Why do i still get scared?

I'm an atheist, therefore I don't believe in demons, I also don't believe in ghosts, monsters or aliens visiting us yet I have an unrational fear of ghosts.

We live in a three story house with my brother sleeping downstairs, there's stairs down but no door so turning the light on at night wakes him up so if I have to come down at night it's in the dark.

I know these things don't exist but sometimes if I come downstairs at night my mind pictures things reaching out for me in the dark and following me up the stairs etc, I know they don't exist but occasionally still creep myself out like this, IIN?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • EccentricWeird


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    • The bottom floor is one room that was meant to be a basement but my bro's there because he got kicked out of his apartment cos he couldn't afford it. I've had to eat noodles for a few days because i'm struggling to get to my next pay day. Hardly fucking rich am I andy? you dick

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      • EccentricWeird

        It was a joke you blue hat wearing shithouse!

        And who are you???

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        • Someone who doesn't find you funny and rolls his/her eyes at 90% of your comments

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          • EccentricWeird

            You should really narrow it down a bit...

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  • mountain-man82

    The dark has a way of scaring people because you cant see whats there, so you end up feeling like there could be things there that want to harm you. Thats nornal, but dont let it affect you. Just realize that its only a fear and that you are in no danger.

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  • Aliens are real......the truth is out there..........

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    • I have a friend who swears he was abducted by the greys multiple times and they did experiments on him.

      He's either telling the truth or delusional. I know he's not purposely lying because it's all he talks about to everybody to the point of extreme obsession. He wrote a book on his experience and participates in ufo and alien abductee groups. Most people think he is insane but I don't think the greys seem that unbelievable since so many people have similar stories.

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      • I believe that there is a possibility of alien life, space is infinite it's hard to believe there aren't at least microbes out there, for an infinite amount of space there must be at least one planet with the right conditions for life, I just don't think they've ever come remotly close to visiting us.

        As for so many others have experience, loads of people have claimed experiences with ghosts and religious icons too but if so many are affected by these things how come no one has any proof of what's happened.

        People who have claimed proof have been disproven. Stigmata marks have been self inflicted, footage of ghosts has been faked and implanted objects frm aliens have again been self inflicted.

        For so long now thousands of people have been involved in paranormal activity and not one has had proof that hasn't been doctored

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