Why did they do that?

Now I just know about the so called series murderer.. ( I read about them all last night ) I asking myself the question all the time:" how was it impossible "" how could they do that?? Ted Bundy , Peter Sutcliff, esp Paul John Knowles... I feel scared a little bit but much more sad indeed instantly :(( what made them became the bloodless monsters like that.. and didn't they think that their victims were just like animals?..but if they were animals.. they still could fell the pain..right? Its truly sad :((

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Comments ( 16 )
  • Ellenna

    Stop reading about serial killers, you'll never work them out so why try?

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    • NguyenMai

      Yeah.may be. It really makes me so confusing

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      • Ellenna

        When I was a teenager I was obsessed with the Holocaust and read heaps of stuff about the concentration camps, trying to work out why and how people could do that to other people, but I'm none the wiser.

        Evil just is, unfortunately

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        • NguyenMai

          Oh did you. So what made you drop that stuff up..
          I just realized how poor the victims and the killers.. I really feel sorry for all of them . Who knows there must have some reasons inside what makes people becomes addicted killers

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          • Ellenna

            Not sure why I stopped reading it but I still read analytical writings about it and watch movies - eg Schindler's List.

            If you find out why, let me know

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            • NguyenMai

              Okay. If I got a degrees in psychological matters :))

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  • Holzman_67

    Mental illness. I think for some its a power trip. A lot of them were traumatised by something in their childhood and many had fractured relationships with their mother.

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    • NguyenMai

      I suppose that in one hand they(the killers ) deserved what they had done with every each victims , in the other hand( at some angles ) I feel sorry to them, they were the victims of themselves.

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      • Holzman_67

        thats a good way of putting it I've never thought about it that way

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        • NguyenMai

          Oh. they finally had to repay for everything anyway.. I just feel sorry a little bit

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  • howaminotmyself

    So, what do they have instead of blood? If they are bloodless, that is.

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    • NguyenMai

      I don't know .but it seemed they needs sbs blood to make st in them work..I suppose

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  • RoseIsabella

    They're evil psychopaths, which is why people call them monsters.

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    • NguyenMai

      So, who knows would some of whom we meet every single day is another Ted Bundy or Paul John Knowles...its not safe all the time..why so? it's even more dangerous than any war.. cuz we can't see anything why it always be there

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yep, here are two good books I'd like to recommend to you:
        The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence
        by Gavin de Becker
        and The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout Ph.D.

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        • NguyenMai

          Thanks. Ill find them soon. I don't know if they have come to Vietnam yet :))

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