocentrist claims blatantly contradict the historical evidence. Not Out of Africa is an important book that protects and argues for the necessity of historical truths and standards in cultural education.For this new paperback edition, Mary Lefkowitz has written an epilogue in which she responds to her critics and offers topics for further discussion. She has also added supplementary notes, a bibliography with suggestions for further reading, and a glossary of names.

    Your histoy IS AT These Place Buckingham Palace And in Rome Vatican and it would have been at white house but white house was burn to ground

    the queen got your histoy can you get can you get it hahahaha make her give it to you

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  • smsbigred

    We are not racist at all but I think most of us about to become racist and come unglue on all you racists sambo's.
    We are tired of be call racist when we are not We know all you sambo's are itchin to have a race war so bring it oh. we whites and Cajun are waiting for your black sambosssssss assesso bring it on dude are get your sambo saggy pants wearing jerk ass and yes blacks steal a lot more I have plenty of store video to back them up sambo

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  • whattosay

    When I first found this blog I thought this info is so old I wouldn't respond. Then I saw your 'mixItUpforMe' blog was not so old. You are very funny with responding to some blogs. I had a recent incident that I do not like. Reading through this helped out a lot.
    I am white and raise my kids properly/no racism. I am so surprised that people are STILL racist about color, nationality, and sexual preferences. Who cares. Why is it so important. I know people don't like Hispanics come into this Country not knowing our language and it causes us to learn there's...blah, blah, blah. Doesn't learning something new improve us all? The one thing I do NOT like is when someone of another race tries to make me look like a racist. This happened recently. One Hispanic person was happy to talk crap about white people to me. When I got along with the Haiti's lady...she didn't like it. So she started in on white people again. If I used the word black she acted like it was the most horrible word in the world. The Haiti's lady didn't seem to care.
    Just know - You can't categorize 'ALL WHITE PEOPLE' racist. Some of us REALLY do not care what color, nationality, or sexual preference your are. History keeps going and a mix of different cultures CAN be a positive thing.

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  • Jeshua

    He's right black ppl never get hired and I always get chased by the KKK every white guy in the world is a FUCKING racist....yeerp all of them. Seriously how ignorant are you?

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  • mixItUpforMe

    As a mixed-race myself, who is half-latino, and half-Anglo, I feel that I am never quite welcome in "white" society.

    I was walking in my 'own' neighborhood recently, which happens to be a wealthy white area, Rancho Palos Verdes, .. this is the same neighborhood where I have lived for the last 25 years, and also because my grandparents used to own a home here.
    Well, this white contractor (working on a house nearby) kept giving me dirty looks as I walked by his construction zone.

    He looked so astonished that I was happy and free and that I was not one of his Mexican sub-hires that were working for him.

    I guess that white people are so used to seeing 'Hispanics' only doing 'roofer' or 'gardening' work that they have no idea that some of us actually live in these nice neighborhoods too.

    He kept looking at the bag that I was carrying in my hand; I have no idea why he was behaving that way; I just got back from the nearby 7-11 store to get some coffee and stuff.
    What in the world was going on in his head? Did he think that I stole something?

    California whites are so dumb and weird, and I don't mind saying this even though I am half-white myself. Sometimes you've just got to tell the truth.
    Fact is, Black people can't stand me either, (because they think that I'm Mexican and they despise Mexicans). WRONG! I'm not Mexican.
    Unfortunately, Latinos are not setting up a good example for themselves, so many of them that I meet can't speak English properly, and hence the backlash is that when people see me, they assume that I don't speak English either,
    which is depressing.

    I do have 3 wonderful white friends that I've known about 20 years, also I have some Persian and Asian friends.

    There is nothing wrong with having long beautiful black hair -- and speaking English while you're at it. When I was young I had long black hair;
    It was unusual -- It was the 70's & 80's.
    Now I'm mostly grey.
    You get old, and people treat you bad.
    This happens. This is life.

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  • ItalianoGirl93

    i meant ***shouldn't** hate one whole race.

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  • The_cunt

    People hate you because your a black cunt obviously

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    • Iamhonest

      You Are Hateful ,does that make you feel good about yourself? do you even know what it feels like to love. God,i feel sorry for you.

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    • amberrr

      Look not all white people are racist but most are. It's not right for all you white people to criticize us black people we all are the same inside and so what if where not on the outside? its not wrong to be. To start off with we all started black but evolved paler and paler as we started to move more away from the sun there for that proves where just the same! I'm half white and half Caribbean but I have never ever been racist to anyone. I care about there feelings because I know what its like to be called names. When I was younger I got called a 'paki' just because of my skin colour which was a light brown colour, half white, half brown/black, even though I'm obviously not a 'paki' which means I'm from Pakistan people were still racist to me about my skin colour and what I'm trying to say is that most young white kids are very racist and that makes them very racist when they grow up.

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      • arandomperson9999

        "Most are?" With the ezxeption of a few white dicks, donald trump and a few american police, most of us are way past the draconian thing known as racism

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      • mixItUpforMe

        I would never call people 'paki';
        I have some Persian friends, which I guess is
        similar to 'paki', maybe,..
        Sorry, I don't know much about Pakistan, but I have met some Arabs.

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    • old_blueeyez

      White people are just raised to be racist. Jealousy is not healthy!

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      • arandomperson9999

        No we are not. Go rot in hell.

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