Why do most women do not date transmen?
Why is that? I have a girlfriend but it's hard to fine someone like her.
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Why is that? I have a girlfriend but it's hard to fine someone like her.
I personally like a natural man, with the XY chromosomes. I'm not interested in being with someone who doesn't have a real penis, and has to take hormones. That's my personal preference, and I think everyone has a right to his or her personal preferences. I also tend to prefer blonds, or guys with blue eyes.
So you prefer Owen Wilson lol
That's fine I'm not forcing any cis girl to be with me. I just wanted your opinion. That's fine.
Depends if you mean transgender or transex. Also if transsex how far transex? Now starting at the gender root it means you are either a male who dresses, acts, and want to be indentified as female or male who dresses, acts, identifies as female. Regardless of how you feel are still biologically that sex, and even if all respect that doesn't mean they are attracted to what you think you are. If we go with transsex thats a couple of reasons. Theres transex who indentify as that with hormones but dont have parts that match thier identity. Like you might be a female to male who takes hormones but still has a vagina. That will turn off a lot of people. If say you go full way and transition some might be disturbed or not agree with that lifestyle and still think of you as whatever sex you were born as. Not the one you were turned into.
The clitoris enlarges when on hormones so it's not like a woman's vagina anymore. It's still not a man but it doesn't look like a woman's part anymore. You're right and a penis is not a clitoris. It's made from the same skin texture but that doesn't make it so. So I understand it all.
Because most straight women want a guy with a penis. They don't want pussy and they're not into sucking a transman's enlarged clit. Yeah there are prostetic cocks, but women like the feel, look, taste, etc of a real one. A fake isn't going to compare. I'm Not trying to be rude or anything, btw.
Aww I love it when my girl does that..
Yea I agree 100% most women are not into transguys enlarged clit. Just because my girl likes the feel of my big trans boy clit in her mouth doesn't mean all girls dig that shit. I usually use my prosthetic though. I get what you're saying hun, some cis women just don't like transguys. It's understandable lol
Going the Trans route is just really messed up to me. Gay, lesbian or bi is fine but Trans? That's really fucked up. In my mind it makes you an "it" neither male or female.
On the subject of why woman don't like dating Trans men. My answer is they want a normal man not the Frankenstein equivalent of a man.
Cuz Im not a lesbian (or if you want me to be "PC", I am not "pansexual"). Very few trans men actually look like attractive men, and have boring / disordered personalities (usually around the Narcissistic / autistic side) on top of that. I'm not interested in someone who wants to try out their inflatable clit and / or plastic strap on cock. You asked "most" so I will generalize too. I have seen some cute lesbian / transmen, but it's VERY rare especially as I am not attracted to most women, no matter how many artificial male qualities they inject.
Well if you liked a transman it wouldn't make you lesbian. You don't have to date one.
"Very few trans men actually look like attractive men, and have boring / disordered personalities (usually around the Narcissistic / autistic side) on top of that."
Just for you saying that, not all autistic/Aspergers have boring personalities. We're mostly adventurous.
Aren't most guys narsistic lol
Autistic doesn't mean anything
Not all transmen are autistic
Not all guys are attractive
Most transmen have got called attractive before. You're probably looking at the wrong people?
Are you worried that transmen act feminine? Don't act like you're typical manly man?
Well I got news for you not all transmen are feminine. Like myself I'm very masculine and dominant. My girlfriend tells me that.
Because most straight women want a real man with a real penis. Not a juiced up woman with a large clit, or plastic dick prosthetic.
Surely there are people interested in dating a trans, but it's not a common thing.
Well then I'm guessing my girlfriend is a rare one. I have no way to cheat on her because let's face it she's the only one who would want me. If I loose her, then I might have to go with a pansexual girl or gender none conforming girl. All I'm saying is she better be feminine In some way. Act submissive in the bedroom for me. That's hott but I know most lesbians,pansexual and gender none conforming don't like that. There all with the SJW and feminism bullshit. That's why I love strait girls because there not ashamed of being feminine and SUB. Most like a manly man. most lessbians, pansexual and gender none conforming women think masculinity is toxic. It's really sad...why do they think that lol
Don't cheat on your girlfriend. I've never cheated on a girl I've been with. Doesn't matter if we date for 2 weeks, or 2 years. When I'm with a woman, I fully commit to her and expect the same. I've never cheated and I advise you do the same.
And I agree, modern feminists and the sjw trash are pure garbage! I love women that embrace femininity and being girly. I get tomboyish girls, but those freaks aren't that. They are bitter, ugly and stupid, using feminism to try and justify their ineptness in life.
