Why do ghetto people say this?

Fifty cent. Twenty three cent. Two cent .
Why do they refuse to use the plural on purpose? Not just blacks do this white ghetto people do it too. Why do they want to sound ignorant?

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Comments ( 17 )
  • VirgilManly

    Fifty Cent, I thought it was Fiddy Cent.

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  • penisprisoner

    they don't believe in suffixes!

    -s third person singular present
    -ed past tense
    -t past tense
    -ing progressive/continuous
    -en past participle
    -s plural
    -en plural (irregular)
    -er comparative
    -est superlative
    -n't negative

    if you ever noticed they don't use any of those! correctly anyway

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    • User-name

      Not everyone speaks properly, personally I feel the need to switch to "ebonics" so as not to sound uppity and 'better than' the more ghetto people in my family. There are rules to the dialect if you wana know, but as far as this trend goes it's just people copying ghetto people like it's cool.

      See, the negros in the 60's spoke and acted with dignity. No telling how they'd react if they saw us blacks today. But I really doubt you use correct grammar 24/7 yourself.

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    • Who, Ebonics? Ghetto people?

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  • Nokiot9

    This whole fad In "urban language" has just blown my mind. It's to the point where you literally can understand some people. I can't even go to englewood anymore because I can't understand half the people there. It's like they think it's cool to speak like an uneducated jack jawed moron

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  • Freedom_

    *Flips through checkbook*

    Yep, I'm ghetto as fuck.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Because they ARE ignorant!
    Nobody in the US who has had a TV to watch, has any excuse for talking like street trash. In general anyone can learn a respectably proper English from watching TV.
    That these idiots think it's cool to talk like street trash shows their ignorance and lack of desire to be taken seriously by society.
    It's not like anyone in the US ghettos lives in the squalor and truly horrible conditions of those born in and living in Favela Rochina, in Rio, for instance.

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    • buttlicker123

      plis lik my butthole sir
      is dat proper enof for u or am i 2 geto??????????????????????????????????????

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      • thegypsysailor

        Ghetto? Probably not, just ignorant and you don't know any better.

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    • buttlicker123

      u suk

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    • You'd think people want to come across as bettering themselves. Most black people I know speak properly but some( and some wiggers) do this and I want to smack them.

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      • thegypsysailor

        My youngest thought she was so cool using ghetto speak. She thought it would be fun to come home and talk that way to dad.
        After picking herself up off the floor (sorry, it was just an uncontrollable gut reaction), she realized her mistake and decided that perhaps learning a language that earned her respect rather than ridicule, was a better path.

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        • Can't blame you

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  • iinotnormal

    I think this trend became more apparent when Obama took office. Suddenly, it was cool to be ethnic and or urban very UNCOOL to be white and use proper English when speaking.

    My Grandfather, who had a 4th grade education, but was a supervisor of over 100 workers at a printing company by age 20, always said, you can tell a lot about someone by the words they choose to use and how they say them.

    It is kind of like the hispanic needing to be like "ah-yight?", instead of "alright?". Blacks say "aks" instead of "ask". They certainly know better, nobody is that stupid that they don't know the word ask, or alright. In some ways it is the culture they are in, and in others, it is just sheer laziness or a need to be "different" or "hood".

    But, if that is how they want to talk, let them. It keeps them down and unemployed or under employed, frankly, that is their problem, not mine. Less competition for good jobs is what I say. Let them live in the ghetto and shoot each other till they are all dead or in jail. I stay far away...only ones I feel sad for are the innocent children who get hurt or killed. They have no choice but to live in the shit-box house in the worst neighborhood because their parents are too dumb to take advantages of all the opportunities to improve their income, live someplace else. And, before ANYBODY speaks out against what I just said, go look it up. There are MORE grants, more gifts, more FREE ways to get educated and into better paying careers if you are ethnic and or poor than ANY middle-class person could dream of. Kudos to those who figure it out and get themselves and their families OUT of that situation. And, shame on anyone who doesn't want to help someone who WANTS to get out. But, for every 2 who wants out, or manages to get out, there are 2,000 who just stay put and try to "ride it out", or, think "that won't happen to me". Frankly, I think they ought to take every single known gangbanger and every single repeat felon, build a protected area for them where they can shoot at, kill, rob, steal, do drugs, whatever they want in that zone, put a bubble over it so they can't escape and their bullets can't travel through. Then, everyone else lives on the other side are safe from their bullshit.

    But, what really irks me is when people who speak in front of camera's, IE the media, insist on emphasizing their ethnicity, but only in certain places, like, when pronouncing names. Michelle Guillardo on ABC News in Chicago is a PRIME example. She rolls her R's, even the way she pronounces her own name, it is sickening. There are others like her who do the same.

    Obviously, the producers of WLS TV in Chicago are accepting of it, she and others have done this for a while now. But, pre-2007, you wouldn't have heard it on the news, and likely, the talking head would have been fired. Now, it is a ratings-getter. Very similar to the skin-tight dresses ALL the ladies in the newsroom wear. I like to laugh, and say to my wife when we watch some young bimbette strut her stuff on TV how that if they swallowed an olive whole, they'd probably look pregnant. Pure trash, and, has nothing to do with reporting and EVERYTHING to do with grabbing ratings. Honestly, I prefer to watch a stuffy old man read the news, or do the weather. Jim Rose and Mark Grecengio are COOL dudes, I love them, really. Now, Tracy Butler, Cheryl Burton, Kathy Brock...you could dress these ladies in a burlap sack and they'd exude sexiness. That comes natural to them, and the fact that Burton and Brock have enormous racks. Burton does go a bit tight up top, but, I think she is so stacked, it is hard to get anything to fit her right!

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  • Goomats

    I can't deal with that stupid talk. It drives me up a the wall.

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    • buttlicker123

      how bout down da wall???????????????

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      • wistfulmaiden

        ... Says a butt licker:/

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