Why are you guys atheist ( to the atheists only?
Give proof so I can makr a choice between thiest and athiest as a choice.
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Give proof so I can makr a choice between thiest and athiest as a choice.
I like to think of it this way. Instead of asking pointless questions such as "Is there a god? If so Which god is he/she/it" and "Why are we here?" Think of it this way. Is god even necessary? Do all the questions that God "answers" really matter in the grand scheme of things?
The fact of the matter is this. We are small beings in a space so big we can't even truly put our minds around it. There are objects out there so big we measure them by how many suns can fit inside it. SUNS. The size of our planet compared to the sun alone is enough to make a person gasp in awe. Contemplate that and ask. Is a god necessary to appreciate that?
You can waste your time looking for ghosts in your old home or spend it making memories. If you want to look into the whole god myth, by all means go for it. I suggest you REALLY look into it though not just accept it as sold by a preacher. Read the books inside and out, and see if it really has anything worth wasting your life over.
I don't believe in any God(s) is because the idea just doesn't make sense to me. I base all my beliefs on logical, concrete evidence. The idea that a single or several entities could have created our entire universe is just beyond reason for me.
Also, many religions have holy/sacred texts from where they say their God has given them guidance. Okay okay let me put it to you this way; I write "This is a cat" on a blank piece of paper. I say that it's true because "God told me so". This is why I don't get religious people, how can you put your faith into something that was clearly written by a human but that human said "oh I got a vision" or "oh I communicated to God".
That's why I'm sure there are no God(s). No proof. You wouldn't believe aliens exist without proof.
Because my intelligence chooses to trust itself rather than blind faith: it's a choice for reason over unreason
Take a look at all of the spiritual beliefs that have been debunked by scientific discovery. People back then believed that day and night were caused by some deity, same goes for the motion of the sea, storms, eruptions, but all of these have been proven to be caused by some sort of scientific reason. I don't understand why the majority of the world believe in Christianity, the bible was written by man. There is no proof that a god actually contacted people like Abraham and all of those other historic figures in Christianity, they could've made it all up. People say religion gives peace but look at all of the war and conflict it has caused, is that really what people would call peace?
Here why I am atheist for six reasons
1. Religious people, they pray is like they talk to God. Then again they talk to themselves. ( religious person threatened me " God will get u tonight!". I am still here. " religious is like judge and it insult to humanity"
2. Why is churches need money from people? So they can rob them.
3. Homosexuality is sin = bullshit! Gay couples & lesbian couples. They know how to love better than straight couples.
4. Why racism exist because cowards. Why is there murder because hatred. Why is there war existing to this day because unknown reason. Lastly why is there rapist, murder, pedophile exist ( ask yourself and think! Maybe u find answer for yourself)
5. If God wanted us to follow him and act like his followers? Then it's why atheist/ anti religious existed. Because God give us brain to learn and heart to care. We know murder is wrong. If we were in united states along with policemen. Thanks to technology that captured murders and rapist and child molesters.
6. Now since gay marriage exist? Religious people has gone mad because no one won't worshipp their religion or God. It's simple because God can't interfere Freewill and all he can do is give them book & faith or pray such churches. Their religion against homosexuals so they can stoned them = murder
If he was all knowing and powerful? Then he know what it's like to be, men, women, gay. (explains lot why gay means God accepts you.) or even worse.
He knows what it like to be serial killers or rapist or pedophile " God is monster"
I think the proof is all around you. Would a loving, all powerful, gawd allow it's children to cause each other so much pain and suffering and destroy the amazing home that this planet is, if it did exist? Or perhaps gawd does exist, only it is a despicable sadist that gets off on watching it's creations be such monsters?
There is no proof to show the existence of a god. When someone makes a baseless claim, it is up to them to prove it true, it is not up to others to prove it false.
That would be like me saying all life on Earth was created by a magical turtle who is invisible and lives in a black hole. Can you prove it isn't true? No. Is that a reason to believe it? No. Would you take me seriously if I said that you should believe it because you can't prove it isn't true? Probably not, you would likely expect me to prove what I am saying is true.
So it is the same thing. Don't tell me there is a God, offer no proof, and than tell me that I should believe it unless I can prove it untrue. Clearly the burden of proof is on those making the claim.
Religion just doesn't add up.
Why are there some many religions? How are they all correct? Why read an old book and call it holy? How can gods change their minds? What is a soul? Where's the evidence?
Arguably I'm technically more agnostic (or "weak atheist"). I don't believe there's a god, I mean, I seriously doubt it, but I have no way of disproving it. I just haven't seen any evidence FOR it.