Why do millennial men like having facial hair

I’ve noticed millennial men like to have facial hair, most have full on beards.

I’ve always found guys with lots of facial hair to be unattractive, and most 25-40 year olds who have beards were ugly to begin with. And to make things worse so many of them are fat.

Why are people born from 1980—1996 so lame?

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Comments ( 19 )
  • kikilizzo

    Facial hair is attractive. If I want smooth skin I can just date a woman. If a man doesnt have a beard or stubble I just assume he can't grow one and is a weak soyboy.

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  • randypete

    my wife hates me having a beard it makes her legs sore

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  • AsterBean

    I think they do it to annoy people who hate beards.

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  • Tommythecaty

    *rolls eyes

    Almost impossibly incorrect.

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  • jackstormwater

    Beards do cover the double chin, and certain beard shapes can create the illusion of a narrower face. So it makes sense that if you’re overweight, you might opt for a beard.

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  • KholatKhult

    Is it a millennial thing ?
    I got a bit of a fireman’s mustache going right now but I keep my beard short
    I’d have to shave everyday to be clean shaven, and I’d have stubble by dinner anyway. Just too much to fuss about

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  • darefu

    Millennials are the Duck Dynasty gen. They didn't pick up on the values but they saw the beards!

    Maybe they are out to prove, you don't have to be a conservative, religious, right leaning person to have a beard. A lot of the beard growers I've met are far left progressives.

    Don't know if that's true in the USA as much! Is it?

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  • LloydAsher

    Yeah my job needs me clean and shaven. Farthest before they checked me on that was short of a month and I had to awkwardly shave with a box cutter. Because I had no access to a razor.

    Never again, terrible tool, took 8x longer and I still feel the razor burn. Managed to not slit my throat though so that's something.

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  • LloydAsher

    God I wish I could grow a beard. Could pass for a half goatee but my drivers license shows that was a bad idea.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Yeah I don't see the appeal either. I don't think they look good at all. Plus they're young, but having a beard makes them look older, so it's like a waste of their youthful looks. I'd say it'd be better to have a beard when you're older since it could help cover up any wrinkles. Still, that's just my opinion, and if they're happy with it then good for them.

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  • ospry

    I think being overweight has something to do with it. When I was really overweight I wanted to have a beard because I convinced myself it disguised how fat my face was. People who think like that are simply in denial

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    • LloydAsher

      Or that if you are lazy enough to get fat you are lazy enough to not shave.

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      • ospry

        In my case it was a really bad anxiety disorder and eating as a coping mechanism, not necessarily laziness

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        • LloydAsher

          Not the same thing but I buy small chip bags to curb my tendency to empty a bag. Plus my hormones are kinda wack right now so weight gain is a given.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Like Orson Wells?

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  • up_my_ass_boiz

    they have weak jawlines so they're hiding their faces behind beards. they also spend so much of their time gaming, no friends except for those online, so less need to move about and be presentable.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      She said millennials not gen z. Millennials dont have the same gaming culture.

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      • darefu

        Sorry, disagree!

        There is actually a survey that was recently put out where the younger gen z and maybe the following gen are turning off the games.

        Their parents are so into them, that as the normal things kids do, they see them as a waste and parent old person thing.

        I laughed when I first heard of it. I think it was a ABC news story. They were talking about Disney and what they are looking at for next gen entertainment. Ai in some form or fashion is probably going to be the direction.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          I go on discord a lot which is a voice chat app used by a lot of gamers and most of the gamers are gen z. Seems like millennials have put the games down. Also anime is very popular with young ppl.

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