Why can't girls be hairy?

I think it's wrong that girls are expected to remove their body hair.
I have a rebuttal for all the options I put here.

because body hair is manly. 66
because it's gross. 41
because it's unattractive. 97
because it's unhygienic. 8
because guys are grossed out by girls with body hair. 77
all of the above 154
some of the above 90
it's perfectly fine and natural for a girl to be hairy. 315
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Comments ( 93 )
  • LuffySp

    It wasn't until the 1940s that it became normal for women to shave. Only whores shaved their legs back then. Women are taught that they have to look as young as possible. Botox. Lose Weight. Hairless.

    I don't like body hair, I will admit it. But its a preference. And I only dislike it on my SEXUAL partners. It doesn't bother me on anyone else.

    It fucking pisses me off how a guy thinks he has the RIGHT to tell point out stubble on my legs because I didn't have the time to shave in the shower? God forbid I wanted to sleep in. Fuck off. You know?

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  • pandabear1209

    I shave cause I like to have smooth skin and I dislike body hair, I don't find it attractive on men either, a little peach fuzz is ok for anyone but when someone looks like a fuckin gorilla then that's just nasty.

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  • Mr.Niceguy

    Because society has shaped us to think its "gross".

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  • JustAGuy918

    I don't think it's gross at all. There's nothing sexy about a woman who's totally clean shaven and looks like a 12 year old. Women are taught to be ashamed of their bodies and it's time this stupidity stop.

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  • bleach_baby

    Because men are latent paedos who want us to look like 12 year old girls


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    • BoredGuy

      if you don't like it you turn lesbian.

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    • Mrtreakle

      And your a lonely bitch ranting on the Internet because guys never ask you out. And your still a virgin at 40 yrs old.

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  • legendary27

    I'm a girl, and I feel weird if my under arm hair grows out. I don't obsess over it like some women do, but it gets shaved when it needs it.

    Leg hair, on the other hand, if I'm not wearing shorts or showing my legs off, then I don't worry about shaving them. No one's gonna see.

    And eye brows, I groom mine because if I don't, it makes my entire facial appearance look different. So I pluck when necessary.

    I see girls who pluck TOO much and oh my goodness.


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  • idon'tknow

    I'm female, and I shave my legs. I wish I didn't have to, since shaving irritates the skin, but I'd feel like a freak if I went outside with hairy legs. Thank god for stockings, since I can get away without shaving for most of the year. Armpit hair, though, is just disgusting, and I'd remove it even if no one sees my underarms. I don't like it on guys either - it traps the sweat, and there's nothing worse than seeing a guy with nice arms, and a jungle underneath them.

    I'm personally really turned off by body hair (armpit, chest, and back, or lots of the hair on the butt) on men, but I don't get why a complete lack of pubic hair is sexy. Who wants to look like a kid who hasn't hit puberty yet? It's stupid. I trim mine as short as I can with scissors, but there's no way I'm putting hot wax or a razor down there. Ingrown hairs (like I have all over my legs and underarms from shaving) are not sexy.

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  • yumichu

    Im a woman and Im hairy EVERYWHERE...Its pretty nasty. I hate it, but I realized that shaving is a stupid standart society invented. I can still see why men prefer the smoothness more than roughness, , but I hope they give a chance to hairy girls and don't treat them like monsters. We're normal, damn it.

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    • datilmazoop

      lol :)...go girl!

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    • Totally with ya

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  • LordWoofington

    Hair on women is gross.

    Men hate it.Even the liberal guys who pretend not to.

    If you want men to go down on you then wax it off.

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    • deepthought33

      You first.

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    • Kiddles9

      why don't you try waxing?

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  • deepthought33

    Good question. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to not feel self conscious about body hair and actually feel beautiful all-natural. I always forget that it wasn't that long ago that woman kept hairy legs and underarms and even less time that they started trimming up their bikini area. Won't be long and we'll feel required to remove our arm hair too :(

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    • magpie96

      i already do. :/

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  • windowlicker

    Hair on men (other than the head) is disgusting as well.

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    • XxMisguided_AngelxX

      I totally agree, that's why I date swimmers!

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  • Malicious

    I wish I didn't feel gross with body hair. If guys can have hair, why cant we? There is no reason we shouldn't.

