Why do i feel a hair on my nose when there is none?!

Oh my God, this is the most annoying sensation. All day today I have had the sensation of there being a tiny hair stuck to my nose, tickling it. It's like a cat hair or something similar drifted onto my nose, but the problem is, I have rubbed and looked in the mirror and there IS NO HAIR! It's driving me insane! I can't make the sensation go away; I'm honestly starting to get angry. Do you know how annoying the hair-tickling-face sensation is?


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Comments ( 7 )
  • Cbelle

    I have recently experienced the exact same thing now & again for about 3- 4 wks. It is weird & a bit unsettling. There has got to be an explanation. You have my sympathies.

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  • Evergreener1971

    This has been happening to me for two days now. I know you asked this long ago, but I was searching what would make my nose feel like this, and found your question. This is not the first time I have had this happen. I have a lot of allergies so it might be related to those. I also have nerve damage in my cervical spine and lumber spine. So it can be related to that also. Did you ever figure it out?

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  • chained_rage

    I think you are The One, Neo. You have already realised that there is no spoon/hair. Now all you need to do is walk into a gang fight and stop the bullets with your mind :)
    Go forth, Neo, save us all

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  • pixie44

    Did you try washing your face?

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  • RoseIsabella


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    • NeofelisNebulosa

      It's on the outside of my nose! It won't stop, my God!

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      • RoseIsabella


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