Why do i keep getting acne

Ive tried so many ways of getting rid of acne but they just wont go away. Ive tried washing my face every morning and every night but they get redder and bigger. Ive tried adding face masks at night and leave while I sleep but nothing changes in the morning. Ive tried putting face mask on in the sun and let it dry but still the problem is there. Ive also contacted my docotor but the doctor said to use the medication he given me but it does not wont work. Is there any home remedies you guys know that will definitely work?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • lama

    I have acne too. It deepens if you have blackheads, whiteheads, or pimples.(I have all 3)more of blackheads than the other. But as you stated you have pimples then just leave if, but still, wash your face at night and morning. And don't touch it a lot or pick at it.

    If you have blackheads than using these strips called, biore strips.Which will help A LOT. Use it once every 3 days. If you use more than that then you will have rashes or your face will turn red.

    And, if you have whiteheads then also use biore strips but mine are REALLy small and you can't see them (usually my whiteheads are on my chin and nose. So just get a booby pin and rack yes rack it on whereever it is. (the hop/hole part)

    And, I hope your Acne goes away. Also be patient!!!

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  • charli.m

    I found what works best for me is washing with a gentle cleanser, using witch hazel as a toner, spraying with neroli water, then moisturising while my face is still wet.

    Change your pillow case every three days or so.

    For really bad shit, Clearasil cotton pads with salicylic acid work unbelievably well and usually clear things within 24hrs. I wouldn't use them all the time, though.

    Diet can be a contributing factor. Dairy is one of the main culprits, but you'll have to work out what dietary triggers you have, if any.

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  • bubsy

    Try cutting the sugar out of your diet. See how your face reacts.

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  • hellokitty45

    this is probably gonna sound dumb but i had acne for like 5 years and once i stopped exfoliating and switched strictly to a cream cleanser, my skin improved so much. Also a sea salt water mix is was good for my pimples but ik its not that simple for everyone :/

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  • bimbobamboo

    no dont stop having dairy its very important for growth. got to the doctor and ask for a topical ointment. I have all 3 types of acne, and my doctor gave me something called tretinoin ointment. it gor rid of everything in a matte of few days, even the stuff on my back, which used to be a minefield.

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  • skyandfrank

    i know EXACTLY how u feel. ive been struggling with acne for years now and its never been this bad. i would get so frustrated because i would always take good care of my skin. Its good to know im not the only one, because sometimes it sure does feel like it. but i would definently reccomend using a scrub instead just a regular smooth face wash because that will really get rid of the puss and bacteria in the pimples.

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  • SmokeEverything

    Condoms often fall victim to sabotage in pregnancy trap schemes

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  • wigz

    Chemical peels are cheap and typically very effective.

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  • Lillygir1

    Cause you didn't eat enough green goi they served in school canteen.

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