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  • ^body hair doesnt look good on all of us bro

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  • PadThaiaddict

    I think almost all girls will admit shaving takes time but its definitely not the biggest deal in the world. Honestly your lives must be pretty awesome if you think shaving your legs is worth complaining about. I agree that I like shaving + waxing because it makes me feel clean and pretty. Having said that if a guy ever told me to shave my arms because a girl should only have hair on her head I'd tell them to take a long walk off a short cliff. :P

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  • Saffiechia

    Guys, seriously, it is an opinion. It isn't disgusting to have body hair if you're a woman, it's natural ; which is the look that some women want. But shaving does not make you look like a 'twelve year old' , it makes you feel clean and alot more attractive, which boosts confidence. I am not forced into shaving, I do it as a personal choice, so I feel less self concious. Some guys think it is a turn on, and some guys don't. It's called an opinion.

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  • Bacontopian

    Women having hairless bodies might have become a stereotype in human society.
    the majority of us have been raised with the belief that body hair (even though practilcally useless)
    has been conbined with masculinity and being closer to resemble the male savage primape that we used to be.
    While women's appearence is to be more delicate,(again, this criteria is set by the majority of the polulation)
    A lot of women (in my country at least) dont mind body hair on men,
    while the other way around is more than rare.

    Things could be diffirent, and mens' body hair would seem out of place.
    But that's not he case.
    Not in this parallel universe.

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    • datilmazoop

      No, that is not a prejudice, that is biology and it's called testosterone.

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  • Smurf1011

    Very interesting opinions. I just love how men, not all - just the thick ones - have the opinion that it's their right to shout out about how a woman should look. These are the types of guys who might get some girl for a night at most but she'll soon see sense and run off with a guy who respects women AND OUR RIGHTS. These men seem to think women are nothing more than something to have sex with and that's quite a lonely world to live in.

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  • GhostQueen

    I don't like the way body hair looks on women. I find it unattractive. But I'm not going to tell anyone else how they should look. I just happen to still have opinions on what I, personally, find aesthetically pleasing.

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  • To be honest, I like to shave. It's kind of fun, and it's something to do in the shower while my conditioner is in. I don't go crazy, but my armpits are shaved all the time and my legs are shaved when I'm going to wear something revealing. Anything else I just shave because I like it. Not to impress anyone except myself. Because seriously, I don't have anyone else to impress. =P

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  • RainbowGirl91

    I think that people are really judgemental on both points. I like to be hairless for a personal choice. I was never taught I had to shave I started shaving because I like the smooth feeling it has nothing to do with pleasing other people or a guy. I like when my legs touch and they are smooth I personally feel smoother and cleaner. But I don't stress to the point of if I didnt shave I would be insecure. Also to the idiots who say the feel bad for women who where make up I feel bad for you closed mindness. There are women out there that don't have to be fake to wear make up I feel beautiful without make up but doesn't mean I don't have fun putting it on sometimes. Also if we want to take abou NATURAL Then Let's actually be all natural. Let's stop dying our hair, Brushing our teeth, cutting our hair, wearing perfume and deoderant and clothing.
    I mean all of those things absolutely make you a fake person too ; how dare we try and mask our natural body odor and smelly breathe, and style our hair.
    Stop being iggnorant shaving doesnt make you gross and doesnt make you fake it's opinion

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  • larry1031

    I do NOT understand the obsession with girls removing ALL their hair except for the top of their head-I think hairy arms look cool-not opposed to some female body hair-it's sexy

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  • PBJ

    Hairy women are happy women.

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    • calidroo

      hahahahah ((:

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      • shortstuff=D


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    • happy AND nasty

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  • xxjenxx

    what do you mean girls can't be hairy? we do grow hair, and if there'S hair, there's a reason for it. you don't go getting rid of it.

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    • yea but it's unbelievably disgusting when they don't shave/wax

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  • http://isitnormal.com/poll/is-it-normal-for-a-girl-not-to-shave-420/

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  • StrangeQuestion

    my girlfriend is hairy and i love it

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  • Hormones

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  • xxjenxx

    let me add, hair make a girl way more attractive anyway cause it doesn't look fake, it looks like a natural pure woman you know. same thing with make-up. it'S kindda ugly. and it sucks that like 97% of chicks let themselves believe that looking like an-pubesant is hotter. what the hell???

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    • lamburne

      you clearly have no idea how a mans mind works

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    • and you say that as a hairy girl...

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  • Well i for one can't stand hairy girls. I think it's disgusting. Hispanic women in general have it the worst because their skin is light but their hair is black so you can REALLY see it. Just shave at least.


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  • galgal109

    Yeah, unfortunately its just way society is nowadays. If we could all go back and change it so that it was 'sexy women are hairy women' then everyone would be trying to grow their leg hair and such. But its not, and hate hair anyway! I like waxed/shaved chests, dont even start with hair on the back...eww.. sorry to not be supportive as a female, but its just society. You dont have to get rid of your body hair, do what is right for YOU.

