Why do christians hate athiests so much

From where I live, almost everyone is a christian. My family is a christian family, my friends are christians. When someone admits they're atheist they lose a whole lot of friends and get insulted. When my sister told my mom that she's agnostic, my mom was in denial and didn't talk to her for a long time, she thinks that my sister's friends and boyfriend brainwashed her. I believed in God during my childhood but I soon stopped and now I'm an athiest, but I respect religious people completely, unless they disrespect others. Are Christians scared of atheists for some reason or something?

They're scared 17
I don't know 4
Other ((comment)) 21
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Comments ( 32 )
  • billygoatsgruf

    This is a very general statement and your experience doesn't reflect everyone's experience.

    There are religious people that don't like people who aren't religious, there are religious people that don't like people of other religions, and there are religious people thar don't concern themselves with what others believe.

    There are also people who aren't religious that don't like people who are religious, and their are people that aren't religious that don't concern themselves with what other believe.

    It is not uncommon for people on one side to suggest that hatred is stronger from the people on the other side, or even that their own side is blameless. But the reality is it goes both ways.

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  • not_recognizable

    Hi, normal Christian guy here. We're not supposed to force anyone to believe anything, we just preach and hope someone accepts it. I am totally cool with all religions except the religions that want to kill Christians.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      Yes leave that up to the Muslims:)

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  • RoyRogers

    They dont you are just dellusional. You should try going to a theripist about it. I see a lot of Athiests pre-emtivley striking against the supposedly hateful Christians when in fact they are the ones being Hateful. Christians basically try to convert everyone so if you say you are Athiest they will try to convert you. If you want to say they generally have an issue with gays though that much is pretty true.

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  • Popeawesomethe1st

    I do not hate anybody. I feel sad that they will not get to experience the bliss of heaven

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  • davesumba

    Until a year ago, I had always considered myself Christian because I believed in God with certainty, as there was no possible way the earth and everything in it just randomly happened, and I believed in Jesus as savior because that's what literally everyone I knew believed. There was always a thought in the back of my mind though that it was strange that there was a bunch of other religions of people who were so sure about their faith, so I thought it would be interesting when the end of times or the end of my life comes, to see who was right, and if it wasn't Christians, I wouldn't be surprised.

    Because I wasn't 100% sure about my faith, I never really thought any thing of atheists or other religions. Whatever makes them happy is okay with me. I wasn't offended by anything, and I didn't really hold myself to any real biblical standards anyway.

    Then eventually I stopped going to church, forgot about God, and eventually started doubting Him completely.
    But long story short, I started seeking Him again a few months ago and He showed himself to me, told me Jesus did need to be my Savior, that I needed to repent from my sins, and that He would help me. He supernaturally healed me, saved me from a life of addictions, and changed my heart and mind to be a more positive and loving person to everyone, including atheists.

    But, now that I know without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that God is real and Jesus is our Savior, and the Holy Spirit inside me convicts me of things that aren't right, there's a lot of things in this world that offend me now, which I was previously okay with. When athiests cuss, use crude or sexual humor, use the Lord's name in vain, make fun of God or allude to his nonexistence, talk about the things they participate in which God doesn't like, it makes me really uncomfortable. It's hard to associate with them, as they fill my head with junk, but I still love them, and if they needed something, I'd be there for them. I don't hate them, I cry for them, knowing where they are destined to go.

    It really is unfortunate that there are such hateful Christians that turn people like us away from God, but they have lost sight of the most important commands in Scripture, which is to love everyone:
    "28 One of the teachers of religious law was standing there listening to the debate. He realized that Jesus had answered well, so he asked, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

    29 Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. 30 And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’[a] 31 The second is equally important:

    ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

    [b] No other commandment is greater than these.” Mark 12:28-31

    An example of the type of love that Jesus taught is <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg1Tknv5VG8" rel="nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg1Tknv5VG8</a>

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    • CforCourageous

      Amen! God bless you

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  • thegypsysailor

    Jealousy, pure and simple!

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    • Thedollcollector8==D

      Downvoted for being a gay sailor.

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      • thegypsysailor

        My blow up girl doll doesn't think I'm gay.

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        • Thedollcollector8==D

          Correction, downvoted for being a gay sailor that will not agree to cum in my ass and give me a huge creampie.

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          • thegypsysailor

            True, too true.

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            • Thedollcollector8==D

              I want to feel you shoot your old man blanks directly into my quivering rectum.

