Why do i have an anorexia fetish
I’m not the kind to encourage or promote eating disorders in any way abs I would absolutely NEVER force someone to starve themselves for me because that’s pretty fucking sick and awful, but I do get sexual pleasure off of looking at pictures whether it be real or drawn of those who have eating disorders that are very thin
Like not all the way skeletal but those who just have ribs showing and such
And I know that a lot of people who fetishize this are ofc looked down apon and such cause it’s gross and usually they harm others but I’m genuinely confused to why I like this?? (Again I have and will never force anyone to starve and I would never encourage such a thing) I’ve been trying to find answers but have found nothing and I’m genuinely concerned, sometimes I feel disgusted with myself but I don’t know what to do or why Im like this
Ever since I was a child I would pleasure myself to those who got injured in television shows or cartoons and then it developed into this