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    • jbj955

      My wife's first bf and cherry popper had a very hairy back.....she didn't even know it until she saw him at the beach....ended it

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  • chewy

    thats so nasty that you want them to be like that your expectations are such a turn off why cant girls be hairy? hmmmmm lets think this for a second 1 its unnattractive 2 it isnt sexy i think that fact that girls shave is good i mean i dont want hairy women gross

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  • Flea50

    Shave if you want to attract a mate. lol

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  • larry1031

    btw I AM sick of the totally skinny hairless plastic girl -this is NOT real 99% of the time-we are -after all-mammals and "they" have hair to one degree or another-check out -if you can find any- a reasonably good looking girl who has NOT waxed her arms-be somewhat open minded-hey it looks good!

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  • DMEAddiction

    Well, if I didn't shave or pluck my eyebrows I'd look like a monkey. But I like body hair on men.

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  • I shave under my arms, but that's it. I want to shave my legs but my mom has always told me that I will reegret if because it will be another thing I'll have to do almost every day before getting ready and isn't worth it. But I don't think it's excepted to have hairy legs (even thought I dont't think it's that noticable, but I notice it!), like when I go to the beach I'm very self concious.
    And I want to shave my private part, but I don't like pain, and I'm positive it will hurt! And I don't like pain! :(

    Do you guys think it's worth it?

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  • texas1

    Reason why people have body hair is to keep us warm and cozy. Women pluck and burn their hair off their bodies because they get too hot with all that hair and start perspirating too much in front of guys they like, so they shave everyday..Fact

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  • ladyday

    I shave because I'm AFRAID that other people will think I look gross.. not because I like it or I think I look better. It took me a long time to stop wearing make-up. It becomes not just an obsession, but you get addicted to looking a certain way. It totally warps your perception. Once I stopped wearing make-up, I started to hate the way I looked WITH it on. Now, when I put it on I feel like a clown and when I see other women wearing it, I feel so sorry for them because I know how it feels to think you NEED it, to think that you're not beautiful without it.

    I was so pleasantly surprised at the outcome of this poll!! Most people think that hairy women are beautiful and natural. That is just so amazing. I don't like looking like I'm 10 years old and I think it's totally creepy that grown men think this is attractive. If I want to wear a skirt and tank top but don't feel like spending 15 minutes in the shower "dealing" with it, then fuck you, I will proudly flaunt my hairy legs and armpits wherever I may please. Deal with it.

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  • louielouie

    A woman should be shaved clean so I don't get pubs in my mouth! Now you women who do not like my answer cant really tell me that you dont love oral sex!

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    • kelseyt

      Did you mean pubes, not pubs?

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    • shortstuff=D

      Never tried it

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  • esreverlogic

    Girls, for the love of Old Spice, shave. It's fucking gross to see hairy armpits on a chick. Much worse a beard/whiskers, or vag poof. It's absolutely disgusting, shave. Period.

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  • satyriconx15

    im a girl and i always shave lol its totally digusting too be hairy.. ew

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  • jessicia16

    body hair is very revolting and un-hygenic on a girl ... same has snot dripping out of a nose .... just coz nature made it doesnt mean its attractive... me personally no mater how busy I am i have no trouble going to the spa once every month and have it taken care of ... for those who cant aford a simple 30.00 a month spa, then get a job you hairy trailer trash :P no offence :)

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    • kelseyt

      If you're gonna try to argue, at least use spellcheck

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  • jessicia16

    i think its a guy whos asking this question ... very few girls would ever want to be hairy during menstration , its just nasty and very un-hygenic,,, not only that but it looks bad to most guys and girls.... even me if i see another girl who's hairy she looks like a grandmother ^__^ or some 1960's chick... not to mention its all puffy under swimwear :):)

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  • BoredGuy

    "It's perfectly fine and natural for a girl to be hairy." need to add "and not getting laid" lol

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  • flowers-madness

    It's disgusting. The enigma of females is that they are delicate. If you like hair on ladies, pray you end up a caveman in your next life. Hairy bitches are fucking gross. Forgive my indelicacy.

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    • flowers-madness

      May I add that an ex of mine insisted I grew a bush cuz he felt like he was sleeping with a 12 yr old? I can't help but find that extremely and disgustingly immature/selfish/rude/asinine?

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  • nasty hairy girls... *puke*

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  • yournewBFF

    cause if you get too close to the stove it might stink up the house.

