Why do black women's vaginas stink?


I work janitorial at a Walmart in New Orleans, and this includes cleaning the female bathrooms between and after hours. I've been working here for about 4 years so far and I gotta say honestly, black females come in here and when they leave, they make the entire bathroom smell nasty, or fishy. Obviously this doesn't rep. the race as a whole but I want some honest and factual discussion on this, please don't be racist, and don't hate.

I'm a Hispanic male so maybe it's the genetics of my nose? I was thinking also maybe the blacks in this area are moreso poor and thus have less access to better hygiene?

I've tried to research this but due to the political climate nowadays, all google searches on this go directly to some "pro-black" bias bs with no real data, and because this is actually happening, I'm CERTAIN there's a real biological reason, maybe due to the difference in genetics?

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Comments ( 24 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    It literally does though. I dont know about the vagina but black ppl and white ppl definitely have different smelling BO. We would even joke about it in highschool. They said us white ppl smell like crayons. Black ppl BO is like a weird tangy smell.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      My physical therapist recommended that I take certain supplements to deal with inflammation. He Also recommended pure castor oil on my tennis elbow and my SI joints. I did that and my friend told me I smelled like a black person. I mentioned the castor oil and he said it's black person scent in a bottle. I have no idea what that even means. XD

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    Yes it does, the first thing I noticed when grappling with other races in wrestling/BJJ is they smell different (not in a bad way, just a different odor). The biggest difference to me is hispanic people (specifically brazilians).

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      I'm Puerto Rican and I must ask how do Puerto Ricans smell to you? This is genuine curiosity not an insult.

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        Almost like other Hispanics but not as strong of a scent for some reason (I think it's because Puerto Ricans have a bit of white in them & I can't smell white people at all, most likely because I'm white).

        The best way I can describe it is that smell you get when you pour spices on cooked meat mixed with a bodily musk kind of odor.

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        • Cuntsiclestick

          Interesting. Thank you for the reply. XD

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  • litelander8

    Dude. I worked with a chick who happened to be black and we had the same problem. Her and I were pretty cool so the boss asked ME to talk to her about the smell. It was WILD. The bathroom stank when she was done. And the fucking chair she would sit in smelt too. I’ve never met anyone else like that in my life.

    She said she “exfoliated” her coochie. And I recommended her to stop. She would brag about how her man loved to go down on her 🤢🤢🤢

    It might be a diet thing. Obviously some stereotypes are true and there are differences in health problemsin different ethnicities. And it could be a sugar thing. Hear me out, fast food? Idk.

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  • LloydAsher

    What are you talking about? Vaginas have different tastes based solely on what their diet was. Fruits are the best for taste of secretions.

    I had a nice black woman who's pussy tasted like sugar, which vastly increased my willingness to reciprocate... that was until we did it in the dark and she didnt tell me she was on her period.

    Ew, ew, ew! Glad I didnt get a blood disease but uuuugh that sucked. Looked like a damn vampire. She was too god damn extreme for my tastes.

    Also idk about how long you've been on IIN but we really dont give a shit about offending people here. This site is for people judging other people for shit that they. The "I'm not racist" bit doesnt work, we (most iin people) dont care. I can talk about race all day and I'll happily debate you on genetic predispositions. I'm just saying you are wrong on this one bud.

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    • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

      OP was talking about smells why'd you have to go and make it even grosser?

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      • LloydAsher

        Smell is one thing. Taste is worse 🤮

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    • jethro

      You didn't know she was on her period? didn't the tampon give it away?

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      • LloydAsher

        Idk it was a decade ago

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  • JuicyTho

    Bacterial vaginosis is a thing guys. Antibiotics sorts it out. I did an 8 week placement as a student nurse at a sexual health clinic. Where I learned about the existence of BV. It is not a sexually transmitted disease, a female cant pass it on to a male partner but can to a female partner. It is caused my an imbalance in bacteria in the vagina and leads to a distinctive fishy smell. I smelt that smell 4 times in that clinic, after the first lady I met with it I could immediately tell when someone else had it. It can be caused by semen disturbing the balance of natural and ever present bacteria, by a new sexual partner, by douching or "exfoliating" and i'm sure by other stuff e.g. unclean toys, appendages entering the vagina.

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  • Wow3986

    Wow you're a racist. You made a post that was made to shun and make fun of black women which is CLEARLY rooted in racism. I wouldn't be surprised if you praise Adolf Hitler you klu klux klan worshiping motherfucker.

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  • darefu

    Not sure if it is as you said a geographical area that you are in or the income bracket of most of your customers.

    I can tell you, from my experience, and I've been with just about every race. I've had some from every race that I wouldn't go near due to smell or taste and I've had some that smelled or tasted like sugar or candy. What ever you can think of that you can't get enough of. I've even had sisters or mothers and daughters that were extremely different.

    Upkeep, diet, and just plain body chemistry is all I can say. Doesn't New Orleans have a lot of spicy cajun and greasy southern food. Their diet may be the answer. Even in the same area different races tend to eat differently.

    Of course I'm a little bias, nothing smells or taste as sweet as a Spanish girl dipped in sangria!

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    Dated a black girl, can't say she had that problem.

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  • LloydAsher

    Citrus fruits improve the taste. This works on both sexes.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      There was a guy in my class back in secondary school who proudly declared that his semen tasted much better after he ate pineapples - in a full classroom with two teachers.

      OP, as others have said vaginal odour is not genetic. Also I don’t know you what smells you expected working as a janitor at Walmart?

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        He consumed his own seamen?

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        • SkullsNRoses

          Yep. And proudly so.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            I was talking to some dude on discord before and he said "You know what girls really like? They like when you lick up your own cum." 🤮🤮🤮

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            • SkullsNRoses

              Each to their own I suppose? I’m certainly not the target audience for that though and did not need to hear it at 10am on a Tuesday.

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      • LloydAsher

        Had a drill instructor bragging about pineapples. Man loved pineapples, ate about 3 a week if the serving sizes remained constant.

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