I've been with my girlfriend for 2 years now and she dislikes feminists. One time she had the best comeback to a feminist telling her the usual men are evil crap at a bar. Before I could even say anything, she smirked at me and said to the feminist "At least I'm getting some". My girlfriend is savage!!! She roasted that bitch in one simple sentence, far better than any comeback I would have had. I'd love to know how burnt the feminazi felt getting that comeback from this very thin, very elegant and feminine beauty that then smiles at her boyfriend and carries on proud.
She doesn't mind doing stuff around the house, loves dressing up for just about anything, loves wearing high heels, is very delicate and wants me to teach her how to drift her car and all of this is just awesome... She can drive me wild with a single look. I see myself proposing to her in the not-so-distant future...
But one of the best things a woman can do for a man is be supportive, loving and believe in him. She has helped me in some harder times and I will greatly value that for the rest of my life. Anyone that can do that for me, gets my utmost respect and my support.
No I will not cheat on her but even if I did I would be lost unlike cis guys who can hop to one girl to the next. We transmen can't do that because it's harder to fine people who accept us.
No I'm just saying most pansexual women don't act feminine.
I'm writing a post about it.
Do you have a life apart from always seeking attention for being a trans? We all got the message, you are something we can't conceive and we now need to learn 72 new gender pronouns or get fired for hurting your feelings, because when you can't bring some genuine information to the world, you need to invent something to feel special somehow.
There's no such as 72 genders, what are you talking about? There is only 2 genders. Transgender is not another gender. If you're talking about those people who believe there's hundreds of genders, then your not listening to transgender people. Those are the people who make transgender people look like a joke. There the ones who are making us look bad.
Because trans men are gross. They have all the worst features of each gender. Body hair, vaginas, stupid lgbt mindset and so on really.
You forgot enlarged clitoris :)
And I don't really care that much about the LGBT community. I don't go to pride parades either because I believe it makes us show negative attention to ourselves. It's not relevant.
most women want a family why waste time with a woman pretending to be a man, fuck that shit,
Honestly it's probably because they don't know anything about trans men and are afraid of it all. Or the ones that do know about it are just closed minded and unfortunately think it's weird. Either way it's not you, it's them.
I never wanted to date a transman because I love penises and want children. Also, many of the transmen that I've seen in real life look more feminine than I want a man to look.
People are hung up on what is between someone's legs.
Try not to forget that the dating scene is a nightmare no matter who someone is.
On a different note - kind of sad to see how the FTMs go through the same thing as MTFs. I would dare say the FTMs have things even worse in a lot of ways.
It's ok, there not being transphobic because I really don't believe I have to put labels. There just stating on what they believe. It's fine if they don't agree with me. It's when they start putting me down and saying bulling stuff like I shouldn't exist is not nice.
There not assholes if they don't want to date a transgender person. They start being assholes when they say things like no body will ever want a transman or a transman should go kill them selfs.
DarkDemonicDesires a penis is not a clitoris. It's made from the same skin texture but that doesn't make it so. It's ok I understand your trying to help and I appreciate that. But the facts are the facts and I'm ok with that because I live with it.
Because most people are attracted to the same sex biologically. I feel sorry that they go through what they do, but let's be honest, when was the last time a straight girl wanted a petite guy with huge tits, shaven, tiny chin and a pussy. People can't help what they're attracted to generally, and as much has we push the narrative that they are 100% women, people won't buy it on a basic biological level, if they could then the gays would have had a much better time the last millennium and a half
What does being short have anything to do with anything? Lots of people would date a short person.
You know a man with a small frame can be well built, fit, muscular, well proportioned, slender. Petite is a term used for women and not for men.
The transman could get surgery to remove breast.
Again he can get surgery for that. If not there are devices he can use.
Not all transmen are short and I know a transman personally who is 5'10. How's that for petite lol
I'm pretty sure 5'10 is about average. Ye I get the general sentiment you're trying to get across, straight women are attracted to masculine features and you'd be hard-pressed to find a transwoman who doesn't hold onto feminine features.
There was a gay transman on YouTube who was 6'0. Like I said we all come in all shapes in sizes.
Transmen can have masculine features. For someone born female I always had wide shoulders. There even wider since Testosterone.
You're right about some transwomen still look male looking. A lot of them don't pass. Some do but it's pretty rare.
Oh ye some do, just like some transwomen do. I imagine it would be difficult to sort out the chin and such features. I think if you've got good enough game you'll be able to pick up chicks tbh. Game goes so far in picking up women, and women are generally more emotionally attached, I reckon if you're game was good enough and you kept hitting on them even if they said they weren't interested you could turn a few round. You've also got to be prepared to get turned down a lot that's just part of fishing for girls.
You seem calm today, cause normally you go on tangents about being transgender and having rights.
Liking this calmness. Anyway, to answer your question, I don't know. I've never encountered a Transgender in person before. I've met drag queens though.