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  • BoredGuy

    the more testosterone(male hormone) the more hair. Str8 guys like their women to have as less testosterone as possible

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  • Bariaara13

    To be honest i like a girl with hair down their. i would appreciate if girls shaved armpit hair but down their is totally fine with me :D

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  • VirtualBoner

    Excuse me, but some of these comments are the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Honestly girls, some guys have different fetishes. Some guys like women hairy. Others like them shaved. Personally, I am into landing strips. But what I was getting to, if he's not into hair, and you decide to not shave, if he actually loves you, he'll put up with it, but it could be rather unpleasent for the Guy.

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  • Whatever.

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  • charges

    Hahaha...I haven't shaven my legs in forever. I do my armpits daily, though; they feel gross otherwise. :P

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  • theytookthisone

    Because it's retro and out of style

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  • Men's hair doesn't NEED to be there either

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  • Loveisyourself

    i shave everything because it nasty nt to hair hold body odor and i dont wanna stink smh and i love being smooth and feel sof and clean all over i need any nappy annoying pubs to b in my way ... smh

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  • Jessie735513

    Hmmm, well I shave my armpits and my leggies. I got my eyebrows done but then my forehead went all red so now I just pluck the ones which decide to permanently stick upright. I'm too afraid to get a bikini wax so I tried shaving there.
    Never again. Jeez it irritates when it grows back. Saying that-I'll probably shave again because I wouldn't be waxed down there for love nor money.

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  • jbj955

    Frankly, I love hair on women.My wife has it on several places...Interested?

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    • chewy

      if your wife is hot

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  • I Don't See Why A Girl Would Want To Let There Hair Grow Out Unless It's On There Head. Gross.

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  • Dreamboat

    I have seen some girls with mustaches and goat t's or the beard things on their chin...o.-

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  • howaminotmyself

    Egyptians started the whole fad as a way to diminish body odor. Appearance wasn't the point. And now we have indoor plumbing.

    @padthaiaddict- I think you mean long walk off short pier. However the imagery of a short cliff is much better. lol, thanks for the giggle.

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  • i have somewhat of some stomach hair lmao, not like fukn fabio.

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    • oh yea, im a girl ;)

      "you hairy, like an animol" !

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  • MiamiBoy

    Um are you serious its 2010 i want my girls nice and clean Im not trying to have pubes in my mouth

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  • casualcrow

    Thats fucking gross man...chicks aren't supposed to have hair anywhere except their heads. Girls shave because they're GIRLS. Guys don't shave because they're guys. And its not like "society" is making girls shave their hair, most girls i know shave because they want to and they themselves think its gross to be hairy.

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    • excuse me did you seriously just say, "chicks aren't supposed to have hair anywhere except their heads"?


      then why do girls sprout hair on their body once they hit puberty...? it's a sign that your body is changing and maturing.

      girls think their body hair is gross because when they start to hit puberty, older women tell them, "Now you can start being a real woman and shaving!" or they see that mom shaves, girls on TV shave, models shave, so we want to try it out too. in our society we're brainwashed to believe that girls having hair on their body is disgusting, when in reality it's perfectly fine and natural.

      what if nobody in our society expected girls to be a certain way, and have certain expectations of their body? what if we didnt have commercials constantly offering us the best new technique to get rid of our body hair? what if we actually embraced natural beauty instead of trying to create this ideal type of 'beauty' that is usually created in photoshop?

      if other people didnt have such a problem with girls going all natural, I'm sure the girls wouldn't have that problem because it would be a socially acceptable part of our society.

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    • caoraglas

      what do you mean girls arnt supposed to have body hair?? its obviously the natural thing if our bodies grow it!! but even though i know its the natural thing to be hairy i still shave because who would want to be a social outcast. . it would be great though to see what its like to go out without the need for girls to wear make up and fake tan and uncomfortable shoes and just be as natural as guys . .

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      • calidroo

        but its fun too put on make up && shop for the prettiest heels

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      • charges

        There's only a "need" to wear make up, tan, and wear uncomfortable shoes if you decide that there is. I don't wear/do any of that, and no one seems to mind.

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  • syndicate383

    That is nasty.

    I just see some people that are mad because they're fat and or ugly. There is nothing attractive about a woman that has hair anywhere on her body other than her head.

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    • kelseyt

      Talk about shallow

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  • mae

    its really groose to imagine not shaveing... if girls want to keep their hair they are just lazy and have no sence of hygene... this isnt the third world

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    • b454

      dudes, ball hair isn't exactly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen

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      • Bariaara13

        I like to shave my balls just like most girls even i don't like my hair down their.

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  • Mrman10

    Women should't even be allowed to vote.

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