Why do feminists keep silent about the position of women in islam?

Islam regards women as inferior to men. There's a LOT of female abuse going on in Islamic countries. Yet, feminists worldwide keep silent. Why exactly is this? Political correctness? Fear?

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Comments ( 126 )
  • I think that the OP is making the point that our politically correct atmosphere shames us into accepting Islam, when that very belief conflicts with feminism...creating a paradox.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Many American feminists align themselves too closely with the far left and thus buy into that multi culturalism bullshit!

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    What? Have you even looked? Because I have read MANY feminist essays/articles about muslim women being abused and muslim men acting in a sexist manner towards them.

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    • BLAh81


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      • why doesnt he call out the men ? why are feminist only women ?

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        • BLAh81

          Good question.

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        • do muslim men speak out as well ? theyd be listened to

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          • BLAh81

            Maybe 1/100 Muslim men speak out against the misogyny inherent to their religion. Of course, when they do that, they're not actually Muslims anymore.

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  • How do you convince an oppressed woman she is being oppressed by her culture or religion when she fervently believes she's already treated acceptably and equally within it?

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    • o_0

      thats exactly what I'm trying to explain them. they must ask the Muslim women first about how are we treated. :)

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      • BLAh81

        I think you misunderstood the question. Note that the question is about an OPPRESSED woman, who just doesn't SEE that she's being oppressed. That doesn't mean she's not being oppressed of course, merely that she doesn't see it.

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    • BLAh81

      Education perhaps.

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  • course they do , but they hope that men do it too, speak up against other men..

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Because protesting over here probably wouldn't do jack shit. If feminists were to go protest Islam's treatment of women (which many of them are starting to, especially their own people), they'd likely get killed. Every organization has a goal, and feminists in the US are more likely to fight for feminism IN the US. Because we're in the US.

    It's almost like criticising food banks for trying to feed people in the US rather than people in Africa because there is a "more pertinent" hunger situation in Africa. Every organization and person has their own goals and their own agendas and really, it's just a matter of which organization (in this case, which feminist) has goals where.

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  • kelili

    There's a lot of female abuse everywhere. It's not something that is islamic.

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    • BLAh81

      That's utterly ridiculous. Sure, female abuse happens everywhere, but Islamic societies are PARTICULARLY sexist. Islam regards women as inferior to men. Do you really wanna deny that?

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      • kelili

        No, but from my experience here it is unfruitful to take about islam here.

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        • BLAh81


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          • kelili

            A post I have created. I have many muslim friends who are female and they are just women like any other women. I admit that my opinion about them might be bias and I admit that I am not sure that to have a good debate on Women's position in Islam IIN is not the good place because the majority of you here are from the USA or England - both countries have been attacked by terrorists. So the fact that you might have very severe judgement on the religion does not surprise me. It's just that I view all this from an island that does not even appear on the map

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            • BLAh81

              "they are just women like any other women."

              Well, duh.

              "I am not sure that to have a good debate on Women's position in Islam IIN is not the good place because the majority of you here are from the USA or England - both countries have been attacked by terrorists"

              Personally I'm from the Netherlands. As far as I know we haven't been attacked by Islamic terrorists (yet). But terrorism is not (only) why I hate Islam. It's mainly because of the often vile teachings of the Qur'an.

              "It's just that I view all this from an island that does not even appear on the map"

              What island might that be? I'm just curious.

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            • o_0

              your answer is perfect!! *thumbs up.

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      • Hahaha "regards"....

        Nice one. :)

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        • BLAh81

          What do you mean? Wasn't the word "regards" OK to use? If it wasn't, remember that English isn't my first language, so cut me some slack, OK?

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          • No the word is fine.

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  • Jfdp

    Think about this way . . . before the Spanish came along, many island peoples in the carribean and the south pacific practiced cannibalism, in Fiji they even used dead children as their war banners, now none of those people who grew up their thought it was "wrong", it was simply the way things were, but just because they didn't have a problem with , was it acceptable?

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  • FocoUS

    Dude there's such a thing as global feminism. I guess it seems silent to you because you spend your time on reddit.

    There are muslim feminists but the have a lot of problems being heard.

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    • BLAh81


      "There are muslim feminists"

      Muslim feminists? Well, there's an oxymoron if I ever heard one. You might as well speak about Jewish Nazis.

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  • They do, just not nearly as much as they do about the minor issues in western society.

    If a woman is killed for being a woman in these places and a woman is called a slut in western society, the latter gets their concern far more.

    Most of them are incredibly selfish people on this aspect, and you can see this throughout all the videos and blogs from them that try to silence opposing points of views. They primarily care about themselves as women in western society, so if there is minor sexism facing them, that still takes priority over places where sexism truly exists.

    They like to say they fight for women, however they don't "fight" anything, as when there are ares where a fight is needed to stop sexism, such as the place you explain, they turn the other way.

