Why do men have a wave on their head

Why do all men nowadays cut a haircut with a wave on their head which makes them look weird? I think all men should have long hair unless they have really stringy hair when its long but if so I think they should have an even straight haircut without a random wave on the top and especially not a fade because its so ugly. I dont understand the wave trend. Why do you want to willingly not frame your face? This is a new thing. I think it comes from different countries because I see those turkish hairdressers always have that haircut and photos of it all over their salons. I see that through the window. And they always charge less so men love to go to them because they charge less for simple good haircut. Ive never come across a woman who liked that haircut on men but few that hated it. Just neutral but would prefer something else. Not that it matters but its my obervation. I do not understand the trend but there are many trends I dont understand. Like bleaching your eyebrows :(

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Comments ( 5 )
  • bbrown95

    I think I know what you're talking about. I think it's just a trend, and will probably fade out sooner or later.

    I personally am not a fan of the current women's hairstyles where the waves in front curl in towards their face (though I'm seeing more that are curled away from the face and like that much better), nor the ones where they curl the hair and leave the ends straight.

    There is always a funky hairstyle or two that is popular during each era, I believe!

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Trends are weird sometimes. Then again my fashion sense is still stuck in 2004. XD

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I haven’t seen that one in my area yet, the “curtains” is still enjoying its renaissance.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    I tried Googling Wave Haircut and hairstyles for black men came up. Is that what you're talking about???

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  • ospry

    Is this the hairstyle you're referring to? It's one of the first images that shows up in Google


    If that's what you're talking about, it looks like an optical illusion. Not overtly ugly but not really pleasant to look at it in my opinion. If you're referring to something else Google didn't offer any other suggestions

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