Why do i act like this?

I was seeing a guy for a few months Il be honest he was the only one that kept coming back so I became emotionally invested to him even though he didnt really treat me well at the end.At the start everything was so exciting and he made me feel very sexy and wanted then towards the end we both had exams and he just stopped talking to me as much,stopped making the effort .All my friends disliked him but yet i still pursued him because is saw good in him.I actually thought things were going somewhere and visualised this perfect life but he just wanted some fun.I blame myself so much for lecturing him about how he should treat me , he never listened by the way and now iv scared him away and friended him on social media because of how I feel, but i keep blaming myself .I told him i never had good luck with men and he was the first one to show any real interest and that I was sorry, I have to ruin every good thing I have.I kept saying sorry even though he caused a lot of the pain.I dont know what the hell is wrong with me?He treated me badly and I was stil clinging to him

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Comments ( 5 )
  • DuHast

    You live and learn... But you shouldn't blame yourself for things that aren't your fault.

    Sounds like maybe you need to build your self-esteem. But until then, you can still make it look like you have lots of self-worth/respect, even if your self image is temporarily at a low.
    You don't want to let him (or anyone) see you as having such low value/worth as you might feel. And blaming yourself when it's not your fault or putting up with bad treatment are both ways to do that.

    Anyway, it happens to a lot of people that they cling to others who treat them badly. But it's always a bad idea to think that you can change someone. Just know that you deserve better, and don't give anyone a reason to think you're the type of person who's willing to put up with crap.
    You'll get over this guy, if you haven't already... because clearly he was a bit of a dick.

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  • riffraffy

    You wanted more commitment than he was willing to give you. Maybe you wanted too much too soon, or maybe he didn't want to commit that much time and effort into you in the first place.

    "He treated me badly and I was still clinging to him."

    Girls are naturally more attracted to masculine guys who display confidence and aren't 'nice'. The type of guys who aren't approved by your friends and who will frustrate you and will never give you enough attention. A weird reality, but that's what love is.

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    • Ellenna

      That's not love, that's neediness and low self-esteem and all sorts of other neuroticisms

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      • riffraffy

        There was a time they'd call that lovesickness.

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        • Ellenna

          Maybe, but it's not love in my opinion

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