Why do blacks mispronounce 'government' and 'president'?

I hear blacks on TV and elsewhere often putting the accent on the wrong syllable. I hear them often mispronouncing GOVernment as governMENT and PRESident as presiDENT. The accent goes on the first syllables of those two words, not the last. I don't hear whites mispronouncing those words. (Does that make me a racist?)

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Comments ( 13 )
  • litelander8

    I love when people say “axe you a question”.

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    • megadriver

      This only works as a dumb joke, when you are holding an actual axe.

      Bonus points for splitting some firewood as you say "AXE"...

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    • junies

      People that say that are dumb. If someone says "I axed him" my response, is he okay. Accents are one thing but using words incorrectly is stupidity.
      I know people when referring to more than 1 guy say, "what are you guyses doing later". The plural of guy is guys not guyses, lol. The plural of man is men, not mens.

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  • charli.m

    From my view, Americans say lots of words "incorrectly", far more than just stressing a different syllable.

    You're only racist if you think that it makes them stupid.

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  • olderdude-xx

    When you can explain why you have an accent and pronounce words certain ways... then others can explain why they do it their way.

    Just like you... They were taught it by the people around them when they grew up.

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    • LloydAsher

      I get they are accents and all but there are some really stupid sounding accents out there and it kinda tops the list. Yooper talk is jagged to say the least. Then again 99% of you people wont even know what a yooper is so I guess it cant beat back black inner city accents

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  • RoseIsabella

    Muthafucka, lemme axe you sumpthin.

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    • Necr0tic

      Dindu nuffin'.

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  • a-curious-bunny

    I mean the majority of black people i know are refugees from Africa. They surprisingly have fantastic English

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its because of their accent. If you take a british person they will say it differently as well.

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  • cayenne_clawz

    damn imagine being racist, can't imagine :/

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  • mccravyedwin

    The reason people say "aks" for "ask" is because as they come off the short "a" sound headed for the "s" sound, their tongue hits the roof of their mouth and makes the "k" sound before the "s" sound can come out. If you have a thick tongue, this is more likely to happen. Blacks do indeed have thicker tongues (and lips) than whites. Sometimes plain old truth is racist. The coronavirus and sickle-cell anemia are racist diseases.

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  • Somenormie

    It's an accent jfc.

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