Why do i feel as if i'm different from other people?

I have always felt that there is something VERY different about me. I have always felt that there is something others do not...have? I don't know how to explain it. I have just felt that i'm not like other people. I do not know what it is and this is very complicated to explain.

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Comments ( 35 )
  • S0m3th1ng

    I think is pretty normal to find yourself very different from others, most of people think like that. I bealive that it happens because everyone is different in their own ways, so when you think about it you realize that everyone is unique.
    Because of that differences a lot of people think that they are way to different than others, but that is pretty normal, no need to worry.

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    • Somenormie

      We've always been unique to others.

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    • I guess. But it isn't like that. I mean like..maybe I have something everyone else doesn't have.

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      • Hookerfall

        Na imnrhe different one and have been told that many times

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  • olderdude-xx

    Actually, that could be a very good sign. You are aware of your own uniqueness...

    Now, what are you going to do to use that uniqueness to make your life and the world better?

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    • That last part was a bit humorous. I'm sorry, but there is nobody on this earth that can make the world a better place. And I cannot make my life better. You were okay until you added that last part..😬

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  • tmd_8504

    Yeah, I can totally relate to this. All my life i've always felt like I was different from others. Its really hard for me to make friends because I feel like whenever I talk to people theres always some type of disconnect between me and them. I only have a really small group of friends who I can genuinely relate to. I think that you're probably a very insightful person and when you say that you "have something that others do not have", you're saying that you feel like you can see things others don't. you're saying that your perspective of things and the way you approach things is different from others. you probably live in your head too. ur normal dude :)

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    • Maybe.

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  • bbrown95

    I think LloydAsher has a very good point when he says you know yourself better than you know anyone else, and this could be why you feel different. We never know other people on the same level as we know ourselves, no matter how close we are to them, so there are a lot of things they might feel that we'll never know about, while we are fully aware of everything that goes through our own minds.

    Otherwise, it's hard to say exactly why you feel different from others without knowing in what way you feel different, but I think we all feel that way to a certain extent.

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    • It is very hard to explain. It isn't the way you're thinking. I guess the best way to put it, is that I am not like the rest of people. Maybe there is something I have that other people don't? Like I said, it is kind of complicated. Very good response either way.

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  • LloydAsher

    Because only you have the ability to know what's going on in your noggin. Thus you know why you are special. Comparing how you view yourself, you are way more fleshed out compared to other people. Like comparing yourself to an NPC. You are only special because you are controlled by yourself.

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    • No, I do not know what it is that makes me very different from other people.

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  • "I'll level with you here. Every day, every week, we will get someone here that wants to come across as mysterious, different, unique, and/or important with the same approach. The problem with this is that such people typically only convince themselves and won't get the hint that everyone else finds such attempts of a sense of undeserved importance to be a social deterrent".
    Yeah and i'm not one of them. I didn't ask this question to come off as mysterious, unique, or important. Has nothing to do with me. Not convincing myself anything. Not doing anything that is a social deterrent.

    "Just take into account going forward that nobody will find you as important as you find yourself if you keep this up, and it's entirely likely that if you make a habit of feeling like you're unique while not really doing anything unique then most people will find you less interesting than the average person".

    Nope, don't find myself important. My existence doesn't matter any more or less than yours. And didn't really ask if people would find me interesting. That wasn't the reason I even asked this question from the getgo. If people find me less interesting than the average person, good. People themselves aren't even all that interesting. I didn't even ask this to come off as interesting.

    "It's not worth it. Find ways to be interesting in realistic ways. :)". I do not care to be interesting.

    Anyways, I appreciate your input anyways Mr.I like to encourage people to hurt animals👍

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  • Tommythecaty

    “I have always felt that there is something VERY different about me”

    Everyone feels like that. But it’s only those that also embody it in action that are.

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    • 👍

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  • jodi1955

    i know I am different, as everyone is, we are our own person and if we were all the same where would culture be?? we all need to express ourselves as we are made, accept others as they are and not try to change them to fit our idea of who they should be

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    • Our?

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    It's normal because we're all different. No one is exactly the same and we live our own independent life internally. Anyone saying you're autistic or mentally ill is making wild assumptions for no valid reason.

    You are simply you. You're one of a kind and that's how you're different and how we all are.

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    • Thanks.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Or normal

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  • Back to you👍

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  • Alright👍 there is also nothing anybody can do about wanting to murder those you love.

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    • KholatKhult


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      • lol

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  • How?

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  • Not like that.

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  • Mentally ill?

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  • Batman950

    That is the question, why do you feel different? Everyone is obviously different than everyone else, no two people are the same, but without details it is hard to know what you are asking.

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    • It is very hard to explain. I think I have something others do not have I guess is the best way to put it.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I am gifted in the sense I get obsessed with my hobbies and progress fast.

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      • Chap

        Maybe you have autism?

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        • I don't think so. There is no indication I am autistic.

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