Why did i freak out during an arrest?

Okay, during an arrest a few years ago, once the handcuffs were placed on me, I had a huge panic attack. I started shaking, my lips were quivering, I was crying, my heart was palpitations, and I had severely high blood pressure. So much that an ambulance was called for me.
For the life of me, I'll never understand why I became so emotionally upset. Was it the sheer humiliation?
Please someone, help me understand it.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • ibrokemyds

    It’s the stress of being unsure what’s going to happen to you and completely losing control of the situation you’re in. I had a similar reaction when I was cuffed, though they didn’t call an ambulance.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Well, I personally tend to think that getting arrested is a big deal so...

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  • darefu

    Practice can calm this down or make this a better experience. Let your SO put cuffs on you and play a little. Next time the police do it you can get excited instead of panicking.

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