Why do dogs hate me?
Everytime I go somewhere with dogs they always try to bite me or at the very least bark angrily. The owners always say their dog is so nice to strangers, and they seem to be. But not to me(stranger also). Wtf?
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Everytime I go somewhere with dogs they always try to bite me or at the very least bark angrily. The owners always say their dog is so nice to strangers, and they seem to be. But not to me(stranger also). Wtf?
Do you watch the dog whisperer? Haha, it's awesome, trust me ;)
It sounds like the dogs are displaying dominant behaviour over you. First of all, the owners themselves should correct that. The reason why you could be getting such a response so regularly could be due to what alyssalynne143 and SyC0Pathik said. You could be giving off subconscious signals through your body language because you expect something to happen (since it's happened so many times in the past already.) Even though you think you are calm, the subconscious signals may give something for the dogs to react to.
Next time there is a dog, breath out make sure you're loosened up. Don't stare right into the dog's eyes and allow the dog to approach you first for a sniff. This way, the dog is less likely to feel threatened.
Hope you get better luck next time xD
I completely agree with PoisonFlowers. Don't let the fuckers intimidate you. You've got to stand your ground and assert some confidence or dogs will walk all over you. If you still fail, then don't hesitate to tell an owner off about not controlling his/her pets around you. You have every right to not to be around dogowners whose dogs make you feel uncomfortable. If dogowners don't get it and enforce boundaries, then stay away from dogowners and dogs.
Amazing how dogs pick ip on certain things. They probably pick ip on your fear or apprehension (I'm sure your s bit anticipatory and gun shy). And if you are a different color than the owners, that seems to have an effect (and no one start with the race card....what I said is simply trivial). Also, many fogs aren't socialized properly and can feel overwhelmingly threatened by what the see as an intruded.
Had the same problem. Just always act HAPPY to see them (by talking). If you start to be happy to see them then they are happy to see you. Thing is, some dogs bark (like mine) because they want you to come over and pet them, not because of aggression.
If you have had so many negative responses from animals in the past, this can be caused by a animals sixth sense....they can sense fear and other feelings that you may send to them when you approach them. Do you get nervous or already expect what will happen before it does? Try not to give a pet direct eye contact, let them sniff you, your hand, before touching them, approach them with a toy or treat before touching them so they see you as a non threat, and if you feel comfortable, stoop down to their level so they feel safer that you are not over powering to them. Are you tall or buff? You could come off as a big threat possibly. i hope i helped.
I’d have to say it’s like when guys try to hit on a girl. When the guy doesn’t care, all the girls in the room will not leave me be. But if there is a certain one, she will give me the cold shoulder. It must be some some sort of energy a person projects, and dogs can sense it too.
I've tried all the stuff you people said. I've one betwenn being welcoming to stfu. Idk why but they always try to bite me or bark really really loud at me. I guess i'm just not a dog person? (I'm also not a cat person cause I'm a guy and I'm not gay)
I know what you mean, especially given that I'm a postwoman it's like their civic duty to at least bark up a storm if they can't bite you and they would chase me down the street too. And its's always the small ones for some reason.
I am not a cat person because I'm a guy and I'm not gay?!?! It's no wonder dogs hate you!!! And don't you dare judge me!!! Maybe I am gay, maybe I am not, maybe I am bi. But it's none of your business!!! The only reason that I am talking back to you is because you are very ignorant!!! And yes, I love cats!!! No, not all cat loving men are gay!!! Dogs are alright but some are very rude!!! And they are so much more work than cats!!! So, for those of you dog lovers who hate cats, quit your whining!!!!!!
A lot of people don't realize that they have many past lives under their belt... Your issue may even be in your blood, and yes I'm talking about instinct. Your subconscious puts out so many more vibes than just body language... They may be picking up on something embedded deep in your aura. Or maybe it's because your black, or white, I knew dogs that were afraid of white people before. Don't feel bad, its natural for animals to fear the unknown!
lol i dunno, maybe they do sense something, but animals friggin love me for some reason...most of the time >.>....sometimes birds hate me :<
just stay calm when your around dogs the pick up on your personality through you body language they can sense if your anxious which sets them off
I am calm. I am always lax around animals but idk they always get all ...mean?(for lack of a better word)... around me.
My young daughter has the same problem, which has actually been very scary. We're a dog family (and have taught all of our children how to behave with animals) and my daughter has been attacked 3 times 100% unprovoked. Two of the times she was calmly and quietly walking next to me, chatting comfortably, not even looking at the dog(s) in question. Each time, the dog charged her from quite a distance and I had to intervene. The third time she was quietly patting a dog owned by a friend when it quite suddenly attacked. Thank heavens she has never been hurt because there have always been adults present. She loves dogs and has never been afraid of them, but I'm concerned she will become afraid if this keeps happening!