Why australians are so loud, obnoxious, uncultured, stupid, and jealous
I've met plenty of Aussies in traveling hostels and they seriously lack conversation skills. Their topics are limited to "bee-ah,""mate this," "mate that." I hate that irritating accent. Then they immediately start prancing about their suburban life in Australia. "Mate", your country is located literally near the bottom-hole of the earth. No one really wants to go there. I'm not interested in King's Cross, Brentwood or Bondi beach. There are far more fascinating places in this world to explore. Yes, I am interested in the Kangraroos and the Koala bears but none of the Aussies you meet have seen one either. At least 70 percent of their population lives near the five major cities; Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, and Adelaide. They don't know the names of any of my favorite rock bands so there's nothing common to explore really. They don't read any books or have any serious interest in exotic cultures. Also their choice of sports is "not my cup of tea." They like to play Cricket and Aussie rules footy. "Oh, you haven't heard of Shane Warne?" I googled that bloke's pictures: something about him gives me the creepy vibes. Mel Gibson isn't Aussie either: he left that country while still relatively young.
I thought the Aussies spoke English but it's mostly uninteresting babble. The way they talk is rather childish. "bikky" means biscuits. So, a chocolate biscuit will be "chocky bikky". Even the name of the country is "straya" or something. How can anyone be so darned lazy to not even complete a sentence.
This is indeed the most backwoods place in the world. I've met people from relatively unknown countries like Moldova, Ecuador, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan who were far more interesting than any Aussies. They're just damn annoying.
"Aussies leave me alone. I don't wish to speak to another one of your kind." Get a proper education first. You all seem to be well-traveled but you don't really absorb the local culture very well. All you want to do is party and get drunk, and then lie in your own puke. If you're spending that much amount of money to travel, there's so much more that could be done with your time. And for the last time: "I'm not interested in sharing a weed cigarette with you. I don't do any drugs."
Not enough of these fuckers died in the Coronavirus outbreak either. The virus be like: "these dumb morons are not worth killing. Screw them."
Inferior breeding stock (Convict origin) | 3 | |
Drunken racists | 3 | |
Located at the ass of the Southern Hemisphere (no one cares) | 3 | |
All of the above | 3 | |
They play Cricket, Rugby, and what's that "Aussie Rules" | 2 |