Why did my grandad say this when i was 18?
I'm 25f- So basically I have an unusual situation I'd like to ask about ones thoughts, this was about 7 or 8 yrs ago. I went on a fishing trip with my nan and her partner (not my biological grandfather), who was about 60 something at the time I was about 19.
Anyways, I had my first kiss at age 18 with a guy called Edward. He showed up to join us for fishing on my aunt's partners side. I got drunk one night and we shared a kiss to see what my sexuality is.
I ended up telling my nan at some stage I kissed Edward (as she liked this guy as had met him before). I was shy and so didn't tell her directly but kinda laughed and whispered something like I kissed Edward. Later (cant remember what day as was there for about 5 or 7 days), me and my nans old partner were on the beach for fishing just us two he said I need to say something, Cherry (my nan), thinks she saw us 2 share a kiss and a cuddle, I said whaat?? He said yeah I told her that I give a peck and a cuddle with everyone or whatever he said. He also said "don't tell her I told you, as I dont want to upset her".
Why'd he say this to me? Why did he tell me to NOT talk to her about this?
He also married my nans ex husbands sister then he dated my nan when his wife died