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  • Stamex

    The reason why theist hate atheists:
    "I have opinion A."
    "I have opinion B."
    "My opinion A is correct."
    "I hate you and you are wrong."

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  • jax2114

    God tells us not to hate anyone, and that he hates no one. If I didn't like a certain atheist, it's not gonna be because they are atheist or they don't believe in God. We are taught to love not to hate:)

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  • Lucilynna.heart

    I don't hate atheists. Actually, I can see better atheists than some Christians. It's just some of Christians people mindset. I used to be taught that Christian is good and other religions and atheists is bad(and they will go to hell). My mother disagreed but the whole family keeps teaching me their mindset. I'm a Christian but I am teached to love not hate. Sadly, some Christians are teached to hate. (No offense to other christians there)

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  • The_Right_Honourable_Alice

    I don't hate atheists...I might dislike some specific ones if they call me retarded and tell me that I'm the scum of all the earth...but mostly I get on with everyone...with the exception of johovahs...argh
    You should move to England...people are more friendly with other people's beliefs. In america you'll be hated for anything you are.

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  • CforCourageous

    Christians have no reason to fear athiests. A Christian should share the Gospel with an atheist but besides that it's understandable that they wouldn't really wanna hang around them. Athiests are lost and are usually narcissistic, negative people. Their rejection of the truth of Christ shows that. And tbh it's really athiests and other groups of people that hate Christians. Loom at the media and the way Christians are portrayed and made fun of. Just as the Bible said it would be.

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  • sugartits

    why do athiests celebrate christmas?

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    • Beep_Beep

      To indulge in sex, drugs, and Christmas carols.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      Why not? Even rock worshiping heathers like presents.

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  • NarutoUzumaki

    Really, any group that has perceptions that shit on the other group will have people who shit on each other because they do not know how to tolerate opposing views. It does not really apply to christians only (however, due to the closed off culture and anti intellectualism, it does mostly) but it also applies to atheists or agnostics to.
    EDIT: added culture after closed off for coherence.

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    • ThingTwo

      The African voodoo religion shits on itself. Beware of those witchdoctors.

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  • nobody13

    Since religious beliefs are believed on the basis of faith and tend to require social networks that coordinate behavior in ways that are conducive to spreading and upholding the faith (turns out you can sometimes condition yourself to believe in religion if you behave long enough as if you do), naysayers will sometimes piss others off due to the fact that their existence is a testament to the fact that the beliefs in question aren't so air-tight that everyone will believe them. Because the religious don't really have any kind of science or testable information to back themselves up, they can be particularly insecure in the face of atheists, who might pose challenges to some of their baseless claims; atheists are a reminder that they don't really have the monopoly on truth that they think they do.

    There's also the issue of morality; since most religions tend to be prescriptive to some degree when it comes to morality, a lot of religious believers will assume that people of other religions are immoral, due to the fact that their morals and the places that they get these morals from are likely different. There's also the issue that since atheists don't really believe in god and many atheists aren't religious, the religious sometimes believe that atheists are lacking in morals, since it is assumed that morality must come from religion (preferably the one that is being followed by the religious individuals making this judgment).

    Propaganda in some societies paints atheism as bad; Saudi Arabia, though not exactly known as a bastion of tolerance, is uniquely hostile towards atheism, describing it as one of the 'evils' that the world must fight, and they are not alone in this belief, considering that Newt Gingrich of the American republican party has made similar claims. If the political environment is hostile towards atheists, then of course, the people in that environment will similarly be hostile. Try being an atheist in the south, if you haven't already.

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    • green_boogers

      Didn't realize your level of intelligence was so high. Thanks for the high quality comment.

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      • nobody13

        I'm not that intelligent; anyone can hit a target now and again if just keeps throwing.

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        • green_boogers

          Not so fast there Mr. Nobody. I think you are the reincarnation of JD777. Your profile picture says it all. Welcome back.

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          • nobody13

            Afraid not. I used to be democritusjr, and before that I was callingfrom.

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            • green_boogers

              Hmmmm. It is rare to ever get a comment with quality on par with that last one. JD777 liked pre-Socratic Greek philosophers like Democritus anyway, as well as medical prosthetics eluded to by your skeleton. And, he often digressed into mumbled rants, a characteristic that matches your style.

              Too many of the puzzle pieces fit. I am not convinced.

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