Why do american liberals think this way

Every election liberals rehash the same talking points: conservatives are voting for candidate X because they hate black people, they hate gay people, they hate women, etc. etc. etc.

Are liberals so completely inundated with raging hatred that they literally can't comprehend even a single reason for voting that isn't rooted in acidic hatred for others? Do they really think that voting is just a way for you to express hatred? Why are they utterly incapable of discussing this civic duty outside the lens of vitriol and hatred?

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43% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • LloydAsher

    I dont blame the individual anymore than being super naive. The media doesnt help the image.

    Listen I'm sure race relations are really important somewhere but most people have their grocery and gas bills on the top of their priorities list. And that's why they will lose the midterms.

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  • P4g31-1

    I hate the word liberals is connected with ppl like that. I consider myself a liberal of the most part. But I just don't understand why "liberals " would behave like that. Let me do what I want and you can do what you want. As long as you don't interfere with someone else's freedom

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Not only do they want to hate but they want to control other people while saying they are being controlled. The modern right controls people in one way now (at the state level) with abortion. But look at the left they wanna control your speech, your gun rights, your taxes, what flag you can fly, want big government, lots of regulations, banning of fossil fuels, they support taking away your rights, they support big government (that is ironically run by billionaires thst they hate) and worst of all your kids upbringing. They run the hollywood, social media, almost every corporation(even tho somehow theyre against the rich when theyre the party of the elites and billionaires).

    I just want to be left alone. If you wanna be gay or a tranny idc just dont teach my kid the shit in schools, dont tell em its normal. Let me live around my own community and let us govern ourselves. If its so bad and bigoted why are you moving here to this bigoted area?

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