Why do mostly unintelligent people and poor people get pitbulls?

A pitbull has a certain kind of natural personality. It requires money or brains to be able to truely raise a dog like that. Most of the people I've seen that have one completely lack those qualities. The dog winds up becoming agressive and they ultimately wind up taking the dog to the shelter. The shelters here have more pitbulls than any other dog and they're often euthanized. It's not fair.

The few people I've seen that had money or brains wound up with a pitbull that was sweet, loyal, and people loving. Why are pitbulls constantly sold to people that can't handle them? It's like the second they get out into the wrong person's hands it's like the poor doggies never stood a chance in life.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    if you live in a shitty neighborhood where assaults and robberies are common a big mean fightin dog is an asset

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    • Narwhalbabe

      But they turn on their owners just as much as anyone else

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  • Vvaas

    apbt (american pit bull terriers) are genetically predispositioned to dog and animal aggression, it's in their breed standard and it's a fact no matter how much some people try to deny it. apbt are probably among the most misunderstood breed filled with false facts and misconceptions. don't even get me started on the people who think they were ever called "nanny dogs" 🙄

    despite this though the apbt isn't inherently a bad breed. with a responible handler who actually understands the breeds temperament and is capable of safely handling and containing such a breed, there are no issues.

    the issue is uneducated people going out and getting one who have done little to no proper research on the breed itself and either cannot handle the breeds aggression or highly driven personality and it ends up attacking another dog or redirecting onto a person.

    apbt were bred to work, they are a highly driven breed that require a lot of exercise and stimulation, as well as needing a handler who can accept and responsibly handle the dog if it has some level of aggression towards animals or other dogs.

    most people just see a tough dog and go out and get one because either they think it makes them look cool and intimidating or that it'll be a good guard dog, however you also get the opposite end who are crazy pit bull people who think apbt are 100% sweet and innocent and could never harm anything and think they can magically train out aggression in a breed where it was bred for that and genetically predispositioned to it.

    imo apbt are an amazing dog and are amazing in the right hands, however the fact is the majority of apbt owners are not the right people to even be owning one. i personally think apbt should be owned by people who are experienced with dogs already and to people who understand what they're getting into and are capable of handling a high strung breed.

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  • Narwhalbabe

    Please visitor/banpitbulls on Reddit. I totally agree.
    Poor people don't spay or nueter and usually not very desirable so they end up in shelters a lot. Bitches have at least 8 puppies if not more They destroy stuff, are neurotic, can seem sweet but anything can set them off and nobody knows when. Look at the news a lot of attacks happen just this year.
    I'm not playing Russian roulette with my safety. Dumb people like drama and feeling" tough" but they are just as likely to be the victim.
    They also have lots of skin allergies and fart a lot.

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    • bbrown95

      Agreed. Sad, but true. At the very least, they need someone aware of their needs who can safely contain them. I personally don't trust them and wouldn't have one, myself, but it's sad to see how so many end up. I wish there was a way to enforce mandatory spay and neuter, it would be so much more humane and I don't see how any reasonable person could be against that.

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      • Narwhalbabe

        My issue is shelters are trying to foist them on anyone as " family dogs" not true not good.

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        • bbrown95

          Absolutely. Completely unsafe and irresponsible.

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      • Wow3986

        Y'all really like making certain dogs seem like evil little creatures, don't you?

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    They're a commonly bred dog by backyard breeders. This makes them cheap to obtain.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Rednecks and black ppl love pitbulls. It annoys me how they let the dogs run free and those dogs could kill a kid. Luckily my entire property is fenced so I dont have to worry about a dog killijg the kids.

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  • LloydAsher

    Correlation is not causation. That being said if you need a scary dog to protect your stuff. Pit bull is the way to go. Furry companion with the might and the grit to protect its shit.

    I perfer dogs that are small and have rice sized teeth.

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    • Narwhalbabe

      But they're neither very smart nor trainable. They attack their own family just as often as intruders. Plus ...I mean, screw the mailman or someone visiting? A real guard dog doesn't attack indiscriminately it follows the owners lead and stops when called off.
      Pits just wanna maul things.

      They are cheap to free though and available so...

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      • LloydAsher

        You just answered your own question

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  • Rumpelforeskin

    Any dog will deter burglars they don't exactly like loud attention attracting noises. Only extremely experienced dog trainers should even bother attempting ownership of a pitbull.

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  • momgetthecamera

    Status symbol, people who would be cowards without their child mauler in front of them. Or misguided women who think they’re ‘misunderstood’ dogs and don’t want to see the statistics.

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  • Bassmachine

    Did you watch Ghetto Dawg 😂 terrible movie worst I've seen.

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    • LloydAsher

      I just imagined a pitbull in a durag

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  • bbrown95

    There tends to be an abundance of them, and like you said, they fill up the shelters quickly, so my guess is that they're the cheapest and most readily available. I've seen a lot of shelters really push them on people (in very unethical ways, I might add, such as lying about their breed and/or history) and offer discounts for them as well, since they're the hardest to adopt out.

    Also, unfortunately, some people are attracted to the "tough" look and reputation of pitbulls, and I think some even pride themselves on owning aggressive dogs (judging by some of the pit owners I've met who seem to encourage aggression rather than prevent it). I think some think that having a menacing looking and intimidating dog makes them look "badass".

    Then, there is also the crowd that completely ignores the genetics of a breed and tries to treat them like lapdogs rather than the breed they actually are. The thing is, different dog breeds exist for a reason, and so they all have different needs in order to thrive. It's the same with the people who get huskies when they live in small apartments and don't plan to regularly exercise them outside. You cannot change the genetics of an animal (regardless of training), so they need to be handled a specific way depending on the animal they are, not what one wishes they were. I definitely think they're a breed who requires an educated owner who is aware of their needs and knows how to manage them (and doesn't have kids, elderly family members, or other animals living with them), and doesn't do irresponsible things like not securing them properly (I swear, almost every time I see a loose dog running through a neighborhood, it's always a pit), bringing them to dog parks and allow them to fight with other dogs (and the owners usually just stand there and do nothing), etc. Though this is may be an unpopular opinion, I think the pitbull lobby has spread a lot of misinformation about them and deceived people about their needs, as well, which ends up only failing them in the long run.

    I also wish there was a way to enforce the mandatory spaying and neutering of them, considering they're euthanized more than any other breed and fill up shelters because there are so many unwanted ones. They unfortunately seem to attract a lot of backyard breeders, probably because of the fact that they're inexpensive to acquire and readily available.

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  • Tinybird

    I mistakenly read this as "why do mostly unintelligent people and poor people eat pitbulls?"

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    • CMFINC

      i can see why you though that... there good with bbq sauce or mixed in scrambled eggs

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  • kikilizzo

    From what ive seen most such people have rottweilers and chihauhaus, and they can never handle either one of those dogs. Pitbulls are common too though.

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