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    • I_Hate_Cats

      It's actually a credit to feminists that they don't. Funny how you and the OP spin it as a negative.

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      • BLAh81

        The fact that MANY feminists don't speak out against Islam ISN'T negative? What color is the sky in your world?

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        • I_Hate_Cats

          It's quite simple. Muslim women are living life as they believe is right.

          You're seeing it the same as rescuing a person from a burning building. That person wants and needs to be helped. This is different though. Muslim women are living their lives as they believe is right and it's not up to feminists or anyone else to say that they need saving.

          There's feminists who do think that they can tell women what to do with their lives. Like no woman should get married or be a housewife or...be a Muslim. Those feminists are wrong. Telling women what to do with their lives and ragging on the lifestyles they don't approve of is not the answer. Speaking out against Islam or yanking women out of it is not the answer. I don't know what the answer is. I don't know what the problem is, even, since Muslim women are generally living the life that they believe is correct. I guess you'd have to clearly identify the problems according to the Muslim women themselves instead of just assuming what their problems are based on your own idea of what's right or wrong.

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          • BLAh81

            "Muslim women are living life as they believe is right."

            That's an utterly foolish statement. Sure, CERTAIN Muslim women may indeed be brainwashed enough to ACTUALLY believe they are inferior to men. Others may be so deluded as to think Islam regards men and women as equal. However, a SHITLOAD of women within Islam DO want the religion to fuck off.

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  • Mixer_Tiger

    I think it is fear of offending the radical Islamist countries by saying the wrong thing. I don't think anyone wants to be known as the one who started a revolution, and caused women in Islamic countries to revolt against their God and religion. Also, although people in other countries may view the treatment of women in Islamic countries as oppressive, many of these women do not feel the same way. In terms of dress, and living a modest lifestyle with stricter rules then men, some of them view it as liberating in a way. There are Muslim feminists who believe that they are not being oppressed and would actually fight the feminists who say these things. They would argue that they simply do not understand the culture and religion. It is a very complex and touchy issue, which is why I think feminists are so hesitant to get involved.

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    • BLAh81

      "I don't think anyone wants to be known as the one who started a revolution, and caused women in Islamic countries to revolt against their God and religion."

      Oh? I wouldn't much mind at all.

      "Also, although people in other countries may view the treatment of women in Islamic countries as oppressive, many of these women do not feel the same way."

      True, because they're brainwashed. It's like North Koreans believing in the divinity of "the supreme leader."

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  • o_0

    being a women and being a muslim plus living in a typical muslim country when I read this post and the comments I clearly understand how stereotyping works.... But I am commenting here to let you guys know that this is not hundred percent true... Although I won't deny it because it does exist but not at that extent. Womens are treated normally and their rights are not ignored in a way that you all percieve! The only reason what I can point out is that our societies are not usually modernized and educated... Cause in all those muslim families which are educated and which have a better understanding of islamic teachings people tend to give more rights to their women... Ask me my parents and many like my parents , you'll geta different picture... And the question of the voice of feminists is not really important here cause its not one of the most important issues, we're facing ,any other problems as well.

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    • I'm sorry...this is probably the wrong place or time to interject, since you're obviously getting beat down by the op...but as the father of a girl, living in Western Civilization and constantly watching out for the respect that she's treated with, I have to say...

      ...seriously, tell that to Malala Yousafzai, Sushmita Banerjee, or Bibi Sanubar along with an ever growing list of women within the Islamic world who's voices have been silenced by Sharia Law.

      In Saudi Arabia, women might get to vote in the 2015 elections. In much of the Islamic world, women are stoned for being pregnant out of wedlock, committing adultery, and...being raped.

      This is indefensible. None of this happens lawfully within Western cultures.

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      • o_0

        yes you're right , these women have faced a very tragic set back by people who CLAIM to stop them cause its not permitted in Islam. but did these women leave Islam? cause all of us know that its not because Islam says so.
        being a father of a girl its very likely to be protective and every father is, but Islam does give us regard and indeed a very higher one..
        and while you are referring to the punishments, yes these are the punishments for acts which are considered crimes in Islam. and why not for every crime punishment is there. and its not indefensible rather this is more defensive. how do you find it indefensible please let me know> :)

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        • BLAh81

          "how do you find it indefensible please let me know> :)"

          GODDAMMIT!!! You don't even understand why it's indefensible if women are being stoned to DEATH for being pregnant out of wedlock, committing adultery, and being RAPED? Isn't that FUCKING obvious? I mean, even Stevie Wonder could see it.

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    • BLAh81

      Are you denying Islam regards women as inferior to men? If not, why the fuck are you a Muslim? You aren't less.

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      • o_0

        cause I have never been treated as being inferior! neither the women around me.

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        • BLAh81

          I'm glad you (nor the women around you) have been treated as being inferior, because you aren't.

          You haven't answered my question though: Are you denying Islam regards women as inferior to men?

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          • o_0

            the answer is YES, Islam does not regard women as inferior to men. I didn't want to discuss it here because you guys don't know much about Islam and it would lead me to have long arguments.. the fact I want to stress here is that the whole is scene is wrongly perceived, you people live far away from areas where Islam is at its peak . so I guess I better know what the real scene is.

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            • BLAh81

              "Islam does not regard women as inferior to men."

              It bloody well DOES! It may not be PRACTICED in your area (in which case I'm glad for you), but pure Islam sure DOES regard women as inferior.

              - Women have rights that are similar to men, but men are "a degree above them." Surah 2:228.

              - A woman is worth one-half a man. Surah 2:282.

              - Males are to inherit twice that of females. Surah 4:1.

              - Men are in charge of women, because Allah made men to be better than women. Women must obey men. Surah 4:34.

              - "Unto the male is the equivalent share of two females." Surah 4:176.

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    • I have actually heard this often from people in Muslim countries, which always interested me.

      We have all the people on the outside saying how badly women are treated, and that due to the extent of it would clearly want a way out, and yet all the ones that I have actually talked to have felt the complete opposite, even getting offended when someone implies that they are treated like nothing.

      It made me wonder if we have any right to criticize those places without actually living there ourselves.

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      • o_0

        this is what I have been constantly stressing on here... this is all stereotyping according to me. why must any one who is living far far away from areas where Islam is really practiced claim so surely about it. ask me ask many many other womens how are are treated..
        had we been denied our rights, have we been treated harshly! won't we rise against it? won't we question it ..? being educated and modern why wouldn't I or we..?? but the reason we don't , is cause this is not the case..
        and let me tell you what according to you guys is restriction and harshness ,for us its obsession , height of care, being protective 8 by our fathers, brothers and husbands)and it doesn't make us feel deprived of whatever but its all because we know that all the limitations put by our religion is just for our own benefit.
        plus those people who actually treat their women harshly or as inferior are not acting this way because they are rightly practicing Islam but because they misunderstand it.

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        • BLAh81

          "this is all stereotyping according to me."

          Not true.

          "why must any one who is living far far away from areas where Islam is really practiced claim so surely about it."

          Access to a HELL OF A LOT of news-resources?

          "ask me ask many many other womens how are are treated.."

          Maybe the women in YOUR PARTICURLAR area aren't oppressed, but that doesn't mean misogyny isn't a HUGE problem in Islamic societies. A LOT of Muslim women ARE treated harshly.

          "and let me tell you what according to you guys is restriction and harshness ,for us its obsession , height of care, being protective 8 by our fathers, brothers and husbands)and it doesn't make us feel deprived of whatever but its all because we know that all the limitations put by our religion is just for our own benefit."

          Women who think that are brainwashed, and I also know for sure PLENTY of women would like Islam to fuck off.

          "plus those people who actually treat their women harshly or as inferior are not acting this way because they are rightly practicing Islam but because they misunderstand it."

          Not true. Islam ITSELF is misogynystic. Muslims not practising misogyny may be nice and all, but they're not really following Islam.


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      • BLAh81

        Some Muslims deny the horribly barbaric sexism going on in their backward countries, simply because they WANT to believe Islam views men and women as equal. Sadly, this is the equivalent of burying your head in the sand. I also know of a LOT of people who have lived on the INSIDE, who confirm that women are oppressed.


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  • NobodyKnows

    Actually feminists DO speak against it. But, I think the OP is talking more about Tumbltards. And the answer is, First World Problems are far more important to them.

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  • DemonicFortuneCookie

    Because feminists are crazy and stupid.

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  • CRuNKShaNK

    Because being a feminist in America is just a fashion, and 1/100 of them really have a passion for that sort of thang. I really feel like girls say they're feminists just to get some fucking attention and bitch about shit.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Another day another islamophobe.

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    • BLAh81

      I hate Islam, not necessarily Muslims themselves.

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Thats a redundant comment.

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        • BLAh81

          Not really, because Islamophobia implies hatred of ALL Muslims.

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          • Terence_the_viking

            Islam is what muslims follow therefore your comment is REDUNDANT

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            • Jfdp

              Its his/her opinion what makes it redundant? he/she is stating how she feels about the issue at hand and your shooting it down because his/her definition doesn't match your slightly paranoid idea that criticizing islam means islamophobia and/or genocidal hatred towards muslims

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            • BLAh81

              Islam =/= Muslims, you simpleton. Besides, Islamophobia is a nonsensical term anyway, because it means there's an IRRATIONAL fear of Islam, when there's NOTHING irrational about it. You could just as well speak of "Naziphobia" for instance.

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